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41 lines (36 loc) · 1.14 KB


File metadata and controls

41 lines (36 loc) · 1.14 KB

Understood versions:

9.3.5 9.3.beta2 9.2.rc1 9.4alpha1 dev (head) (most recent commit for 9.3 major version) review (like head, if needed for hacking)

bashrc example:

function pg()
    source <(/home/marc/postgres/ -version $1 -mode env)

export PGMANAGE="/home/marc/postgres/"
alias pgstart="$PGMANAGE -mode start"
alias pgstartall="$PGMANAGE -mode startall"
alias pgstop="$PGMANAGE -mode stop"
alias pgstopall="$PGMANAGE -mode stopall"
alias pgrestart="pgstop;pgstart"
alias pgrestartall="pgstopall;pgstartall"
alias pgbuild="$PGMANAGE -mode build"
alias pgbuildpostgis="$PGMANAGE -mode build_postgis"
alias pgclean="$PGMANAGE -mode clean"
alias pgls="$PGMANAGE -mode list"
alias pglsavail="$PGMANAGE -mode list_avail"
alias pglslatest="$PGMANAGE -mode list_latest"
alias pgrebuild="$PGMANAGE -mode rebuild_latest"
alias pggitupdate="$PGMANAGE -mode git_update"
alias pgdoxy="$PGMANAGE -mode doxy"
alias pgslave="$PGMANAGE --mode slave"
# Additional usage example
#export PGSUPARGS='-c fsync=off -c shared_buffers=1GB'
export PGHOST=/tmp