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Inetsource operator

hildrum edited this page Mar 14, 2014 · 1 revision

#InetSource operator

The InetSource operator periodically retrieves text-based data from remote locations on an Internet or intranet network and generates a stream from those contents. This operator can also be used to stream the contents of local files.


##Description The InetSource operator periodically retrieves text-based data from remote locations on an Internet or intranet network and generates a stream from those contents. This operator can also be used to stream the contents of local files. The InetSource operator shares some characteristics with the FileSource operator from the IBM® Streams Processing Language (SPL) standard toolkit, but it provides more functions. The two operators differ in the following ways:

The FileSource operator reads from local files. In addition to reading local files, the InetSource operator supports remote reading of files by using HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP. By default, the FileSource operator reads its target input only once. The InetSource operator periodically checks the target files for updates on a user-controllable schedule. In addition, you can choose to use the InetSource operator to either stream out of the entire target file contents on each read, or stream out only the additions to the contents of the target file since the previous read. The FileSource operator supports a single target for reading, while the InetSource operator can support multiple targets. The URI of each target can use any of the supported protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, or FILE) and a mix of these protocols.

The output stream schema can contain exactly one attribute of either rstring or list data types. The output stream of the InetSource operator can be fed into a Functor operator with custom logic to parse the rstring data into any number of SPL types.

Note: The InetSource operator uses the open source libcurl library to enable data transfer for various protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and FTPS. Proxy support can be enabled by configuring the http_proxy, HTTPS_PROXY, FTP_PROXY, and ALL_PROXY environment variables as described on the curl man page at the following link:

##Parameters The InetSource operator supports the following configuration parameters:

The URIList parameter specifies a comma-separated list of quoted strings that contain Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) from which you want to retrieve data. A fetch request is sent to each URI in the list and processing occurs on any data that is returned. Each URI in the list must include the protocol to be used when making a retrieval request to that URI; supported protocols include HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, and file. For the file protocol, there is support for accessing the input file by using either absolute paths or relative paths. Absolute paths must be preceded by a slash (/), denoting the top-most directory where the file is located. Relative paths are rooted at the data directory which is created automatically by the SPL compiler under the current application directory. Thus, an absolute path access will result in four slashes (////) after the file protocol, that is, file:////, while a relative path access will result in three slashes (///) after the file protocol, that is,file:///. If there is more than one URI in the list, each URI can use any of the supported protocols. This parameter is required and must have at least one quoted URI rstring in its value list.

The initDelay parameter specifies an initial processing delay, in seconds, before the InetSource operator begins emitting tuples. This parameter is optional; if present, it must have exactly one value of type float64 that is an expression which can be evaluated at operator startup time.

inputLinesPerRecord and intraRecordPadValue
The InetSource operator starts its processing by formatting the data that is retrieved from the source URI into individual records. Each record is then copied into the attribute of the output stream tuple (if the attribute type is an rstring) or appended as a member to the end of the attribute (if the attribute type is a list data type). By default, each line in the source URI is considered to be a single record and is carried into the tuple attribute directly. However, it is also fairly common for the data in the source URI to be laid out as multiple lines per logical record. For example, each logical record might be formatted within the raw input data as two non-blank lines followed by a blank line, for a total record length of three consecutive lines of text within the raw input data. For such cases, the inputLinesPerRecord modifier is used. If this modifier is specified, the operator reads n lines of the input file and concatenates them into a single logical record, placing a blank character as a pad value between them. Note that the pad character can be changed to a different value by using the intraRecordPadValue modifier, which is specified by using a double-quoted string of zero or more characters. Both parameters are optional; if present, inputLinesPerRecord must have exactly one value of type uint32 that is an expression which can be evaluated at compile time; and intraRecordPadValue must have exactly one value of type rstring that is an expression which can be evaluated at compile time.

One of the important differences between the InetSource and the SPL Standard Toolkit source operators is the ability of the InetSource operator to periodically refetch the data from the target URI or list of URIs. By default, the InetSource operator reexamines each URI in the target every ten minutes (600 seconds), but this interval can be customized by using the fetchIntervalSeconds modifier. Note that the interval begins immediately after the final piece of data from a given fetch is processed, so the next fetch will begin at (processing_time + fetchIntervalSeconds) after the start of the current fetch. This parameter is optional; if present, it must have exactly one value of type uint32 that is an expression which can be evaluated at compile time.

