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File metadata and controls

2580 lines (1998 loc) · 98.7 KB

Real World Usage: Creating a Movie Catalog application

In this tutorial, we will be creating a simple application for managing a list of movies. This app will be built from scratch using the SlimPHP 4 Skeleton MVC App framework. This tutorial assumes you are working in a Linux environment (you may have to tweak some of the commands if you are using Windows).

The only additional composer packages that will be used in this tutorial are the Leanorm package (A light-weight, PHP data access library) for implementing the model layer of the app and the Slim Flash package for displaying flash messages. The sql provided in this walk through was written to work with MySQL, but can be easily modified to work with PostgreSQL and SQLite.

Features like Input Data Validation, Cross-site Request Forgery prevention, User Management, access control and the likes are left out of this tutorial since there are a variety of ways and packages that can be used to implement these features.

The source files for the fully developed app illustrated in this walk-through is located at . You can download the files or clone the repository to follow along if you wish.

First, we create the new app by running the command below:

composer create-project -n -s dev rotexsoft/slim-skeleton-mvc-app movie-catalog

At this point, the new app will be in a folder / directory named movie-catalog. You should change into the folder by running the command below:

cd movie-catalog

Now, let's test our app by running the command below and navigating to http://localhost:8888 in your browser (you should see a welcome page):

php -S -t public

NOTE: you may get a session_start() error if the folder configured for storing php sessions is not writable by the php webserver started in the command above. This can be fixed by setting the value of the php configuration option session.save_path to a path to a folder that the built-in php webserver can write to. This configuration option should be set inside ./config/ini-settings.php. By default, 'session.save_path' has the value of './tmp/session' in ./config/ini-settings.php

Once we've verified that the welcome page is being displayed, we are sure that our app was successfully installed. Now we can stop the php development server we started in the last command above by pressing the ctrl and c keys together.

Next, we need to create the database and database tables for our app by running the sql commands below (in whatever client program we use to issue commands to our MySQL server):

CREATE DATABASE `movie_catalog`; 
USE `movie_catalog`; 

CREATE TABLE `movie_listings`( 
    `title` TEXT NOT NULL, 
    `release_year` VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL, 
    `genre` VARCHAR(255), 
    `duration_in_minutes` INT, 
    `mpaa_rating` VARCHAR(255), 
    `record_creation_date` DATETIME NOT NULL, 
    `record_last_modification_date` DATETIME NOT NULL, 
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`) 

CREATE TABLE user_authentication_accounts (
    `username` VARCHAR(255), 
    `password` VARCHAR(255),
    `record_creation_date` DATETIME NOT NULL, 
    `record_last_modification_date` DATETIME NOT NULL, 
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`) 

We just created the database for our app with two tables: movie_listings (for storing data for each of the movies we want in our catalog) and user_authentication_accounts (for storing usernames and password hashes of users that can login to our app).

Next we are going to create some controller classes for our app by running the commands below:

./vendor/bin/smvc-create-controller -c movie-catalog-base -p "./src" -n "MovieCatalog\Controllers" -e "\SlimMvcTools\Controllers\BaseController"

./vendor/bin/smvc-create-controller -c users -p "./src" -n "MovieCatalog\Controllers" -e "\MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase"

./vendor/bin/smvc-create-controller -c movie-listings -p "./src" -n "MovieCatalog\Controllers" -e "\MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase"

We should now have the following files and folders in our app:

  • ./src/controllers/MovieCatalogBase.php: containing the \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase class which is a direct sub-class of \SlimMvcTools\Controllers\BaseController. This class will serve as the base controller class in our app which all other controllers will extend. All logic common to all other controllers in our app should be implemented here.

    • ./src/views/movie-catalog-base/: is the folder where view files for \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase should be placed. A default index.php will be in this folder and is used in the default actionIndex() in \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase. Classes that extend \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase will also be able to access views in this folder when the renderView() method is called inside such controller classes.
  • ./src/controllers/MovieListings.php: containing the \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings class which is a sub-class of \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase. This controller class will contain action methods to list all, view each, add, edit and delete movie listings in our app.

    • ./src/views/movie-listings/: is the folder where view files for \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings should be placed. A default index.php will be in this folder and is used in the default actionIndex() in \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings. When the renderView('index.php') method is called from within \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings, ./src/views/movie-listings/index.php would be used instead of ./src/views/movie-catalog-base/index.php because it is in the controller's own view folder. If there were no index.php in ./src/views/movie-listings/, then ./src/views/movie-catalog-base/index.php would be used when the renderView('index.php') method is called from within \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings.
  • ./src/controllers/Users.php: containing the \MovieCatalog\Controllers\Users class which is a sub-class of \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase. This controller class will contain action methods to manage users (i.e. list all, view each, add, edit and delete) that can login to our app.

    • ./src/views/users/: is the folder where view files for \MovieCatalog\Controllers\Users should be placed. A default index.php will be in this folder and is used in the default actionIndex() in \MovieCatalog\Controllers\Users. When the renderView('index.php') method is called from within \MovieCatalog\Controllers\Users, ./src/views/users/index.php would be used instead of ./src/views/movie-catalog-base/index.php because it is in the controller's own view folder. If there were no index.php in ./src/views/users/, then ./src/views/movie-catalog-base/index.php would be used when the renderView('index.php') method is called from within \MovieCatalog\Controllers\Users.

Next, we add the value ('\\MovieCatalog\\Controllers\\') to the $container[\SlimMvcTools\ContainerKeys::NAMESPACES_4_CONTROLLERS] array in the dependencies file ./config/dependencies.php. This would be used by the MVC routing mechanism when trying to create an instance of the controller class (whose name was extracted from the request url).

We then go on to edit ./config/app-settings.php by assigning the value of true to auto_prepend_action_to_action_method_names and the value of \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings::class to default_controller_class_name.

The first edit eliminates the need to prepend action- to action method names in the request url and the second edit makes \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings' the default controller for our app.

Since default_action_name has a default value of 'actionIndex', this means that the 'actionIndex' method in \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings' would be used to handle the / route in our app.

Now let's run our php development server again:

php -S -t public

Browse to http://localhost:8888/movie-catalog-base or http://localhost:8888/movie-catalog-base/index and you should see the output below:

You have successfully executed MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase::actionIndex()
This is the default view for MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase::actionIndex().

Next, browse to http://localhost:8888/movie-listings or http://localhost:8888/movie-listings/index and you should see the output below:

You have successfully executed MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings::actionIndex()
This is the default view for MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings::actionIndex().

Next, browse to http://localhost:8888/users or http://localhost:8888/users/index and you should see the output below:

You have successfully executed MovieCatalog\Controllers\Users::actionIndex()
This is the default view for MovieCatalog\Controllers\Users::actionIndex().

If browsing to all the links above resulted in the corresponding output, then all our controllers have been correctly setup and we are now ready to start implementing methods in our controllers. You can stop the php development server for now.

