👨🏻💻 Front-end Developement 👨🏻💻
- 🔭 I’m currently working on: Wordpress: Theme creation, Website Multipages, Institutional and Landing Pages, I usually use plugin ACF and Elementor PRO.
- ⚡ Fun fact: Seeking new knowledge in online courses like online as Origamid, Udemy, UpInside.
- 💻 Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SASS, WordPress, PHP, MySql.
- 📘 I’m currently learning: JavaScript, VueJS, ReactJS, Node.js, PHP.
- 💬 About: I usually network with professionals in the field to ask for stack tips that I have experience and that I try to understand how it works.
- 📫 viturino_souza@outlook.com