- Synopsis
Double precision floating point loads (C.FLD, C.FLDSP), 16-bit encodings
- {cheri_cap_mode_name} Mnemonic (RV32)
c.fld frd', offset(cs1'/csp)
- {cheri_cap_mode_name} Expansion (RV32)
fld frd', offset(csp)
- {cheri_int_mode_name} Mnemonic
c.fld fs2, offset(rs1'/sp)
- {cheri_int_mode_name} Expansion
fld fs2, offset(rs1'/sp)
- Encoding
wavedrom/c-sp-load-css-dp.adoc wavedrom/c-sp-load-css-dp-sprel.adoc
- {cheri_int_mode_name} Description
Standard floating point stack pointer relative load instructions, authorized by the capability in [ddc].
These instructions are available in RV64 {cheri_int_mode_name} only. In RV64 {cheri_cap_mode_name} they are remapped to [C.LC]/[C.LCSP]. |
These encodings may be remapped by future code-size Zcm standard extensions, similar to [Zcmp] and [Zcmt]. The rule is that in RV64 {cheri_cap_mode_name} they are always remapped to [C.SC]/[C.SCSP]. |
- Prerequisites for {cheri_cap_mode_name} (RV32 only)
{cheri_base_ext_name}, C and D; or
{cheri_base_ext_name}, Zca and Zcd - Prerequisites for {cheri_int_mode_name}
{cheri_default_ext_name}, C and D; or
{cheri_default_ext_name}, Zca and Zcd - Operation (after expansion to 32-bit encodings)
See [FLD]