Now, we need to install the two composer packages (i.e. Leanorm and Slim Flash) we are going to use for creating our model classes and manage flash messaging in our app. Run the commands below to install these packages:

composer require slim/flash
composer require rotexsoft/leanorm
composer require --dev rotexsoft/leanorm-cli

We then go on to register a Slim Flash object in the container in our dependencies file by adding the code below to ./config/dependencies.php:

$container[\Slim\Flash\Messages::class] = function () {

    if ( session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE ) { 
        // Start PHP session if not already started
    return new \Slim\Flash\Messages();

Next, add the classes below to the ./src/models/ folder:


namespace MovieCatalog\Models\Collections;

class BaseCollection extends \LeanOrm\Model\Collection {
    //put your code here


namespace MovieCatalog\Models;

class BaseModel extends \LeanOrm\Model {

    public function __construct(
        string $dsn = '', 
        string $username = '', 
        string $passwd = '', 
         array $pdo_driver_opts = [], 
        string $primary_col_name = '', 
        string $table_name = ''
    ) {
        parent::__construct($dsn, $username, $passwd, $pdo_driver_opts, $primary_col_name, $table_name);


namespace MovieCatalog\Models\Records;

class BaseRecord extends \LeanOrm\Model\Record {

    public function getDateCreated(): string {
        $col = $this->getModel()->getCreatedTimestampColumnName();
        if( in_array($col, $this->getModel()->getTableColNames()) ) {
            return date('M j, Y g:i a T', strtotime($this->$col));
        return '';
    public function getLastModfiedDate(): string {
        $col = $this->getModel()->getUpdatedTimestampColumnName();
        if( in_array($col, $this->getModel()->getTableColNames()) ) {
            return date('M j, Y g:i a T', strtotime($this->$col));
        return '';

Now we use the leanorm-cli tool to generate model classes for our application. We need to create a config file for that by running the command below

cp ./vendor/rotexsoft/leanorm-cli/sample-config.php ./leanorm-cli-config.php

Edit ./leanorm-cli-config.php to contain the db connection info and these other values:

  • directory: ./src/models
  • namespace: MovieCatalog\\Models
  • collection_class_to_extend: '\\' . \MovieCatalog\Models\Collections\BaseCollection::class
  • model_class_to_extend: '\\' . \MovieCatalog\Models\BaseModel::class
  • record_class_to_extend: '\\' . \MovieCatalog\Models\Records\BaseRecord::class
  • created_timestamp_column_name: record_creation_date
  • updated_timestamp_column_name: record_last_modification_date
  • store_table_col_metadata_array_in_file: true

Now run the command below to generate the model classes for your db tables:

php ./vendor/bin/generate-leanorm-classes.php ./leanorm-cli-config.php

Next, add the database connection info to ./config/app-settings.php like so:

    'db_dsn'        => 'dsnval goes here',
    'db_user_name'  => 'username goes here',
    'db_password'   => 'password goes here',

We then go on to register Model objects (for the movie_listings and user_authentication_accounts database tables) in the container in our dependencies file by adding the code below to ./config/dependencies.php:

$container[\MovieCatalog\Models\MoviesListings\MoviesListingsModel::class] = 
function ($c) {

    return new \MovieCatalog\Models\MoviesListings\MoviesListingsModel(

$container[\MovieCatalog\Models\UsersAuthenticationsAccounts\UsersAuthenticationsAccountsModel::class] = 
function ($c) {

    return new \MovieCatalog\Models\UsersAuthenticationsAccounts\UsersAuthenticationsAccountsModel(

Now, we run the command below to allow composer's autoloader to be able to find all the Model classes we just added to our app:

composer dumpautoload -o

Next, we configure the Vespula.Auth PDO Authentication setup section of our dependencies file (./config/dependencies.php) to authenticate against the user_authentication_accounts table in our MySQL movie_catalog database by updating $container['vespula_auth'] in the Vespula.Auth PDO Authentication setup section with the code below:

$container[ContainerKeys::VESPULA_AUTH] = function ($c) {

    $pdo = new \PDO(
            \PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true,

    //Optionally pass a maximum idle time and a time until the session 
    //expires (in seconds)
    $expire = 3600;
    $max_idle = 1200;
    $session = new \Vespula\Auth\Session\Session($max_idle, $expire);

    $cols = ['username', 'password'];
    $from = 'user_authentication_accounts';
    $where = ''; //optional

    $adapter = new \Vespula\Auth\Adapter\Sql($pdo, $from, $cols, $where);

    return new \Vespula\Auth\Auth($adapter, $session);

Next we create an action method named actionInitUsers in the \MovieCatalog\Controllers\Users class to create a user with the username admin and a password supplied by the user (if and only if the user_authentication_accounts table contains no data). It will be reachable at http://localhost:8888/users/init-users/<entered_password>. Where <entered_password> is whatever value the user wants to be the password. This method can be improved upon, by receiving the desired password via HTTP POST, we are receiving it via the url in this tutorial for convenience purposes (not secure if your app or web-server logs the url of each request). Below is the method:

    public function actionInitUsers($password) {
        $view_str = ''; // will hold output to be injected into the site layout 
                        // file (i.e. `./src/layout-templates/main-template.php`)
                        // when $this->renderLayout(...) is called
        $model_obj = $this->getContainerItem(
        $num_existing_users = 

        if( $num_existing_users === null) {
            // no need to add entries for the `record_creation_date`
            // and `record_last_modification_date` fields in the 
            // $user_data array below since leanorm will 
            // automatically populate those fields when
            // the new record is saved.
            $user_data = [
                'username' => 'admin', 
                'password' => password_hash($password , PASSWORD_DEFAULT)
            $user_record = $model_obj->createNewRecord($user_data);
            if( $user_record->save() !== false ) {
                $view_str = 'First user successfully initialized!';
            } else {
                $view_str = 'Error: could not create first user!';
        } else if( 
            && ((int)$num_existing_users) > 0 
        ) {
            $view_str = 'First user already initialized!';
        } else {
            $view_str = 'Error: could not initialize first user!';
        // The 'content' key in the array below will be available in
        // `./src/layout-templates/main-template.php` as $content
        // Note: $this->layout_template_file_name has a value of 'main-template.php'
        return $this->renderLayout( $this->layout_template_file_name, ['content'=>$view_str] );

actionInitUsers($password) above checks if there is no data in the user_authentication_accounts table and if there is none, it then proceeds to insert a row of data into the table with a username value of admin and password with value supplied in $password (note that it's the hashed form of the password that is stored in the user_authentication_accounts table). If there is data in the user_authentication_accounts table, the method just sets a message to be displayed.

All we now need to do to ensure we have a user with the username admin and password admin in our app is to restart the development web-server and browse to http://localhost:8888/users/init-users/admin. After this, we can login to our app with a username of admin and a password of admin. We can login via any controller with the path <controller_name>/login in our url, where <controller_name> can be substituted with the controller names of any of the controllers we have created in our app.