By default, the InetSource operator streams out the entire contents of each URI (remote server, or local file) as it exists at the time of each fetch, unless the URI's content timestamp is unchanged from the previous fetch (in which case the InetSource operator does not stream out any content). If you want the InetSource operator to stream out the URI contents starting at the first line that is different since the previous fetch, use the incrementalFetch modifier. This parameter is optional; if present, it must have exactly one value that is a boolean constant. Note: The InetSource operator uses the open-source libcurl package for performing its content retrievals. The precise mechanism that libcurl uses to determine whether the timestamp on the target content has changed, is not documented in the libcurl API specification. For reference, see

By default, the InetSource operator will start streaming out the contents of its target URI(s) on the very first fetch interval. If you want to suppress the streaming out of the first fetch results, use the doNotStreamInitialFetch modifier. This modifier is especially useful when monitoring the state of files that might have leftover data in them from a previous application run, where you do not want to reprocess that data again. Note that this modifier is not very useful unless you also specify the incrementalFetch modifier with it. The effect of specifying both modifiers is to instruct the InetSource operator to load its cache on the initial fetch, then start streaming out additions to the target URIs on subsequent fetches. This parameter is optional; if present, it must have exactly one value that is a boolean constant.

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the default behavior of the InetSource operator is to query the target device for the last-modified timestamp on each URI in the URIList. The last-modified timestamp is used to determine whether to retrieve and stream out the data for that URI during the current retrieval cycle. If you want the InetSource operator to disregard this timestamp and stream out the entire contents on every retrieval, use the unconditionalFetch modifier. This parameter is optional; if present, it must have exactly one value that is a boolean constant.

This parameter controls how frequently a tuple is emitted from the InetSource operator. It is mutually exclusive with emitTuplePerURI and emitTuplePerRecordCount. When this parameter is specified, the output schema must be of type list because the data from each fetch is contained in an element of the attribute. This parameter is optional; if present, it must have exactly one value that is a boolean constant.

This parameter controls how frequently a tuple is emitted from the InetSource operator. It is mutually exclusive with emitTuplePerFetch and emitTuplePerRecordCount. When this parameter is specified, the output schema must be of type list because the data from each URI is contained in an element of the attribute. This parameter is optional; if present, it must have exactly one value that is a boolean constant.

This parameter controls how frequently a tuple is emitted from the InetSource operator. It is mutually exclusive with emitTuplePerFetch and emitTuplePerURI. When this parameter is specified, a tuple is emitted each time the specified number of records are received. The output schema must be of type list because string data that exceeds the SPL string length limit is broken up into multiple elements in the output list. By default, a line is a record. If you change the inputLinesPerRecord attribute, this changes. The emit parameters control how those records are added to the output tuple. If inputLinesPerRecord is higher than the number of lines read, then you only get as many lines as were read. With multiple URIs, records never span content from URIs, however the emit parameters control how the records are put into tuples and when tuples are submitted (as described in each emit parameter section). This parameter is optional; if present, it must have exactly one value of type uint32 that is an expression which can be evaluated at compile time

This parameter determines whether window punctuation is emitted after each fetch. A fetch consists of retrieving data from all of the URIs in the list. One window marker is submitted after each fetch, including a fetch that returns no data (or no updated data, depending on the parameters). So with 3 URIs and a period of 10 minutes, you would get a window marker every 10 minutes or so, depending on how long it takes to fetch, even if no output tuple is submitted as a result of that 10-minute fetch cycle. This parameter is optional; if present, it must have exactly one value that is a boolean constant.

##Examples The InetSource operator is declared as follows:

stream <stream-schema> stream-name = InetSource()
    URIList: ["<URI-1>", ... , "<URI-n>"];
    initDelay: <processing-delay-in-seconds>;
    inputLinesPerRecord: <number-of-input-file-lines-per-record>;
    intraRecordPadValue: "<character(s)-to-insert-between-input-lines>";
    fetchIntervalSeconds: <time-between-fetches-in-seconds>;
    incrementalFetch: <true|false>;
    doNotStreamInitialFetch: <true|false>;
    unconditionalFetch: <true|false>;
    emitTuplePerFetch: <true|false>;
    emitTuplePerURI: <true|false>;
    emitTuplePerRecordCount: <number-of-records-per-emitted-tuple>;
    punctPerFetch: <true|false>;

An example that uses the InetSource operator looks like this:

stream <rstring metarObsRecord> WxObservations = InetSource ()
      initDelay: 5.0;
      incrementalFetch: true;
      fetchIntervalSeconds: 60u;
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