Build OpenWrt firware Lean's OpenWrt using GitHub Actions
Hereby thank P3TERX for his amazing job:
Hereby thank esirplayground for his amazing job:
1. Adapt from Lean's OpenWrt
- Replace luci-theme-argon with Jerrykuku's Argon
- Add Kiddin9's luci-theme Edge
- Replace ip-list in luci-app-mwan3helper with Gaoyifan's China-operator-ip
- Add jp, kr, tw & custom ip-list
2. Default package setting
- Build for x86_64
- image: squashfs only
- Package_include: aria_full; BaiduPCS-Web; diskman; mwan3&helper; netdata; openvpn; passwall_xray_only; qemu-ga; rclone
- Package_exclude:adbyby; nlbwmon; strongswan; UnblockNeteaseMusic; wireguard; xlnetacc; zerotier
3. Rolling back to a certain previous commit
- Add file ".commit" beside ".config"
- Echo previous full commit id into ".commit"
- Max 100 commits for roll back by default