We can even create a manual route /init-users/{password}[/] in ./config/routes-and-middlewares.php that redirects to http://localhost:8888/users/init-users/<entered_password>. So we can use a shorter url http://localhost:8888/init-users/<entered_password> to accomplish the same goal of creating the admin user. For example, http://localhost:8888/init-users/admin will also create a user with the username admin and password admin (if there are no users yet in the app).

Just add the code below to ./config/routes-and-middlewares.php and http://localhost:8888/init-users/<entered_password> will become active:

        \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, 
        \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response, 
    ) {
        return $response->withStatus(301)
                        ->withHeader('Location', '/users/init-users/'.$args['password']);

Below are the login urls currently available in our app (they are all calling \SlimMvcTools\Controllers\BaseController::actionLogin()):

Below is a list of all the features we will be implementing

Next we edit our site's layout template (./src/layout-templates/main-template.php) to contain navigation links to some of the features we will be implementing.

./src/layout-templates/main-template.php after edit:

<!doctype html>
    /** @var \Vespula\Locale\Locale $__localeObj */
    /** @var \Rotexsoft\FileRenderer\Renderer $this */
    /** @var \SlimMvcTools\Controllers\BaseController $controller_object */
    function makeMenuItemActive($links_controller_name, $controller_name_from_uri): string {

        return ( trim($controller_name_from_uri) === trim($links_controller_name) ) ? 'active' : '';

<html class="no-js" lang="<?= $__localeObj->getLanguageCode(); ?>" dir="ltr">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">
        <!--Let browser know website is optimized for mobile-->
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
        <!--Import Google Icon Font-->
        <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        <!--Import materialize.css-->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

        <title>Da Numba 1 Movie Catalog App</title>
            .container {
                width: 98%;
            @media only screen and (min-width : 601px) and (max-width : 1260px) {
                .toast {
                    width: 100%;
                    border-radius: 0;

            @media only screen and (min-width : 1261px) {
                .toast {
                    width: 100%;
                    border-radius: 0; 

            @media only screen and (min-width : 601px) and (max-width : 1260px) {
                #toast-container {
                    min-width: 100%;
                    bottom: 0%;
                    top: 90%;
                    right: 0%;
                    left: 0%;

            @media only screen and (min-width : 1261px) {
                #toast-container {
                    min-width: 100%;
                    bottom: 0%;
                    top: 90%;
                    right: 0%;
                    left: 0%; 
        <div class="navbar-fixed">
            <!-- Dropdown Structure -->
            <ul id="dropdown1" class="dropdown-content">
                <li><a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink("/users"); ?>">Manage Users</a></li>
                <li class="divider"></li>
                <?php if( $controller_object->isLoggedIn() ): ?>
                    <li><a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink("/users/add"); ?>">Add New User</a></li>
                <?php endif; // if( $controller_object->isLoggedIn() ) ?>
                <div class="nav-wrapper">
                    <a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink('/movie-listings'); ?>"
                        Da Numba 1 Movie Catalog App
                    <a href="#" data-target="mobile-demo" class="sidenav-trigger">
                        <i class="material-icons">menu</i>
                    <ul id="nav-mobile" class="right hide-on-med-and-down">
                        <li class="<?= makeMenuItemActive('movie-listings', $controller_object->getControllerNameFromUri()); ?>">
                            <a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink('/movie-listings'); ?>">
                                <?= $__localeObj->gettext('main_template_text_home'); ?>
                        <!-- Dropdown Trigger -->
                        <li class="<?= makeMenuItemActive('users', $controller_object->getControllerNameFromUri()); ?>">
                            <a class="dropdown-trigger" 
                               href="#!" data-target="dropdown1">
                                Users<i class="material-icons right">arrow_drop_down</i>
                        <?php if($controller_object->isLoggedIn()): ?>
                                <a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink("/{$controller_object->getControllerNameFromUri()}/logout"); ?>">
                                    <?= $__localeObj->gettext('base_controller_text_logout'); ?>
                        <?php else: ?>
                                <a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink("/{$controller_object->getControllerNameFromUri()}/login"); ?>">
                                    <?= $__localeObj->gettext('base_controller_text_login'); ?>
                        <?php endif; ?>
        </div> <!-- <div class="navbar-fixed"> -->
        <ul class="sidenav" id="mobile-demo">
                <a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink('/movie-listings'); ?>">
                    <?= $__localeObj->gettext('main_template_text_home'); ?>

            <li><a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink("/users"); ?>">Manage Users</a></li>

            <?php if( $controller_object->isLoggedIn() ): ?>

                <li><a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink("/users/add"); ?>">Add New User</a></li>

            <?php endif; // if( $controller_object->isLoggedIn() ) ?>

            <?php if($controller_object->isLoggedIn()): ?>
                    <a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink("/{$controller_object->getControllerNameFromUri()}/logout"); ?>">
                        <?= $__localeObj->gettext('base_controller_text_logout'); ?>
            <?php else: ?>
                    <a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink("/{$controller_object->getControllerNameFromUri()}/login"); ?>">
                        <?= $__localeObj->gettext('base_controller_text_login'); ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
        </ul> <!-- <ul class="sidenav" id="mobile-demo"> -->
        <div class="container">

            <div class="row" style="margin-top: 1em;">
                <div class="s12">
                    <?php if( $controller_object->isLoggedIn() ): ?>

                        <strong style="color: #7f8fa4;">
                            Logged in as <?= $controller_object->getVespulaAuthObject()->getUsername(); ?>

                    <?php endif; ?>

            <div class="row" style="margin-top: 1em;">
                <div class="s12">
                    <?php echo $content; ?>

            <div class="s12">
                    <p>Copyright &copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?>. Da Numba 1 Movie Catalog App.</p>

        <!--JavaScript at end of body for optimized loading-->
        <script src=""></script>
            document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
                var elems = document.querySelectorAll('.dropdown-trigger');
                var instances = M.Dropdown.init(elems, { hover: false });

                var sideNavElems = document.querySelectorAll('.sidenav');
                var sideNavInstances = M.Sidenav.init(sideNavElems, {});
                // Flash Message display logic
                <?php if( isset($last_flash_message) && $last_flash_message !== null  ): ?>

                    var flash_toast_css = '<?= $this->escapeJs($last_flash_message_css_class ?? ''); ?>';
                    var flash_toast_messages = '';

                    <?php if( is_array($last_flash_message) ): ?>

                        <?php foreach($last_flash_message as $curr_flash_msg): ?>

                            flash_toast_messages += '<?= $this->escapeJs($curr_flash_msg); ?><br>';

                        <?php endforeach; // foreach($last_flash_message as $curr_flash_msg): ?>

                    <?php else: ?>

                        flash_toast_messages += '<?= $this->escapeJs($last_flash_message); ?><br>';

                    <?php endif; // if( is_array($last_flash_message) ): ?>
                    M.toast({html: flash_toast_messages, displayLength: 15000, classes: flash_toast_css });

                <?php endif; //if( $last_flash_message !== null )?>

Our layout template (./src/layout-templates/main-template.php) is now fully configured. If you look closely at the edited template file, you will notice the following php variables:

