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Tool to validate PostgreSQL extension upgrade script.


    pg_validate_extupgrade [OPTIONS] --extname <extname> --from <from> --to <to>

        --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -d, --dbname <dbname>      database name
    -e, --extname <extname>    extension to test
    -c, --config <filename>    configuration file name.  Supported extension: .toml and .json
        --from <from>          initial version of the extension
    -h, --host <host>          database server host or socket directory
    -p, --port <port>          database server port
        --to <to>              upgraded version of the extension
    -U, --user <user>          database user name

Note that the connection parameters default follow the same rules as PostgreSQL official client.

Configuration file

All options that can provided in the command line can also be instead retrieved from a configuration file, which can be specific using the -c | --config option. If an option is present both in the configuration file and in the command line, the command line version will be used.

2 formats can be used for the configuration file: TOML and JSON. The format is automatically detected using the configuration file name extension (respectively .toml and .json), and an error will be raised if the format can't be detected or if the content is incorrect.

On top of the existing options, the configuration file can also accept some optional options:

  • extra_queries: This is an array of string, specifying a list of queries to run after the extension installation and upgrade, that can be used to validate the data generated by the extension scripts. The queries will be executed sequentially in the order they appear in the configuration file, each in a sub-transaction that will get rollbacked each time. Any difference in the result sets will be reported with the rest of the possible problems.

  • pre_upgrade_queries: This is an array of string, specifying a list of queries to run just before upgrading the extension to the new version and that won't be rollbacked. It can be used to make sure that some data are present to hit some more code path during the extension ugprade. Any error during the execution will exit pg_validate_extupgrade with an error code 1.

Here are some example of such configuration files.

  • TOML
extname = 'pg_broken_extupgrade'
from = 'head-1.0'
to = 'head-1.1'
extra_queries = [
    "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dump_0'"
  • JSON
    "extname": "pg_broken_extupgrade",
    "from": "head-1.0",
    "to": "head-1.1",
    "extra_queries": [
        "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'dump_0'"

The result of the queries will be of the form:

field_name: value

It makes it easier to locate inconsistencies in the generated diff.

Note that you're responsible for writing sensible queries. For instance, those should only refer to objects created by the extension, should not modify data and should have consistent results across multiple execution and/or environments.

Only the main data types (bool, integer, float, text...) are supported, and some data types are not supported on purpose (for instance time and timestamps as those are quite likely to contain unstable data). If you use an unsupported datatype, you will get all the required details in the output to fix the situation. You have 2 ways for that:

  • explicitly cast the column to text in your queries
  • open an issue to ask for supporting this datatype


You need the Rust toolchain, including cargo and rustc.

I recommend using your distribution packages, for instance:

  • on Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt install cargo
  • on RHEL 7:
sudo yum install rust-toolset-1.31
  • on RHEL 8:
sudo yum module install rust-toolset

If your distribution doesn't provide the required packages, you can look at for an alternative way to get the toolchain.

Once you're good, you simply need to compile the binary:

$ cd /path/to/pg_validate_extupgrade
$ cargo build --release
   Compiling pg_validate_extupgrade v1.0.0-beta (/home/rjuju/git/pg_validate_extupgrade)
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 19.09s

The binary will be available in ./target/release/pg_validate_extupgrade.

You can refer to the Cargo documentation for more information about the cargo build command.

If you hit a bug, you can instead compile a debug version of the tool omitting the --release option:

* cargo build

The binary will then be available in ./target/debug/pg_validate_extupgrade.

You can then execute the tool again, asking for a more detailed backtrace:

$ RUST_BACKTRACE=1 ./target/debug/pg_validate_extupgrade -e ...

Feel free to open an issue with the reported backtrace!


Here is the output of the tool when used with the pg_broken_extupgrade extension provided in the test/ directory:

# build a debug version of the tool
$ cargo build

# build the test extension (requires postgres headers)
$ make -C tests/fixtures install

# test the tool
$ ./target/debug/pg_validate_extupgrade -c tests/fixtures/pg_broken_extupgrade.toml
WARNING: Unexpected TOML key "wrong_key"
Connected, server version 140000
WARNING: Shell type found for type public.shell_1
WARNING: Shell type found for type public.shell_1
ERROR: Differences found:
Some GUC changes leaked the script for version head-1.1:
 - maintenance_work_mem changed to: 6666kB
 - work_mem changed to: 456kB

Some GUC changes leaked the script for version head-1.0:
 - maintenance_work_mem changed to: 6666kB
 - work_mem changed to: 123kB

Some GUC changes leaked the script for version head-1.0--head-1.1:
 - maintenance_work_mem changed to: 6666kB
 - work_mem changed to: 321kB

