HTTP Message Signatures provide a mechanism for end-to-end integrity and authenticity for components of an HTTP message.
This library provides a high-level Java interface for creating and verifying signatures as defined in the HTTP Message Signatures specification (draft 19). As by-products, it implements Digest Fields (draft 13) and Structured Field Values for HTTP.
It requires Java 11 or newer and does not have compile dependencies.
Javadoc is available at
Maven dependency is
Consider the following HTTP request
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Digest: sha-256=:Zsg9Nyzj13UPzkyaQlnA7wbgTfBaZmH02OVyiRjpydE=:
Signature-Input: my-signature=("@method" "@path" "@authority" "content-type" "content-digest");created=1658319872;nonce="bcf52bbd67af4d4b95e806d2c2c63481";keyid="test-key-ed25519"
Signature: my-signature=:6R8T8jBjqZfYtshgTaYVahGmXIRmr9C3zaLIEYLLtQKrMiR/W4LCYqHX1eUaEPXBVU12VL+nk3knejHqGnqiDQ==:
{"id": 5, "name": "Item"}
This library allows to compute and verify Content-Digest
, Signature-Input
and Signature
- A digest (hash value) of the request body, defined by Digest FieldsSignature-Input
- Defines the signature: which parts of the request are included, what key is usedSignature
- Concatenated request parts defined in the input are signed by using the referenced key. Both Signature-Input and Signature are defined by HTTP Message Signatures.- Syntax - Those headers are formatted by using the syntax of Structured Field Values for HTTP
Before creating a signature you need to decide on, among others,
- What key and signature algorithm to use, like RSA or EdDSA
- Which HTTP headers to include
- Which other parts of HTTP message to include, like method or query param
- Which signature parameters to include, like creation time or nonce
You can start building the signature by specifying which components (headers, other parts of the request or response) to include.
var signatureComponents = SignatureComponents.builder()
.headers("Content-Type", "Content-Digest")
Then, signature parameters should be defined
var signatureParameters = SignatureParameters.builder()
After that, the actual values from the signed request or response should be provided
var requestContext = SignatureContext.builder()
Having those, signature specification can be built
var signatureSpec = SignatureSpec.builder()
And signature computed and applied
try {
var signature = signatureSpec.sign();
httpHeaders.add(SignatureHeaders.SIGNATURE_INPUT, signature.getSignatureInput());
httpHeaders.add(SignatureHeaders.SIGNATURE, signature.getSignature());
} catch (SignatureException e) {
log.error("Problem when creating signature. spec={}", signatureSpec, e);
Similar steps are needed when verifying a signature.
First, you can define the required components and parameters. It's an optional step, needed only if some of them are actually required.
var requiredComponents = SignatureComponents.builder()
var requiredParameters = List.of(SignatureParameterType.KEY_ID, SignatureParameterType.CREATED, SignatureParameterType.NONCE);
var maximumAgeSeconds = 60;
Then, values from verified request or response are needed. They include
and Signature
var signatureContext = SignatureContext.builder()
You need a method that for a given key ID returns the corresponding public key
private PublicKeyInfo getPublicKey(String keyId) {
PublicKey publicKey = publicKeyRepository.getPublicKey(keyId);
return PublicKeyInfo.builder()
Now, verification specification can be built
var verificationSpec = VerificationSpec.builder()
And signature can be verified
try {
} catch (SignatureException e) {
log.warn("Invalid signature. spec={}", verificationSpec, e);
For details, see SignatureComponents.Builder
var signatureComponents = SignatureComponents.builder()
// Components derived from the request
// Components derived from the response
// When signing a response, components from related request can be added
// (request that triggered generated response)
// Header names can be provided one-by-one
// Or as vararg
.headers("Content-Type", "Content-Digest")
// Or as a collection
.headers(List.of("Content-Type", "Content-Digest"))
// Structured fields can be re-serialized to their standard form,
// without redundant whitespaces
// Individual items of structured dictionary
.dictionaryMember("My-Dictionary", "key-1")
// Multi-value header wrapped as structured byte sequences
// Single headers from related request, when signing response
For details, see SignatureParameters.Builder
var signatureParameters = SignatureParameters.builder()
// Created parameter populated to now()
// or to given Instant
// or to UNIX timestamp
// Expires after 30 seconds from `created`
// or at given Instant
// or at given UNIX timestamp
.expires( + 30)
// Generate random nonce
// or use provided one
// Use the given algorithm when signing
// Use it and expose it in the `alg` parameter
// Key ID
// Tag
For details, see SignatureContext.Builder
var requestContext = SignatureContext.builder()
// Can be provided as a String or URI
// Status for response signature
// Header values can be provided one-by-one
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.header("Content-Length", "25")
// Or as a map
.headers(Map.of("Header-One", "valueOne", "Header-Two", "valueTwo"))
// Or as a "MultivaluedMap", often used in frameworks
.headers(Map.of("Header-One", List.of("valueOne", "valueTwo")))
// Context of related request if used in response signature
For details, see SignatureSpec.Builder
var signatureSpec = SignatureSpec.builder()
// Can be given as PrivateKey object
// or as PKCS#8-base-64-encoded String, taken from a PEM file
// or PKCS#8-encoded byte array
// HMAC keys should be provided as byte[] or base-64-encoded String
// Components defined here must be present in the context
// Components defined here are added to the signature
// only if related values are present in the context
For details, see SignatureSpec.sign()
try {
var signature = signatureSpec.sign();
httpHeaders.add(SignatureHeaders.SIGNATURE_INPUT, signature.getSignatureInput());
httpHeaders.add(SignatureHeaders.SIGNATURE, signature.getSignature());
// Signature base can be used for debugging"Signature base: {}", signature.getSignatureBase());
} catch (SignatureException e) {
log.error("Problem when creating signature. spec={}", signatureSpec, e);
Required components can be defined. Such components must be present in the
verified signature, e.g. a header must be included in the Signature-Input
its value must be present in the context.