  • $__localeObj
    • It is injected in the dependencies files in the \SlimMvcTools\ContainerKeys::LAYOUT_RENDERER & \SlimMvcTools\ContainerKeys::VIEW_RENDERER which are responsible for rendering view and layout files
  • $controller_object
    • this variable is the instance of the controller class that was used to render the layout file and gets automatically injected into layout files in \SlimMvcTools\Controllers\BaseController->renderLayout(...)
  • $last_flash_message
    • will be injected in the renderLayout & renderView methods of \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase
  • $last_flash_message_css_class
    • will be injected in the renderLayout & renderView methods of \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase
  • $content
    • this variable gets automatically injected into layout files in \SlimMvcTools\Controllers\BaseController->renderLayout(...), it is the output from the view for the current controller action method being executed

We need to inject some variables into our layout template via the renderLayout method in our controller. We will override the renderLayout method in \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase (since it's the base controller for our app) like so:

    public function renderLayout(string $file_name, array $data=[]): string {
        // define common layout variables
        $common_layout_data = [];
        $common_layout_data['last_flash_message'] = $this->getLastFlashMessage();
        $common_layout_data['last_flash_message_css_class'] = $this->getLastFlashMessageCssClass();
        return parent::renderLayout(
            $file_name, array_merge( $common_layout_data, $data ) 

We should also make these variables available to all our views via the renderView method in our controller. We will override the renderView method in \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase (since it's the base controller for our app) like so:

    public function renderView(string $file_name, array $data=[]): string {
        // define common variables
        $common_layout_data = [];
        $common_layout_data['last_flash_message'] = $this->getLastFlashMessage();
        $common_layout_data['last_flash_message_css_class'] = $this->getLastFlashMessageCssClass();
        return parent::renderView(
            $file_name, array_merge( $common_layout_data, $data ) 

Next we edit our site's error layout template (./src/layout-templates/error-template.html) which will be used by the framework to display errors like HTTP 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error, etc. We want this template to have the same look and feel as ./src/layout-templates/main-template.php

<!doctype html>

<html class="no-js" lang="en" dir="ltr">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">
        <!--Let browser know website is optimized for mobile-->
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
        <!--Import Google Icon Font-->
        <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        <!--Import materialize.css-->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

        <!-- title injected by \SlimMvcTools\HtmlErrorRenderer->renderHtmlBody(string $title = '', string $html = '') -->
        <title>Da Numba 1 Movie Catalog App &ndash; {{{TITLE}}}</title>
            .container {
                width: 98%;
        <div class="navbar-fixed">
                <div class="nav-wrapper">
                    <a href="#" class="brand-logo">
                        Da Numba 1 Movie Catalog App
        </div> <!-- <div class="navbar-fixed"> -->
        <div class="container">

            <div class="row" style="margin-top: 1em;">
                <div class="s12">
                    <!-- title injected by \SlimMvcTools\HtmlErrorRenderer->renderHtmlBody(string $title = '', string $html = '') -->

            <div class="row" style="margin-top: 1em;">
                <div class="s12">
                    <a href="#" onclick="window.history.go(-1)">Go Back</a>
                    <!-- error message body injected by \SlimMvcTools\HtmlErrorRenderer->renderHtmlBody(string $title = '', string $html = '') -->

            <div class="s12">
                    <p>Copyright &copy; <span id="year"></span>. Da Numba 1 Movie Catalog App.</p>

        <!--JavaScript at end of body for optimized loading-->
        <script src=""></script>
            document.getElementById("year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear();

We are going to add the following methods to \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase for managing flash messages:

    protected function setErrorFlashMessage($msg) {
        $this->setFlashMessageCssClass('red darken-4');

    protected function setSuccessFlashMessage($msg) {
        $this->setFlashMessageCssClass('teal lighten-2');

    protected function setWarningFlashMessage($msg) {
        $this->setFlashMessageCssClass('deep-orange darken-1');
    protected function setFlashMessage($msg) {

        $msg_key = 'curr_msg';
        $this->getContainerItem(\Slim\Flash\Messages::class)->addMessage($msg_key, $msg);

    protected function getLastFlashMessage() {

        $msg_key = 'curr_msg';
        $messages = $this->getContainerItem(\Slim\Flash\Messages::class)->getMessage($msg_key);

        if( is_array($messages) && count($messages) === 1 ) {
            $messages = array_pop($messages);
        return $messages;

    protected function setFlashMessageCssClass($css_class) {

        $msg_key = 'curr_msg_css_class';
        $this->getContainerItem(\Slim\Flash\Messages::class)->addMessage($msg_key, 'card-panel pulse ' . $css_class);

    protected function getLastFlashMessageCssClass() {

        $msg_key = 'curr_msg_css_class';
        $messages = $this->getContainerItem(\Slim\Flash\Messages::class)->getMessage($msg_key);
        if( is_array($messages) && count($messages) > 0 ) {
            $messages = array_pop($messages);
        return $messages;

Our layout template file is good to go (navigation links have been set-up, a flash messaging mechanism is in place and required php variables are automatically injected whenever \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase::renderLayout($file_name, array $data=[]) is called).

We are now ready to start implementing features in our \MovieCatalog\Controllers\Users and \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings controllers.

Let's start with the \MovieCatalog\Controllers\Users controller. Let's implement the action method to list all users; i.e. actionIndex(). To do this, update actionIndex() in \MovieCatalog\Controllers\Users with the code below:

    public function actionIndex() {
        $view_data = [];
        $model_class = \MovieCatalog\Models\UsersAuthenticationsAccounts\UsersAuthenticationsAccountsModel::class;
        $model_obj = $this->getContainerItem($model_class);
        // Grab all existing user records.
        // Note that the variable $collection_of_user_records will be available
        // in your index.php view (in this case ./src/views/users/index.php)
        // when $this->renderView('index.php', $view_data) is called.
        $view_data['collection_of_user_records'] = $model_obj->fetchRecordsIntoCollection();
        //render the view first and capture the output
        $view_str = $this->renderView('index.php', $view_data);
        return $this->renderLayout( $this->layout_template_file_name, ['content'=>$view_str] );

We've implemented the controller portion of the feature to list all users. Now let's implement the view portion of the feature by adding the code below to ./src/views/users/index.php:

    /** @var \Vespula\Locale\Locale $__localeObj */
    /** @var \Rotexsoft\FileRenderer\Renderer $this */
    /** @var \SlimMvcTools\Controllers\BaseController $controller_object */
<h4>All Users</h4>

<?php if( $collection_of_user_records instanceof \MovieCatalog\Models\Collections\BaseCollection && count($collection_of_user_records) > 0 ): ?>

        <?php foreach ($collection_of_user_records as $user_record): ?>

                <?php echo $user_record->username; ?> | 
                <a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink( "users/view/" . $user_record->id ); ?>">View</a> 

