Recent JDK install is recommended, test requirements with the following commands:
java -version
javac -version
Last Tested on June 12th 2018 with Windows 10 running java 10.0.1
For Windows:
For most other OS's:
This is an implementation of a simple game GoBang or also known as Five-In-A-Row. For more information about the game, see Wikipedia: Gomoku.
The System Menu allows the user to both swap between three backgrounds in the assets directory and quitting the program. Clicking the main game board initiates black to move first and alternate between white and black moves. Three buttons below the game board either restarts the entire game, allows taking back individual moves, or exiting the game entirely. GameGomokuGUI Window doesn't allow for resizing.
A very minimal implementation and an early assignment for the class.
Original Git repo on WSU Vancouver ENCS Gitlab - Sept 27, 2016
Added scripts, moved files, added .gitignore, converted README to, added screenshot - June 12, 2018