Code to help grade student results.
Download Full results for your Course & Category (Select 'include attempts') from
Create an assignments file with one line per problem. These entries must match the "Problem" column from step 1. E.g.
BJP4 Self-Check 1.06: legalIdentifiers
BJP4 Self-Check 1.07: outputSyntax
BJP4 Self-Check 1.08: confounding
- Run this program to output a results file, one line per student. E.g.
java grades.jar java -jar target/grader.jar -p practice-it-rogerallen-results-2018-09-02.csv -a assignment.csv -o output.csv
The output.csv
file will have a format like this:
You may optionally add -i ignoredStudents.csv
to ignore some dropped students or instructor userNames listed in the practice-it data.
I just used Eclipse and added the commons-cli (v1.4) and commons-csv (v1.5) JARs as Referenced Libraries.
To the extent possible under law,
Roger Allen
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
PracticeIt Grader.
This work is published from:
United States.