                <?php if( $controller_object->isLoggedIn() ): ?>

                    | <a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink( "users/edit/" . $user_record->id ); ?>">Edit</a> |
                    <a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink( "users/delete/" . $user_record->id ); ?>"
                       onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');"

                <?php endif; //if( $controller_object->isLoggedIn() )  ?>

        <?php endforeach; ?>

<?php else: ?>

        No user(s) exist. <br>
        Initialize the system with an <strong>admin</strong> user with a password of: 
        <input id="initialize-password" type="password" style="width: 25%; display:inline;">.
        <input id="initialize-button" type="submit" value="Initialize">

        // When the Initialize button is clicked, redirect to 
        // /users/init-users/<entered_password>, where <entered_password> 
        // is the value entered into the password text-box
        document.getElementById('initialize-button').addEventListener('click', function(event) {
            var entered_password = document.getElementById('initialize-password').value;

            if( entered_password === '' ) {
                alert('Password cannot be empty!');
                return false;

            window.location.href = 
                '<?= $controller_object->makeLink("/users/init-users"); ?>' + '/' + entered_password;

<?php endif; ?>

Now our feature to list all users is completed and can be accessed at http://localhost:8888/users or http://localhost:8888/users/index .

Let's now implement the action method to view a single user; i.e. actionView($id). To do this, we add actionView($id) to \MovieCatalog\Controllers\Users with the code below:

    public function actionView($id) {
        $view_data = [];
        $model_class = 
        $model_obj = $this->getContainerItem($model_class);
        // Grab record for the user whose id was specified.
        // Note that the variable $user_record will be available
        // in your view.php view (in this case ./src/views/users/view.php)
        // when $this->renderView('view.php', $view_data) is called.
        $view_data['user_record'] = $model_obj->fetchOneByPkey($id);
        if( !($view_data['user_record'] instanceof \MovieCatalog\Models\Records\BaseRecord) ) {
            // We could not find any user with the specified id in the database.
            // Generate and return an http 404 resposne.
            $this->forceHttp404('Requested user does not exist.');
        //get the contents of the view first
        $view_str = $this->renderView('view.php', $view_data);

        return $this->renderLayout( $this->layout_template_file_name, ['content'=>$view_str] );

We've implemented the controller portion of the feature to view a single user. Now let's implement the view portion of the feature by creating a view.php file in ./src/views/users/ and adding the code below to it:

    /** @var \Vespula\Locale\Locale $__localeObj */
    /** @var \Rotexsoft\FileRenderer\Renderer $this */
    /** @var \SlimMvcTools\Controllers\BaseController $controller_object */
<h4>View User</h4>
<ul style="list-style: none;">
        <?= $user_record->username; ?>
        <strong>Date Created:</strong> 
        <?= $user_record->getDateCreated(); ?>
        <strong>Date Last Modified:</strong> 
        <?= $user_record->getLastModfiedDate(); ?>
    <a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink( "users/index" ); ?>">View all Users</a>
    <?php if( $controller_object->isLoggedIn() ): ?>

        | <a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink( "users/edit/" . $user_record->id ); ?>">Edit</a> |
        <a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink( "users/delete/" . $user_record->id ); ?>">Delete</a>

    <?php endif; //if( isset($is_logged_in) && $is_logged_in )  ?>

Now our feature to view a single user is completed and can be accessed at http://localhost:8888/users/view/<some_num> (<some_num> should be replaced with a numeric id of a user; e.g. http://localhost:8888/users/view/2 to view details of a single user with an id of 2.

Next, we implement the action method to add a new user; i.e. actionAdd(). To do this, we add actionAdd() to \MovieCatalog\Controllers\Users with the code below:

    public function actionAdd() {
        // The call below is to get a response object for
        // redirecting the user to the login page if the
        // user is not currently logged in. You must be 
        // logged in in order to be able to add a new user.
        // If the user is logged in, $login_response will
        // receive a value of false from
        // $this->getResponseObjForLoginRedirectionIfNotLoggedIn().
        $login_response = $this->getResponseObjForLoginRedirectionIfNotLoggedIn();
        if( $login_response instanceof \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface ) {
            // redirect to login page
            return $login_response;
        $model_class = 
        $model_obj = $this->getContainerItem($model_class);
        $error_msgs = [];
        $error_msgs['form-errors'] = [];
        $error_msgs['username'] = [];
        $error_msgs['password'] = [];
        // An associative array with keys being the names of the columns in the db table 
        // associated with the model and a default value of '' for each item in the array
        $default_data = $model_obj->getDefaultColVals();
        // remove item whose key is primary key column name
        // since primary key values are auto-generated

        // create a new record with the default data generated above
        $record = $model_obj->createNewRecord($default_data);
        if( $this->request->getMethod() === 'POST' ) {
            // POST Request
            $has_field_errors = false;
            // Read the post data
            $posted_data = sMVC_GetSuperGlobal('post');
            if( mb_strlen( ''.$posted_data['username'], 'UTF-8') <= 0 ) {
                $error_msgs['username'][] = 'Username Cannot be blank!';
                $has_field_errors = true;
            } else {
                // check that posted username is not already assigned to an
                // existing user
                $existing_user_with_same_username = 
                                    ' username = ? ', [$posted_data['username']]
                if( $existing_user_with_same_username instanceof \MovieCatalog\Models\Records\BaseRecord ) {
                    // username is already assigned to an existing user
                    $error_msgs['username'][] = 'Username already taken!';
                    $has_field_errors = true;
            if( mb_strlen( ''.$posted_data['password'], 'UTF-8') <= 0 ) {
                $error_msgs['password'][] = 'Password Cannot be blank!';
                $has_field_errors = true;
            //load posted data into new record object

            if ( !$has_field_errors ) {
                // hash the password
                $record->password = password_hash($record->password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
                // try to save
                if ( $record->save() !== false ) {

                    //successfully saved;
                    $rdr_path = $this->makeLink("users/index");
                    $this->setSuccessFlashMessage('Successfully Saved!');

                    // re-direct to the list all users page
                    return $this->response->withStatus(302)->withHeader('Location', $rdr_path);
                } else {

                    //Record could not be saved.
                    $error_msgs['form-errors'][] = 'Save Failed!';
                } // if ( $record->save() !== false ) 
            } else {
                $error_msgs['form-errors'][] = 'Form contains error(s)!';
            } // if ( !$has_field_errors )
        } //if( $this->request->getMethod() === 'POST' )

        $view_data = [];
        $view_data['error_msgs'] = $error_msgs;
        $view_data['user_record'] = $record;
        $view_str = $this->renderView('add.php', $view_data);
        return $this->renderLayout($this->layout_template_file_name, ['content'=>$view_str]);

We've implemented the controller portion of the feature to add a new user. Now let's implement the view portion of the feature by creating an add.php file in ./src/views/users/ and adding the code below to it:

    /** @var \Vespula\Locale\Locale $__localeObj */
    /** @var \Rotexsoft\FileRenderer\Renderer $this */
    /** @var \SlimMvcTools\Controllers\BaseController $controller_object */
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 20px;">Add New User</h4>

