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Word/Doubleword/Quadword CAS (AMOCAS.W/D/Q)

{reg: [
  {bits:  7, name: 'opcode', attr:'AMO'},
  {bits:  5, name: 'rd', attr:'dest'},
  {bits:  3, name: 'funct3', attr:['010', '011', '100']},
  {bits:  5, name: 'rs1', attr:'addr'},
  {bits:  5, name: 'rs2', attr:'src'},
  {bits:  1, name: 'rl'},
  {bits:  1, name: 'aq'},
  {bits:  5, name: '00101', attr:['AMOCAS.W', 'AMOCAS.D', 'AMOCAS.Q']},
], config:{lanes: 1, hspace:1024}}

For RV32, AMOCAS.W atomically loads a 32-bit data value from address in rs1, compares the loaded value to the 32-bit value held in rd, and if the comparison is bitwise equal, then stores the 32-bit value held in rs2 to the original address in rs1. The value loaded from memory is placed into register rd. The operation performed by AMOCAS.W for RV32 is as follows:

    temp = mem[X(rs1)]
    if ( temp == X(rd) )
        mem[X(rs1)] = X(rs2)
    X(rd) = temp

AMOCAS.D is similar to AMOCAS.W but operates on 64-bit data values.

For RV32, AMOCAS.D atomically loads 64-bits of a data value from address in rs1, compares the loaded value to a 64-bit value held in a register pair consisting of rd and rd+1, and if the comparison is bitwise equal, then stores the 64-bit value held in the register pair rs2 and rs2+1 to the original address in rs1. The value loaded from memory is placed into the register pair rd and rd+1. The instruction requires the first register in the pair to be even numbered; encodings with odd numbered registers specified in rs2 and rd are reserved. When the first register of a source register pair is x0, then both halves of the pair read as zero. When the first register of a destination register pair is x0, then the entire register result is discarded and neither destination register is written. The operation performed by AMOCAS.D for RV32 is as follows:

    temp0 = mem[X(rs1)+0]
    temp1 = mem[X(rs1)+4]
    comp0 = (rd == x0)  ? 0 : X(rd)
    comp1 = (rd == x0)  ? 0 : X(rd+1)
    swap0 = (rs2 == x0) ? 0 : X(rs2)
    swap1 = (rs2 == x0) ? 0 : X(rs2+1)
    if ( temp0 == comp0 ) && ( temp1 == comp1 )
        mem[X(rs1)+0] = swap0
        mem[X(rs1)+4] = swap1
    if ( rd != x0 )
        X(rd)   = temp0
        X(rd+1) = temp1

For RV64, AMOCAS.W atomically loads a 32-bit data value from address in rs1, compares the loaded value to the lower 32 bits of the value held in rd, and if the comparison is bitwise equal, then stores the lower 32 bits of the value held in rs2 to the original address in rs1. The 32-bit value loaded from memory is sign-extended and is placed into register rd. The operation performed by AMOCAS.W for RV64 is as follows:

    temp[31:0] = mem[X(rs1)]
    if ( temp[31:0] == X(rd)[31:0] )
        mem[X(rs1)] = X(rs2)[31:0]
    X(rd) = SignExtend(temp[31:0])

For RV64, AMOCAS.D atomically loads 64-bits of a data value from address in rs1, compares the loaded value to a 64-bit value held in rd, and if the comparison is bitwise equal, then stores the 64-bit value held in rs2 to the original address in rs1. The value loaded from memory is placed into register rd. The operation performed by AMOCAS.D for RV64 is as follows:

    temp = mem[X(rs1)]
    if ( temp == X(rd) )
        mem[X(rs1)] = X(rs2)
    X(rd) = temp

AMOCAS.Q (RV64 only) atomically loads 128-bits of a data value from address in rs1, compares the loaded value to a 128-bit value held in a register pair consisting of rd and rd+1, and if the comparison is bitwise equal, then stores the 128-bit value held in the register pair rs2 and rs2+1 to the original address in rs1. The value loaded from memory is placed into the register pair rd and rd+1. The instruction requires the first register in the pair to be even numbered; encodings with odd numbered registers specified in rs2 and rd are reserved. When the first register of a source register pair is x0, then both halves of the pair read as zero. When the first register of a destination register pair is x0, then the entire register result is discarded and neither destination register is written. The operation performed by AMOCAS.Q is as follows:

    temp0 = mem[X(rs1)+0]
    temp1 = mem[X(rs1)+8]
    comp0 = (rd == x0)  ? 0 : X(rd)
    comp1 = (rd == x0)  ? 0 : X(rd+1)
    swap0 = (rs2 == x0) ? 0 : X(rs2)
    swap1 = (rs2 == x0) ? 0 : X(rs2+1)
    if ( temp0 == comp0 ) && ( temp1 == comp1 )
        mem[X(rs1)+0] = swap0
        mem[X(rs1)+8] = swap1
    if ( rd != x0 )
        X(rd)   = temp0
        X(rd+1) = temp1

For a future RV128 extension, AMOCAS.Q would encode a single XLEN=128 register in rs2 and rd.


