In order to use WSO2 Helm resources, you need an active WSO2 Subscription. If you do not possess an active WSO2 Subscription already, you can sign up for a WSO2 Free Trial Subscription from here. Otherwise you can proceed with Docker images, which are created using GA releases.
Install Git, Helm (and Tiller) and Kubernetes client in order to run the steps provided in the following quick start guide.
An already setup Kubernetes cluster.
Install NGINX Ingress Controller.
Add the WSO2 Helm chart repository.
helm repo add wso2 https://helm.wso2.com && helm repo update
In the context of this document,
will refer to a local copy of thewso2/kubernetes-apim
Git repository.HELM_HOME
will refer to<KUBERNETES_HOME>/advanced
git clone https://github.com/wso2/kubernetes-apim.git
a. The default product configurations are available at <HELM_HOME>/am-pattern-1/confs
folder. Change the configurations, as necessary.
b. Open the <HELM_HOME>/am-pattern-1/values.yaml
and provide the following values.
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
wso2.subscription.username |
Your WSO2 Subscription username | "" |
wso2.subscription.password |
Your WSO2 Subscription password | "" |
If you do not have an active WSO2 subscription, do not change the parameters wso2.subscription.username
and wso2.subscription.password
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
wso2.deployment.dependencies.mysql |
Enable the deployment and usage of WSO2 API Management MySQL based Helm Chart | true |
wso2.deployment.dependencies.nfsProvisioner |
Enable the deployment and usage of NFS Server Provisioner (https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/nfs-server-provisioner) | true |
Persistent Runtime Artifact Configurations (applicable only when wso2.deployment.dependencies.nfsProvisioner
is disabled)
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
wso2.deployment.persistentRuntimeArtifacts.nfsServerIP |
External NFS Server IP | - |
wso2.deployment.persistentRuntimeArtifacts.sharedAPIMSynapseConfigsPath |
Exported location on external NFS Server to be mounted at <APIM_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs |
- |
wso2.deployment.persistentRuntimeArtifacts.sharedAPIMExecutionPlansPath |
Exported location on external NFS Server to be mounted at <APIM_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/executionplans |
- |
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
wso2.deployment.am.dockerRegistry |
Registry location of the Docker image to be used to create API Manager instances | - |
wso2.deployment.am.imageName |
Name of the Docker image to be used to create API Manager instances | wso2am |
wso2.deployment.am.imageTag |
Tag of the image used to create API Manager instances | 3.0.0 |
wso2.deployment.am.minReadySeconds |
Refer to doc | 240 |
wso2.deployment.am.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay for the live-ness probe for API Manager node | 240 |
wso2.deployment.am.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
Period of the live-ness probe for API Manager node | 10 |
wso2.deployment.am.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay for the readiness probe for API Manager node | 240 |
wso2.deployment.am.readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
Period of the readiness probe for API Manager node | 10 |
wso2.deployment.am.resources.requests.memory |
The minimum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod | 2Gi |
wso2.deployment.am.resources.requests.cpu |
The minimum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod | 2000m |
wso2.deployment.am.resources.limits.memory |
The maximum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod | 3Gi |
wso2.deployment.am.resources.limits.cpu |
The maximum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod | 3000m |
wso2.deployment.am.imagePullPolicy |
Refer to doc | Always |
Note: The above mentioned default, minimum resource amounts for running WSO2 API Manager server profiles are based on its official documentation.
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
wso2.deployment.analytics.dashboard.dockerRegistry |
Registry location of the Docker image to be used to create an API Manager Analytics instance | - |
wso2.deployment.analytics.dashboard.imageName |
Name of the Docker image to be used to create an API Manager Analytics instance | wso2am-analytics-dashboard |
wso2.deployment.analytics.dashboard.imageTag |
Tag of the image used to create an API Manager Analytics instance | 3.0.0 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.dashboard.replicas |
Number of replicas of API Manager Analytics to be started | 1 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.dashboard.minReadySeconds |
Refer to doc | 30 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.dashboard.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge |
Refer to doc | 1 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.dashboard.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable |
Refer to doc | 0 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.dashboard.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay for the live-ness probe for API Manager Analytics node | 20 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.dashboard.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
Period of the live-ness probe for API Manager Analytics node | 10 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.dashboard.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay for the readiness probe for API Manager Analytics node | 20 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.dashboard.readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
Period of the readiness probe for API Manager Analytics node | 10 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.dashboard.resources.requests.memory |
The minimum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod | 4Gi |
wso2.deployment.analytics.dashboard.resources.requests.cpu |
The minimum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod | 2000m |
wso2.deployment.analytics.dashboard.resources.limits.memory |
The maximum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod | 4Gi |
wso2.deployment.analytics.dashboard.resources.limits.cpu |
The maximum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod | 2000m |
wso2.deployment.analytics.dashboard.imagePullPolicy |
Refer to doc | Always |
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
wso2.deployment.analytics.worker.dockerRegistry |
Registry location of the Docker image to be used to create an API Manager Analytics instance | - |
wso2.deployment.analytics.worker.imageName |
Name of the Docker image to be used to create an API Manager Analytics instance | wso2am-analytics-worker |
wso2.deployment.analytics.worker.imageTag |
Tag of the image used to create an API Manager Analytics instance | 3.0.0 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.worker.replicas |
Number of replicas of API Manager Analytics to be started | 1 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.worker.minReadySeconds |
Refer to doc | 30 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.worker.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge |
Refer to doc | 1 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.worker.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable |
Refer to doc | 0 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.worker.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay for the live-ness probe for API Manager Analytics node | 20 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.worker.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
Period of the live-ness probe for API Manager Analytics node | 10 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.worker.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay for the readiness probe for API Manager Analytics node | 20 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.worker.readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
Period of the readiness probe for API Manager Analytics node | 10 |
wso2.deployment.analytics.worker.resources.requests.memory |
The minimum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod | 4Gi |
wso2.deployment.analytics.worker.resources.requests.cpu |
The minimum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod | 2000m |
wso2.deployment.analytics.worker.resources.limits.memory |
The maximum amount of memory that should be allocated for a Pod | 4Gi |
wso2.deployment.analytics.worker.resources.limits.cpu |
The maximum amount of CPU that should be allocated for a Pod | 2000m |
wso2.deployment.analytics.worker.imagePullPolicy |
Refer to doc | Always |
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
kubernetes.serviceAccount |
Name of the Kubernetes Service Account to which the Pods are to be bound | wso2am-pattern-2-svc-account |
helm install --dep-up --name <RELEASE_NAME> <HELM_HOME>/am-pattern-1 --namespace <NAMESPACE>
a. Obtain the external IP (EXTERNAL-IP
) of the Ingress resources by listing down the Kubernetes Ingresses.
kubectl get ing -n <NAMESPACE>
wso2am-pattern-1-am-gateway-ingress <RELEASE_NAME>-gateway <EXTERNAL-IP> 80, 443 7m
wso2am-pattern-1-am-ingress <RELEASE_NAME>-am <EXTERNAL-IP> 80, 443 7m
wso2am-pattern-1-am-analytics-dashboard-ingress <RELEASE_NAME>-analytics-dashboard <EXTERNAL-IP> 80, 443 7m
b. Add the above hosts as entries in /etc/hosts
file as follows:
<EXTERNAL-IP> <RELEASE_NAME>-analytics-dashboard
c. Try navigating to https://<RELEASE_NAME>-am/carbon
, https://<RELEASE_NAME>-am/publisher
and https://<RELEASE_NAME>-am/devportal
from your favorite browser.