<form method="POST" 
      action="<?= $controller_object->makeLink("users/add"); ?>" 

<?php printErrorMsg('form-errors', $error_msgs); //print form level error message(s) if any ?>

    <div class="row" id="row-username">
        <div class="col s3 right-align">
            <label for="username" class="">
                Username<span style="color: red;"> *</span>
        <?php $input_elems_error_css_class = (count($error_msgs['username']) > 0)? ' class="is-invalid-input" ' : ''; ?>
        <div class="col s7">
            <input type="text" 
                   <?= $input_elems_error_css_class; ?>
                   value="<?= $user_record->username; ?>"
            <?php printErrorMsg('username', $error_msgs); //print error message(s) if any ?>
    <div class="row" id="row-password">
        <div class="col s3 right-align">
            <label for="password" class="">
                Password<span style="color: red;"> *</span>
        <div class="col s7">
            <input type="password" 
                   value="<?= $user_record->password; ?>"
            <?php printErrorMsg('password', $error_msgs); //print error message(s) if any ?>

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col s3">
            <input type="submit" 
            <input type="submit" 

    // When Cancel button is clicked, redirect to list all users page
    document.getElementById('cancel-button').addEventListener('click', function(event) {

        // Do this so that when the Cancel button is clicked 
        // the browser does not try to submit the form
        window.location.href = '<?= $controller_object->makeLink("/users/index"); ?>';

function printErrorMsg($element_name, array $error_msgs) {

    if( isset($error_msgs[$element_name]) ) {

        foreach($error_msgs[$element_name] as $err_msg) {

            //spit out error message for $element_name
            echo "<div style=\"padding: 0.5em;\" class=\"card red\">{$err_msg}</div>";

        } //foreach($error_msgs[$element_name] as $err_msg)
    } //if( array_key_exists($element_name, $error_msgs) )

Now our feature to add a new user is completed and can be accessed at http://localhost:8888/users/add. You will need to login with the username admin & password admin to be able to see the form we just created.

Let's now implement the action method to edit an existing user; i.e. actionEdit($id). To do this, we add actionEdit($id) to \MovieCatalog\Controllers\Users with the code below:

    public function actionEdit($id) {
        // The call below is to get a response object for
        // redirecting the user to the login page if the
        // user is not currently logged in. You must be 
        // logged in in order to be able to edit an 
        // existing user. If the user is logged in, 
        // $login_response will receive a value of 
        // false from $this->getResponseObjForLoginRedirectionIfNotLoggedIn().
        $login_response = $this->getResponseObjForLoginRedirectionIfNotLoggedIn();
        if( $login_response instanceof \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface ) {
            // redirect to login page
            return $login_response;
        $model_class = 
        $model_obj = $this->getContainerItem($model_class);
        $error_msgs = [];
        $error_msgs['form-errors'] = [];
        $error_msgs['username'] = [];
        $error_msgs['password'] = [];
        // fetch the record for the user with the specified $id
        $record = $model_obj->fetchOneByPkey($id);
        if( !($record instanceof \MovieCatalog\Models\Records\BaseRecord) ) {
            // Could not find record for the user with the specified $id
            $this->forceHttp404('Requested user does not exist.');
        if( $this->request->getMethod() === 'POST' ) {
            // POST Request
            $has_field_errors = false;
            // Read the post data
            $posted_data = sMVC_GetSuperGlobal('post');
            if( mb_strlen( ''.$posted_data['username'], 'UTF-8') <= 0 ) {
                $error_msgs['username'][] = 'Username Cannot be blank!';
                $has_field_errors = true;
            } else {
                // check that posted username is not already assigned to an
                // existing user (except the user with the value of $id)
                $existing_user_with_same_username = 
                                  ->where(' username = :username ', ['username' => $posted_data['username']])
                                  ->where(' id != :id ', ['id' => $id])
                if( $existing_user_with_same_username instanceof \MovieCatalog\Models\Records\BaseRecord ) {

                    // username is already assigned to an existing user
                    $error_msgs['username'][] = 'Username already taken!';
                    $has_field_errors = true;

            //load posted data into record object
            $record->username = $posted_data['username'];

            if ( !$has_field_errors ) {
                    $posted_data['password'] !== '' 
                    && !password_verify(''.$posted_data['password'], $record->password) 
                ) {
                    // only hash the password if it's different from the exisitng 
                    // hashed password
                    $record->password = password_hash(''.$posted_data['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
                // try to save
                if ( $record->save() !== false ) {

                    //successfully saved;
                    $rdr_path = $this->makeLink("users/index");
                    $this->setSuccessFlashMessage('Successfully Saved!');

                    // re-direct to the list all users page
                    return $this->response->withStatus(302)->withHeader('Location', $rdr_path);
                } else {

                    //Record could not be saved.
                    $error_msgs['form-errors'][] = 'Save Failed!';
                } // if ( $record->save() !== false ) 
            } else {
                $error_msgs['form-errors'][] = 'Form contains error(s)!';
            } // if ( !$has_field_errors )
        } //if( $this->request->getMethod() === 'POST' )

        $view_data = [];
        $view_data['user_record'] = $record;
        $view_data['error_msgs'] = $error_msgs;
        $view_str = $this->renderView('edit.php', $view_data);
        return $this->renderLayout('main-template.php', ['content'=>$view_str]);

We've implemented the controller portion of the feature to edit an existing user. Now let's implement the view portion of the feature by creating an edit.php file in ./src/views/users/ and adding the code below to it:

    /** @var \Vespula\Locale\Locale $__localeObj */
    /** @var \Rotexsoft\FileRenderer\Renderer $this */
    /** @var \SlimMvcTools\Controllers\BaseController $controller_object */
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 20px;">Edit User</h4>

<form method="POST" 
      action="<?= $controller_object->makeLink("users/edit/{$user_record->id}"); ?>" 

<?php printErrorMsg('form-errors', $error_msgs); //print form level error message(s) if any ?>

    <div class="row" id="row-username">
        <div class="col s3 right-align">
            <label for="username" class="">
                Username<span style="color: red;"> *</span>
        <div class="col s7">
            <input type="text" 
                   value="<?= $user_record->username; ?>"
            <?php printErrorMsg('username', $error_msgs); //print error message(s) if any ?>
    <div class="row" id="row-password">
        <div class="col s3 right-align">
            <label for="password" class="">
        <div class="col s7">
            <input type="password" 
            <?php printErrorMsg('password', $error_msgs); //print error message(s) if any ?>

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col s3">
            <input type="submit" 
            <input type="submit" 

    // When Cancel button is clicked, redirect to list all users page
    document.getElementById('cancel-button').addEventListener('click', function(event) {

        // Do this so that when the Cancel button is clicked 
        // the browser does not try to submit the form
        window.location.href = '<?= $controller_object->makeLink("/users/index"); ?>';

function printErrorMsg($element_name, array $error_msgs) {

    if( isset($error_msgs[$element_name]) ) {

        foreach($error_msgs[$element_name] as $err_msg) {

            //spit out error message for $element_name
            echo "<div style=\"padding: 0.5em;\" class=\"card red\">{$err_msg}</div>";

        } //foreach($error_msgs[$element_name] as $err_msg)
    } //if( array_key_exists($element_name, $error_msgs) )

Now our feature to edit an existing user is completed and can be accessed at http://localhost:8888/users/edit/<some_num> (<some_num> should be replaced with a numeric id of a user; e.g. http://localhost:8888/users/edit/2 to edit an existing user with an id of 2.