Some algorithms may load the previous data value of a memory location into the register used as the compare data value source by a Zacas instruction. When using a Zacas instruction that uses a register pair to source the compare value, the two registers may be loaded using two individual loads. The two individual loads may read an inconsistent pair of values but that is not an issue since the AMOCAS operation itself uses an atomic load-pair from memory to obtain the data value for its comparison.

The following example code sequence illustrates the use of AMOCAS.D in a RV32 implementation to atomically increment a 64-bit counter.

# a0 - address of the counter.
  lw   a2, (a0)      # Load current counter value using
  lw   a3, 4(a0)     # two individual loads.
  mv   a6, a2        # Save the low 32 bits of the current value.
  mv   a7, a3        # Save the high 32 bits of the current value.
  addi a4, a2, 1     # Increment the low 32 bits.
  sltu a1, a4, a2    # Determine if there is a carry out.
  add  a5, a3, a1    # Add the carry if any to high 32 bits.
  amocas.d.aqrl a2, a4, (a0)
  bne  a2, a6, retry # If amocas.d failed then retry
  bne  a3, a7, retry # using current values loaded by amocas.d.

Just as for AMOs in the A extension, AMOCAS.W/D/Q requires that the address held in rs1 be naturally aligned to the size of the operand (i.e., 16-byte aligned for quadwords, eight-byte aligned for doublewords, and four-byte aligned for words). And the same exception options apply if the address is not naturally aligned.

Just as for AMOs in the A extension, the AMOCAS.W/D/Q optionally provide release consistency semantics, using the aq and rl bits, to help implement multiprocessor synchronization. The memory operation performed by an AMOCAS.W/D/Q, when successful, has acquire semantics if aq bit is 1 and has release semantics if rl bit is 1. The memory operation performed by an AMOCAS.W/D/Q, when not successful, has acquire semantics if aq bit is 1 but does not have release semantics, regardless of rl.

A FENCE instruction may be used to order the memory read access and, if produced, the memory write access by an AMOCAS.W/D/Q instruction.


An unsuccessful AMOCAS.W/D/Q may either not perform a memory write or may write back the old value loaded from memory. The memory write, if produced, does not have release semantics, regardless of rl.

An AMOCAS.W/D/Q instruction always requires write permissions.


The following example code sequence illustrates the use of AMOCAS.Q to implement the enqueue operation for a non-blocking concurrent queue using the algorithm outlined in cite:[queue]. The algorithm atomically operates on a pointer and its associated modification counter using the AMOCAS.Q instruction to avoid the ABA problem.

# Enqueue operation of a non-blocking concurrent queue.
# Data structures used by the queue:
#   structure pointer_t {ptr:   node_t *, count: uint64_t}
#   structure node_t    {next: pointer_t, value: data type}
#   structure queue_t   {Head: pointer_t, Tail:  pointer_t}
# Inputs to the procedure:
#   a0 - address of Tail variable
#   a4 - address of a new node to insert at tail
  ld   a6, (a0)          # a6 = Tail.ptr
  ld   a7, 8(a0)         # a7 = Tail.count
  ld   a2, (a6)          # a2 = Tail.ptr->next.ptr
  ld   a3, 8(a6)         # a3 = Tail.ptr->next.count
  ld   t1, (a0)
  ld   t2, 8(a0)
  bne  a6, t1, enqueue   # Retry if Tail & next are not consistent
  bne  a7, t2, enqueue   # Retry if Tail & next are not consistent
  bne  a2, x0, move_tail # Was tail pointing to the last node?
  mv   t1, a2            # Save Tail.ptr->next.ptr
  mv   t2, a3            # Save Tail.ptr->next.count
  addi a5, a3, 1         # Link the node at the end of the list
  amocas.q.aqrl a2, a4, (a6)
  bne  a2, t1, enqueue   # Retry if CAS failed
  bne  a3, t2, enqueue   # Retry if CAS failed
  addi a5, a7, 1         # Update Tail to the inserted node
  amocas.q.aqrl a6, a4, (a0)
  ret                    # Enqueue done
move_tail:               # Tail was not pointing to the last node
  addi a3, a7, 1         # Try to swing Tail to the next node
  amocas.q.aqrl a6, a2, (a0)
  j    enqueue           # Retry

Additional AMO PMAs

There are four levels of PMA support defined for AMOs in the A extension. Zacas defines three additional levels of support: AMOCASW, AMOCASD, and AMOCASQ.

AMOCASW indicates that in addition to instructions indicated by AMOArithmetic level support, the AMOCAS.W instruction is supported. AMOCASD indicates that in addition to instructions indicated by AMOCASW level support, the AMOCAS.D instruction is supported. AMOCASQ indicates that in addition to instructions indicated by AMOCASD level support, the AMOCAS.Q instruction is supported.


AMOCASW/D/Q require AMOArithmetic level support as the AMOCAS.W/D/Q instructions require ability to perform an arithmetic comparison and a swap operation.