var requiredComponents = SignatureComponents.builder()
// See Signature components above
Required if present components must be present in verified signature only if they are present in the context, e.g. if a given header is set then it must be included in the signature, and it's OK if such header is not present.
var requiredIfPresentComponents = SignatureComponents.builder()
// See Signature components above
Apart from those defined above, the verified signature can contain any components.
Required parameters must be present in the verified signature. For full list, see SignatureParameterType
var requiredParameters = List.of(SignatureParameterType.KEY_ID, SignatureParameterType.CREATED, SignatureParameterType.NONCE);
Forbidden parameters must not be present the in verified signature
var forbiddenParameters = List.of(SignatureParameterType.ALGORITHM);
var signatureContext = SignatureContext.builder()
// See Signature context above
For details, see PublicKeyInfo.Builder and VerificationSpec.Builder.publicKeyGetter()
// Exceptions thrown by the getter are used as the cause in Signature Exception
// thrown when verifying
private PublicKeyInfo getPublicKey(String keyId) throws MyGetterException {
// Can be given as PublicKey object
// or as X.509-base-64-encoded String, taken from a PEM file
// or X.509-encoded byte array
// HMAC keys should be provided as byte[] or base-64-encoded String
var publicKey = publicKeyRepository.getPublicKey(keyId);
return PublicKeyInfo.builder()
For details, see VerificationSpec.Builder
var verificationSpec = VerificationSpec.builder()
// Used to select desired signature from potentially multiple ones.
// Either label or tag must be provided. If both are present then both
// are used.
// Required parameters can be provided as vararg
.requiredParameters(SignatureParameterType.NONCE, SignatureParameterType.KEY_ID)
// or as a collection
.requiredParameters(Set.of(SignatureParameterType.NONCE, SignatureParameterType.KEY_ID))
// Same goes for forbidden parameters
// Maximum age of verified signature in seconds. Age is computed based
// on `created`'s value. A signature is rejected if older than the given
// age, regardless of its `expiration` set in the parameters.
// Maximum clock "skew" for `created` parameter. It's for detecting
// signatures from the "future".
For details, see VerificationSpec.verify()
try {
} catch (SignatureException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof MyGetterException) {
// Thrown by getPublicKey()
log.warn("Problem obtaining public key. spec={}", verificationSpec, e);
} else {
log.warn("Invalid signature. spec={}", verificationSpec, e);
Default security providers are used for all operations: signing, verifying and
parsing keys provided as PKCS#8 / X.509. If you don't add any third-party
provider then "Sun" providers will be used, like SunRsaSign
for RSA,
for elliptic curves and SunJCE
for HMAC.
To use a specific third-party provider, add it as the first one.
Security.insertProviderAt(new BouncyCastleProvider(), 1);
Support for Edwards-Curve signatures (SignatureAlgorithm.ED_25519
, Ed25519
was added to JRE in Java 15. For older JREs, a third-party provider must be
As ECDSA signatures require IEEE P1363 format (raw),
algorithm SHA256withECDSAinP1363Format
is used rather than SHA256withECDSA
(and SHA384withECDSAinP1363Format
rather than SHA384withECDSA
If your provider uses a different name, like Bouncy Castle's
, then a delegate must be implemented.
public class BouncyCastleP1363Provider extends Provider {
public BouncyCastleP1363Provider() {
super("BcP1363", "1.0", "Bouncy Castle - P1363 Bridge");
put("Signature.SHA256withECDSAinP1363Format", SignatureSpi.ecCVCDSA256.class.getName());
put("Signature.SHA384withECDSAinP1363Format", SignatureSpi.ecCVCDSA384.class.getName());
Security.insertProviderAt(new BouncyCastleProvider(), 1);
Security.insertProviderAt(new BouncyCastleP1363Provider(), 1);
Values for Content-Digest
header can be computed by using DigestCalculator
class. Only "secure" algorithms are supported: sha-256
and sha-512
For details, see DigestCalculator.calculateDigestHeader()
var jsonBody = objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(requestOrResponseObject);
var contentDigest = DigestCalculator.calculateDigestHeader(jsonBody, DigestAlgorithm.SHA_256);
httpHeaders.add(DigestHeaders.CONTENT_DIGEST, contentDigest);
Digest algorithm can be chosen by using Want-Content-Digest
For details, see DigestCalculator.calculateDigestHeader()
var jsonBody = objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(requestOrResponseObject);
var wantDigest = request.getHeader(DigestHeaders.WANT_CONTENT_DIGEST);
try {
var contentDigest = DigestCalculator.calculateDigestHeader(jsonBody, wantDigest);
responseHeaders.add(DigestHeaders.CONTENT_DIGEST, contentDigest);
} catch (DigestException e) {
log.warn("Problems when computing wanted digest. wantDigest={}", wantDigest, e);
For verification, DigestVerifier
can be used.