- mismatch found for Extension pg_broken_extupgrade:
  - in relations:
    installed and upgraded both have 20 Relation but some mismatch in them:
      3 Relation missing in installed:
        - public.missing2
        - public.papart
        - public.tbl1

      3 Relation missing in upgraded:
        - public.broken_tbl1
        - public.missing1
        - public.tbl3_id_seq

      - mismatch found for Relation public.logged:
        - in attributes:
          - mismatch for elem #1:
            - mismatch found for Attribute id:
              - in comment:
                - ID column
                + id column

        - in relpersistence:
          - u
          + p

        - in relacl:
          - upgraded has no value, while installed has
            + {rjuju=arwdDxt/rjuju}

        - in reloptions:
          - upgraded has no value, while installed has
            + fillfactor=80

        - in comment:
          - I'm not logged
          + I'm logged

      - mismatch found for Relation public.main:
        - in attributes:
          - mismatch for elem #1:
            - mismatch found for Attribute id:
              - in attnotnull:
                - true
                + false

        - in indexes:
          installed has 1 more Index (1) than upgraded (0)
            1 Index missing in upgraded:
              - public.main_pkey

        - in constraints:
          installed has 1 more Constraint (1) than upgraded (0)
            1 Constraint missing in upgraded:
              - public.main_pkey

        - in relhasindex:
          - true
          + false

        - in relhastriggers:
          - true
          + false

      - mismatch found for Relation public.main2:
        - in constraints:
          installed and upgraded both have 2 Constraint but some mismatch in them:
            - mismatch found for Constraint public.main2_pkey:
              - in comment:
                - more than 2
                + more than 1

            - mismatch found for Constraint public.main2_val_check:
              - in condef:
                - CHECK ((length(val) > 2))
                + CHECK ((length(val) > 1))

      - mismatch found for Relation public.options_1:
        - in reloptions:
          installed has 1 more Option (3) than upgraded (2)
            1 Option missing in installed:
              - toast_tuple_target

            2 Option missing in upgraded:
              - autovacuum_enabled
              - parallel_workers

            - mismatch found for fillfactor:
              - 90
              + 80

      - mismatch found for Relation public.options_2:
        - in reloptions:
          upgraded has 1 more Option (2) than installed (1)
            1 Option missing in installed:
              - fillfactor

            - mismatch found for toast_tuple_target:
              - 8000
              + 8100

      - mismatch found for Relation public.ref:
        - in constraints:
          installed has 1 more Constraint (1) than upgraded (0)
            1 Constraint missing in upgraded:
              - public.ref_id_fkey

        - in relhastriggers:
          - true
          + false

      - mismatch found for Relation public.ref2:
        - in constraints:
          installed and upgraded both have 1 Constraint but some mismatch in them:
            - mismatch found for Constraint public.ref2_id_fkey:
              - in condef:
                + FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES public.main2(id) ON DELETE RESTRICT

      - mismatch found for Relation public.tbl0:
        - in indexes:
          installed and upgraded both have 1 Index but some mismatch in them:
            - mismatch found for Index public.tbl0_id_idx:
              - in inddef:
                - CREATE INDEX tbl0_id_idx ON public.tbl0 USING btree (id) WHERE (id > 0)
                + CREATE INDEX tbl0_id_idx ON public.tbl0 USING btree (id)

              - in comment:
                - index with qual
                + index without qual

        - in stats:
          installed and upgraded both have 2 ExtendedStatistic but some mismatch in them:
            - mismatch found for ExtendedStatistic public.tbl0_stats:
              - in columns:
                - id, val, ((id * 2))
                + id, val

              - in stxkind:
                - installed has 1 more elements (4) than upgraded (3)
                - mismatch for elem #4:
                  - upgraded has no value, while installed has
                    + 101

              - in comment:
                - statistics with qual
                + statistics without qual

            - mismatch found for ExtendedStatistic public.tbl0_stats_n:
              - in stxkind:
                - mismatch for elem #1:
                  - f
                  + d

        - in policies:
          installed and upgraded both have 1 Policy but some mismatch in them:
            - mismatch found for Policy popol0:
              - in polcmd:
                - r
                + *

              - in polpermissive:
                - false
                + true

              - in polroles:
                installed and upgraded both have 1 Value but some mismatch in them:
                  1 Value missing in installed:
                    - public

                  1 Value missing in upgraded:
                    - rjuju

              - in polqual:
                - (id = 0)
                + (id > 0)

      - mismatch found for Relation public.tbl2:
        - in attributes:
          - mismatch for elem #1:
            - mismatch found for Attribute broken_id:
              - in attname:
                - broken_id
                + id

          - mismatch for elem #2:
            - mismatch found for Attribute val:
              - in attcollation:
                - upgraded has no value, while installed has
                  + C