We are now going to implement the last feature for managing users (i.e. the ability to delete a specific user). We would be implementing this feature differently because it does not require a view. We will add an actionDelete($id) method to \MovieCatalog\Controllers\Users and doDelete($id, $model_key_name_in_container) to \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase. doDelete($id, $model_key_name_in_container) will also be used by the actionDelete($id) we will be adding later to \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings to delete movie listings. Add the code below to \MovieCatalog\Controllers\Users:

    public function actionDelete($id) {
        return $this->doDelete(

Then add the code below to \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieCatalogBase:

    protected function doDelete($id, $model_key_name_in_container) {

        // The call below is to get a response object for
        // redirecting the user to the login page if the
        // user is not currently logged in. You must be 
        // logged in in order to be able to delete an 
        // existing record. If the user is logged in, 
        // $login_response will receive a value of 
        // false from $this->getResponseObjForLoginRedirectionIfNotLoggedIn().
        $login_response = $this->getResponseObjForLoginRedirectionIfNotLoggedIn();
        if( $login_response instanceof \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface ) {
            // redirect to login page
            return $login_response;

        // get model object
        $model_obj = $this->getContainerItem($model_key_name_in_container);
        // fetch the record
        $record = $model_obj->fetchOneByPkey($id);
        if( !($record instanceof \MovieCatalog\Models\Records\BaseRecord) ) {
            // Could not find record with the specified $id
                'Requested item could not be deleted. It does not exist.'
        // We will be redirecting to the default action of the current 
        // controller
        $rdr_path = $this->makeLink("{$this->controller_name_from_uri}");
        if ( $record->delete() === false ) {
            // Delete operation was not successful. Set error message.
            $this->setErrorFlashMessage('Could not Delete Record!');
        } else {
            // Delete operation was successful. Set success message.
            $this->setSuccessFlashMessage('Successfully Deleted!');
        // Redirect to the default action of the current controller
        return $this->response->withStatus(302)->withHeader('Location', $rdr_path);

At this point, our feature to delete a specific user is completed and can be accessed at http://localhost:8888/users/delete/<some_num> (<some_num> should be replaced with a numeric id of a user; e.g. http://localhost:8888/users/delete/2 to delete a specific user with an id of 2.

Yipee! We have implemented all the earlier specified features for managing users in the \MovieCatalog\Controllers\Users controller; i.e.:

  • Initializing the app with an admin user via actionInitUsers($password) (if no user exists)
  • Listing all users via actionIndex()
  • Viewing a single user via actionView($id)
  • Adding a new user via actionAdd()
  • Editing an existing user via actionEdit($id)
  • Deleting a specific user via actionDelete($id)

Now we move on to implementing features necessary for managing movie listing in the \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings controller.

Let's implement the action method to list all movies; i.e. actionIndex(). To do this, update actionIndex() in \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings with the code below:

    public function actionIndex() {
        $view_data = [];
        $model_obj = $this->getContainerItem(
        // Grab all existing movie records.
        // Note that the variable $collection_of_movie_records will be available
        // in your index.php view (in this case ./src/views/movie-listings/index.php)
        // when $this->renderView('index.php', $view_data) is called.
        $view_data['collection_of_movie_records'] = 
        //render the view first and capture the output
        $view_str = $this->renderView('index.php', $view_data);
        return $this->renderLayout( $this->layout_template_file_name, ['content'=>$view_str] );

We've implemented the controller portion of the feature to list all movies. Now let's implement the view portion of the feature by adding the code below to ./src/views/movie-listings/index.php:

    /** @var \Vespula\Locale\Locale $__localeObj */
    /** @var \Rotexsoft\FileRenderer\Renderer $this */
    /** @var \SlimMvcTools\Controllers\BaseController $controller_object */
    use \MovieCatalog\Models\Collections\BaseCollection;
<?php if( $controller_object->isLoggedIn() ): ?>

    <div class="row" style="margin-top: 1em;">
        <div class="col s6">
            <h4>All Movies</h4>
        <div class="col s6  right-align">
            <a class="btn" href="<?php echo $controller_object->makeLink( "movie-listings/add" ); ?>">
                <strong>+ Add new Movie Listing</strong>

<?php endif; ?>

<?php if( $collection_of_movie_records instanceof BaseCollection && count($collection_of_movie_records) > 0 ): ?>

    <?php foreach ($collection_of_movie_records as $movie_record): ?>

            <?php echo $movie_record->title; ?> | 
            <a href="<?php echo $controller_object->makeLink( "movie-listings/view/" . $movie_record->id ); ?>">View</a> 

            <?php if( $controller_object->isLoggedIn() ): ?>

                | <a href="<?php echo $controller_object->makeLink( "movie-listings/edit/" . $movie_record->id ); ?>">Edit</a> |
                <a href="<?php echo $controller_object->makeLink( "movie-listings/delete/" . $movie_record->id ); ?>"
                   onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');"

            <?php endif; //if( isset($is_logged_in) && $is_logged_in )  ?>

    <?php endforeach; ?>

<?php else: ?>

    No Movies yet. Please <a href="<?php echo $controller_object->makeLink( "movie-listings/add" ); ?>">Add</a> 
    one or more movie listing(s).

<?php endif; ?>

Now our feature to list all movies is completed and can be accessed at http://localhost:8888/movie-listings or http://localhost:8888/movie-listings/index .

Let's now implement the action method to view a single movie; i.e. actionView($id). To do this, we add actionView($id) to \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings with the code below:

    public function actionView($id) {
        $view_data = [];
        /** @var \MovieCatalog\Models\MoviesListings\MoviesListingsModel $model_obj */
        $model_obj = $this->getContainerItem(
        // Grab record for the movie whose id was specified.
        // Note that the variable $movie_record will be available
        // in your view.php view (in this case ./src/views/movie-listings/view.php)
        // when $this->renderView('view.php', $view_data) is called.
        $view_data['movie_record'] = $model_obj->fetchOneByPkey($id);
        if( !($view_data['movie_record'] instanceof \MovieCatalog\Models\Records\BaseRecord) ) {
            // We could not find any movie with the specified id in the database.
            // Generate and return an http 404 resposne.
            $this->forceHttp404('Requested movie does not exist.');
        //get the contents of the view first
        $view_str = $this->renderView('view.php', $view_data);

        return $this->renderLayout( $this->layout_template_file_name, ['content'=>$view_str] );