For details, see DigestVerifier.verifyDigestHeader()
var jsonBody = objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(requestOrResponseObject);
var contentDigest = request.getHeader(DigestHeaders.CONTENT_DIGEST);
try {
DigestVerifier.verifyDigestHeader(contentDigest, jsonBody);
} catch (DigestException e) {
log.warn("Invalid digest. digest={}", contentDigest, e);
Structured Fields specification
Structured item | Java class | Internal storage |
List | StructuredList | List<StructuredItem> |
Inner List | StructuredInnerList | List<StructuredItem> |
Parameters | StructuredParameters | LinkedHashMap<String, StructuredItem> |
Dictionary | StructuredDictionary | LinkedHashMap<String, StructuredItem> |
Integer | StructuredInteger | long |
Decimal | StructuredDecimal | BigDecimal |
String | StructuredString | String |
Token | StructuredToken | String |
Byte Sequence | StructuredBytes | byte[] |
Boolean | StructuredBoolean | boolean |
Each item class has factory of()
methods which accept types easily convertible
to internal storage.
StructuredList.of(List.of("element-one", "element-two"));
StructuredList.of(55, "element-two", StructuredToken.of("hello"));
StructuredDictionary.of(Map.of("key1", "value1", "key2", 22));
StructuredDictionary.of("key1", "value1", "key2", 22, "key3", StructuredDecimal.of("22"));
StructuredDecimal.of(new BigDecimal("22.34"));
StructuredString.of("This is a string");
StructuredBytes.of(new byte[] {1, 2, 4});
Items with parameters can be created by using withParams()
factory methods.
StructuredInteger.withParams(23, Map.of("intparam", 10, "boolparam", true));
StructuredDecimal.withParams("15.2", StructuredParameters.of("one", 1, "two", "dos", "three", StructuredToken.of("tr")));
Lists, dictionaries and parameters can be created from Java varargs, collections or maps of objects. Those objects are converted to their Structured counterparts by using the following rules.
Java class | Structured class |
Long, Integer, Short, Byte | StructuredInteger |
BigDecimal, Double, Float | StructuredDecimal |
Boolean | StructuredBoolean |
byte[] | StructuredBytes |
String | StructuredString |
Collection | StructuredInnerList |
Enum | StructuredToken |
Item classes have accessor methods which names correspond to returned types.
boolean boolValue = structuredBoolean.boolValue();
long longValue = structuredInteger.longValue();
int intValue = structuredInteger.intValue();
String strValue = structuredString.stringValue();
List- and map-backed items have their specialised accessors.
List<Long> longValues = structuredList.longList();
List<StructuredItem> items = structuredList.itemList();
Map<String, StructuredItem> itemMap = structuredDictionary.itemMap();
Set<String> keys = structuredDictionary.keySet();
Map<String, Integer> intValuesMap = structuredDictionary.intMap();
Optional<StructuredItem> item = structuredDictionary.getItem("key");
Optional<String> stringValue = structuredDictionary.getString("strkey");
Map<String, String> stringParams = structuredParameters.stringMap();
Optional<String> stringParam = structuredParameters.getString("strkey");
.filter(entry -> entry.getValue() instanceOf StructuredBoolean)
.forEeach(entry -> doSomething(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
Parameters can be accessed by using parameters()
and then any map-like
processing or individually.
Optional<String> stringParam1 = item.parameters().getString("strparam");
Optional<String> stringParam2 = item.stringParam("strparam");
Optional<Boolean> boolParam = item.boolParam("boolparam");
For producing serialized values use serialize()
var contentType = StructuredToken.withParams("text/plain", Map.of("charset", StructuredToken.of("utf-8")));
httpHeaders.put("Content-Type", contentType.serialize());
Each item class has a static parse()
method which parses the given string to
an item class.
StructuredList.parse("21, ?1, ok");
StructuredDictionary.parse("key=value;param=ok, key2=value2");
If the type is not known beforehand then a more generic method can be used.
// can return Structured Integer, Decimal, Bytes, String or Token
StructuredItem item = StructuredItem.parse(header);
Lists and Dictionaries can be "guessed" by using StructuredField.parse()
In case of ambiguity, the simplest implementation is returned (Item then List
then Dictionary).
// StructuredDictionary
StructuredField field = StructuredField.parse("one=1");
// StructuredList is returned, but it's also a valid dictionary with `true` values
StructuredField.parse("one, two");
// StructuredToken is returned, but it's also a valid single-item list