      - mismatch found for Relation public.tbl3:
        - in attributes:
          - mismatch for elem #1:
            - mismatch found for Attribute id:
              - in attnotnull:
                - true
                + false

              - in attdefault:
                - upgraded has no value, while installed has
                  + nextval('public.tbl3_id_seq'::regclass)

          - mismatch for elem #2:
            - mismatch found for Attribute val:
              - in atttype:
                - character varying(30)
                + text

        - in relam:
          - installed has no value, while upgraded has
            + heap

        - in relkind:
          - p
          + r

        - in relpartkey:
          - upgraded has no value, while installed has
            + LIST (id)

      - mismatch found for Relation public.tbl4:
        - in attributes:
          - mismatch for elem #2:
            - mismatch found for Attribute val:
              - in atttype:
                - character varying(30)
                + character varying(20)

      - mismatch found for Relation public.tbl_att:
        - in attributes:
          - installed has 1 more elements (5) than upgraded (4)
          - mismatch for elem #5:
            - upgraded has no value, while installed has
              + Attribute id5

      - mismatch found for Relation public.tbl_rewrite:
        - in rules:
          installed and upgraded both have 3 Rule but some mismatch in them:
            1 Rule missing in installed:
              - r3

            1 Rule missing in upgraded:
              - r4

            - mismatch found for Rule r1:
              - in ruledef:
--- installed
+++ upgraded
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-    ON INSERT TO public.tbl_rewrite DO  DELETE FROM public.v1;
\ No newline at end of file
+    ON UPDATE TO public.tbl_rewrite DO  DELETE FROM public.v1;
\ No newline at end of file

            - mismatch found for Rule r2:
              - in ruledef:
--- installed
+++ upgraded
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-    ON INSERT TO public.tbl_rewrite
-   WHERE ( = 0) DO NOTHING;
\ No newline at end of file
+    ON INSERT TO public.tbl_rewrite DO NOTHING;
\ No newline at end of file

              - in comment:
                - with qual
                + no qual

      - mismatch found for Relation public.tbl_trig:
        - in triggers:
          installed and upgraded both have 2 Trigger but some mismatch in them:
            - mismatch found for Trigger trig1:
              - in tgdef:
                - CREATE TRIGGER trig1 AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON public.tbl_trig FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION public.ftrig1()
                + CREATE TRIGGER trig1 AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON public.tbl_trig FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION public.ftrig1()

            - mismatch found for Trigger trig2:
              - in tgdef:
                - CREATE TRIGGER trig2 BEFORE INSERT ON public.tbl_trig FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION public.ftrig3()
                + CREATE TRIGGER trig2 BEFORE INSERT ON public.tbl_trig FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION public.ftrig2()

      - mismatch found for Relation public.v1:
        - in rules:
          installed and upgraded both have 1 Rule but some mismatch in them:
            - mismatch found for Rule _RETURN:
              - in ruledef:
--- installed
+++ upgraded
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file

        - in comment:
          - two
          + one

  - in extension_config:
    - mismatch found for ExtConfig pg_broken_extupgrade:
      - in options:
        installed and upgraded both have 2 Option but some mismatch in them:
          - mismatch found for dump_0:
            - WHERE id != 0

          - mismatch found for dump_1:
            - WHERE id > 0
            + WHERE id != 0

  - in routines:
    installed has 1 more Routine (17) than upgraded (16)
      4 Routine missing in installed:
        - public.ftrig2()
        - public.func_2(integer DEFAULT 1, OUT integer)
        - public.typ_range(integer, integer)
        - public.typ_range(integer, integer, text)

      5 Routine missing in upgraded:
        - public.fct_evt_trigger_2()
        - public.ftrig3()
        - public.func_2(integer, integer)
        - public.typ_range(smallint, smallint)
        - public.typ_range(smallint, smallint, text)

      - mismatch found for Routine public.agg_1(integer):
        - in comment:
          - larger
          + smaller

        - in aggregate:
          - mismatch found for Aggregate public.agg_1(integer):
            - in aggtransfn:
              - int4larger(integer, integer)
              + int4smaller(integer, integer)

      - mismatch found for Routine public.func_1(integer):
        - in prolang:
          - sql
          + plpgsql

        - in prorows:
          - 1000
          + 0

        - in prorettype:
          - SETOF boolean
          + void

        - in comment:
          - sql
          + plpgsql

      - mismatch found for Routine public.func_3(smallint):
        - in prosrc:
--- installed
+++ upgraded
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@

         RAISE NOTICE 'some message';
-        -- some comment
         PERFORM pg_sleep(1);
         RAISE NOTICE 'some other message';

      - mismatch found for Routine public.func_4():
        - in prokind:
          - p
          + f

