diff --git a/auto_drive/readme.md b/auto_drive/readme.md
index 21f1fb5..157c0b7 100644
--- a/auto_drive/readme.md
+++ b/auto_drive/readme.md
@@ -19,17 +19,17 @@ As the title implies, I designed this script to help with the adding of new hard
1) Download a copy of this script and the `get_drive_uuid.sh` shell script and place it in your working directory
- 2) Edit the auto_drive.py script and alter the line pointing to your chia configuration file:
+ 2) Edit the auto_drive.py script and alter the line pointing to your chia configuration file:
`chia_config_file = '/root/.chia/mainnet/config/config.yaml'`
3) Alter the path_glob line to match your mount point directory structure. This script is specifically set up and tested
with the directory structure that I have laid out in the main readme file for chia_plot_manager. It is possible that
it will work with other structures but it is way beyond my capability to test for every possible directory structure
combination. I would recommend reading and understanding what the `get_next_mountpoint()` function does and then
- see if it will work with your directory structure.
+ see if it will work with your directory structure.
`path_glob = '/mnt/enclosure[0-9]/*/column[0-9]/*'
- 4) Alter the following line to point to where you have installed the `get_drive_uuid.sh` shell script.
+ 4) Alter the following line to point to where you have installed the `get_drive_uuid.sh` shell script.
`uuid_results = subprocess.check_output(['/root/plot_manager/plot_manager/get_drive_uuid.sh', drive]).decode('ascii').rstrip()`
5) `chmod +x` both the auto_drive.py script and the `get_drive_uuid.sh` script.