(NOTE: if you already have a mural account, please skip this step and simply login)
- Go to Mural
- Create a free account by selecting, "sign up, free forever"
- Provide your First Name, Last Name, & Email Address to sign up as a free member.
Note: You only need one person from the team to download the template. Once that one member has the template, they can share it with the rest of their team.
- Use this link to navigate to the GAAD Hackathon Mural template.
- Select, "Use this template"
- Click, "Create Mural from Template"
- NOTE: If you have not created a Mural account yet, you will be prompted to do so.
- Once you have the template open in your workspace, be sure to name it by selecting the default title, "untitled" in the upper left.
- Click "share" to share the workspace with your Hackathon team.
- Copy the link provided - ensure all workspace members with the vistor link, "can edit".
- Once you are completed with your work, please export to either a PDF or PNG by selecting, "download". (HINT: if you are downloading an image for a Playback Brief, a PNG might be easiest.)
- Select the area you'd like to export by selecting the button "selection"
- Upload image to your project's repo.