        - in prorettype:
          - installed has no value, while upgraded has
            + boolean

        - in prosqlbody:
--- installed
+++ upgraded
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
  SELECT false AS bool;
\ No newline at end of file

  - in event_triggers:
    installed and upgraded both have 2 EventTrigger but some mismatch in them:
      - mismatch found for EventTrigger evt_trigger_1:
        - in evttags:
          upgraded has 1 more Value (2) than installed (1)
            1 Value missing in installed:
              - CREATE EXTENSION

        - in comment:
          - table only
          + ext and table

      - mismatch found for EventTrigger evt_trigger_2:
        - in evtevent:
          - ddl_command_start
          + ddl_command_end

        - in evtfoid:
          - public.fct_evt_trigger_2()
          + public.fct_evt_trigger_1()

  - in operators:
    installed and upgraded both have 2 Operator but some mismatch in them:
      1 Operator missing in installed:
        - public.><(-,integer)

      1 Operator missing in upgraded:
        - public.><(integer,integer)

      - mismatch found for Operator public.><(-,smallint):
        - in oprcode:
          - public.func_3b(smallint)
          + public.func_3(smallint)

        - in comment:
          - func_3b
          + func_3

  - in types:
    installed and upgraded both have 5 Type but some mismatch in them:
      - mismatch found for Type public.typ_composite:
        - in relation:
          - mismatch found for Relation public.typ_composite:
            - in attributes:
              - mismatch for elem #1:
                - mismatch found for Attribute col1:
                  - in atttype:
                    - text
                    + integer

                  - in attstorage:
                    - x
                    + p

              - mismatch for elem #2:
                - mismatch found for Attribute col2:
                  - in attcollation:
                    - upgraded has no value, while installed has
                      + C

              - mismatch for elem #3:
                - mismatch found for Attribute col4:
                  - in attname:
                    - col4
                    + col3

                  - in attcollation:
                    - POSIX
                    + C

      - mismatch found for Type public.typ_enum:
        - in typenum:
          - installed has 1 more elements (3) than upgraded (2)
          - mismatch for elem #3:
            - upgraded has no value, while installed has
              + c=3

      - mismatch found for Type public.typ_range:
        - in range:
          - mismatch found for Range public.typ_range:
            - in rngsubtype:
              - smallint
              + integer

            - in rngsubopc:
              - int2_ops
              + int4_ops

  - in casts:
    installed and upgraded both have 2 Cast but some mismatch in them:
      - mismatch found for Cast integer -> point:
        - in castfunc:
          - public.fcast_i_p1(integer)
          + public.fcast_i_p(integer)

        - in castcontext:
          - i
          + a

        - in comment:
          - implicit
          + assignment

  - in namespaces:
    installed and upgraded both have 2 Namespace but some mismatch in them:
      - mismatch found for Namespace nsp_2:
        - in nspacl:
          - upgraded has no value, while installed has
            + {rjuju=UC/rjuju}

  - in opclasses:
    installed and upgraded both have 4 OpClass but some mismatch in them:
      1 OpClass missing in installed:
        - public.my_opc_btree USING btree

      1 OpClass missing in upgraded:
        - public.my_opc_btree USING gin

  - in opfamilies:
    installed and upgraded both have 8 OpFamily but some mismatch in them:
      2 OpFamily missing in installed:
        - public.my_opc_btree USING btree
        - public.my_opf_btree USING btree

      2 OpFamily missing in upgraded:
        - public.my_opc_btree USING gin
        - public.my_opf_btree USING gin

  - in extra_queries:
    installed and upgraded both have 3 Resultset but some mismatch in them:
SELECT 1 / (random() * 2)::int AS may_fail
-- 1 rows
++ 0 rows

--- installed
+++ upgraded
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-may_fail: 1
+Could not execute query:
+db error: ERROR: division by zero

SELECT 1, (random() * 1000)::int AS val FROM generate_series(1, (random() * 5)::int)
-- 3 rows
++ 2 rows

--- installed
+++ upgraded
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
 ?column?: 1
-val: 627
-?column?: 1
-val: 527
+val: 628

 ?column?: 1
-val: 323
+val: 662

SELECT name, version, installed, CASE installed WHEN true THEN random() ELSE NULL END AS rand FROM pg_available_extension_versions  WHERE name = 'pg_broken_extupgrade'
--- installed
+++ upgraded
@@ -26,5 +26,5 @@
 name: pg_broken_extupgrade
 version: head-1.1
 installed: true
-rand: 0.41066309010476587
+rand: 0.850806603619418

LICENSE Copyright (c) 2021-2025 Julien Rouhaud - All rights reserved.

  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see < >.


PostgreSQL extension upgrade script validation







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