This is a basic boilerplate with a build in database, and a basic setup with express 4.4.4, express-hbs, gruntjs, with a command to run the project and build it and start the server width 1 command.
Dependencies you need on your client before your running (versions are what im running so use that or newer):
NodeJS v0.10.17 (
NPM v1.3.8 (comes with node as of now)
Nodemon latest ( for auto restart node server on file changes
Sass 3.3.7 (
- This get installed with gems, if running mac you have ruby,
if you run windows you need to install ruby first
Grunt-cli v0.1.13 (
To get started just run:
npm run startup
This will build the project including, npm install, sass build & javascript minifing
It will run the node server on port 3000, this is changed in the index.js - it will cast an error if you have something running on port 3000 already