We've implemented the controller portion of the feature to view a single movie. Now let's implement the view portion of the feature by creating a view.php file in ./src/views/movie-listings/ and adding the code below to it:

    /** @var \Vespula\Locale\Locale $__localeObj */
    /** @var \Rotexsoft\FileRenderer\Renderer $this */
    /** @var \SlimMvcTools\Controllers\BaseController $controller_object */
<h4>View Movie</h4>
<ul style="list-style: none;">
        <?= $movie_record->title; ?>
        <strong>Year of Release:</strong> 
        <?= $movie_record->release_year; ?>
        <?= $movie_record->genre; ?>
        <strong>Duration in Minutes:</strong> 
        <?= $movie_record->duration_in_minutes; ?>
        <strong>MPAA Rating:</strong> 
        <?= $movie_record->mpaa_rating; ?>
        <strong>Date Created:</strong> 
        <?= $movie_record->getDateCreated(); ?>
        <strong>Date Last Modified:</strong> 
        <?= $movie_record->getLastModfiedDate(); ?>
    <a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink( "movie-listings/index" ); ?>">View all Movies</a>
    <?php if( $controller_object->isLoggedIn() ): ?>

        | <a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink( "movie-listings/edit/" . $movie_record->id ); ?>">Edit</a> |
        <a href="<?= $controller_object->makeLink( "movie-listings/delete/" . $movie_record->id ); ?>">Delete</a>

    <?php endif;  ?>

Now our feature to view a movie is completed and can be accessed at http://localhost:8888/movie-listings/view/<some_num> (<some_num> should be replaced with a numeric id of a movie; e.g. http://localhost:8888/movie-listings/view/2 to view details of a single movie with an id of 2. At this point there is no movie in the database so there's nothing to view yet.

Next, we implement the action method to add a new movie; i.e. actionAdd(). To do this, we add actionAdd() to \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings with the code below:

    public function actionAdd() {
        // The call below is to get a response object for
        // redirecting the user to the login page if the
        // user is not currently logged in. You must be 
        // logged in in order to be able to add a new movie.
        // If the user is logged in, $login_response will
        // receive a value of false from
        // $this->getResponseObjForLoginRedirectionIfNotLoggedIn().
        $login_response = $this->getResponseObjForLoginRedirectionIfNotLoggedIn();
        if( $login_response instanceof \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface ) {
            // redirect to login page
            return $login_response;
        /** @var \MovieCatalog\Models\MoviesListings\MoviesListingsModel $model_obj */
        $model_obj = $this->getContainerItem(
        $error_msgs = [];
        $error_msgs['form-errors'] = [];
        $error_msgs['title'] = []; // cannot be blank
        $error_msgs['release_year'] = []; // cannot be blank
        // create an associative array with keys being the names of the columns in the 
        // db table associated with the model and a default value of '' for each item 
        // in the array
        $default_data = $model_obj->getDefaultColVals();
        // remove item whose key is primary key column name
        // since primary key values are auto-generated
        // this is an integer field in the db
        $default_data['duration_in_minutes'] = '0'; 

        // create a new record with the default data generated above
        $record = $model_obj->createNewRecord($default_data);
        if( $this->request->getMethod() === 'POST' ) {
            // POST Request
            $has_field_errors = false;
            // Read the post data
            $posted_data = sMVC_GetSuperGlobal('post');
            if( mb_strlen( ''.$posted_data['title'], 'UTF-8') <= 0 ) {
                $error_msgs['title'][] = 'Title cannot be blank!';
                $has_field_errors = true;
            if( mb_strlen( ''.$posted_data['release_year'], 'UTF-8') <= 0 ) {
                $error_msgs['release_year'][] = 'Year of Release cannot be blank!';
                $has_field_errors = true;
            //load posted data into new record object

            if ( !$has_field_errors ) {
                // try to save
                if ( $record->save() !== false ) {

                    //successfully saved;
                    $rdr_path = $this->makeLink("movie-listings/index");
                    $this->setSuccessFlashMessage('Successfully Saved!');

                    // re-direct to the list all movies page
                    return $this->response
                                ->withHeader('Location', $rdr_path);
                } else {

                    //Record could not be saved.
                    $error_msgs['form-errors'][] = 'Save Failed!';
                } // if ( $record->save() !== false ) 
            } else {
                $error_msgs['form-errors'][] = 'Form contains error(s)!';
            } // if ( !$has_field_errors )
        } //if( $this->request->getMethod() === 'POST' )

        $view_data = [];
        $view_data['error_msgs'] = $error_msgs;
        $view_data['movie_record'] = $record;
        $view_str = $this->renderView('add.php', $view_data);
        return $this->renderLayout('main-template.php', ['content'=>$view_str]);

We've implemented the controller portion of the feature to add a new movie. Now let's implement the view portion of the feature by creating an add.php file in ./src/views/movie-listings/ and adding the code below to it:

    /** @var \Vespula\Locale\Locale $__localeObj */
    /** @var \Rotexsoft\FileRenderer\Renderer $this */
    /** @var \SlimMvcTools\Controllers\BaseController $controller_object */
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 20px;">Add New Movie</h4>

<form method="POST" 
      action="<?= $controller_object->makeLink("movie-listings/add"); ?>" 

<?php printErrorMsg('form-errors', $error_msgs); //print form level error message(s) if any ?>

    <div class="row" id="row-title">
        <div class="col s3 right-align">
            <label for="title" class="">
                Title<span style="color: red;"> *</span>
        <div class="col s7">
            <input type="text" 
                   value="<?= $movie_record->title; ?>"
            <?php printErrorMsg('title', $error_msgs); //print error message(s) if any ?>
    <div class="row" id="row-release_year">
        <div class="col s3 right-align">
            <label for="release_year" class="">
                Year of Release<span style="color: red;"> *</span>
        <div class="col s7">
            <input type="number"
                   value="<?= $movie_record->release_year; ?>"
            <?php printErrorMsg('release_year', $error_msgs); //print error message(s) if any ?>
    <div class="row" id="row-genre">
        <div class="col s3 right-align">
            <label for="genre" class="">
        <div class="col s7">
            <input type="text"
                   value="<?= $movie_record->genre; ?>"
    <div class="row" id="row-duration_in_minutes">
        <div class="col s3 right-align">
            <label for="duration_in_minutes" class="">
                Duration in Minutes
        <div class="col s7">
            <input type="number" 
                   value="<?= $movie_record->duration_in_minutes; ?>"
    <div class="row" id="row-mpaa_rating">
        <div class="col s3 right-align">
            <label for="mpaa_rating" class="">
                MPAA Rating
        <div class="col s7">
            <?php $selected = 'selected="selected"'; ?>
            <select name="mpaa_rating" id="mpaa_rating">
                <option value="">----None----</option>
                <option value="G" title="General Audiences" 
                        <?= ($movie_record->mpaa_rating === "G") ? $selected : '' ; ?> 
                <option value="NR" title="Not Rated"
                        <?= ($movie_record->mpaa_rating === "NR") ? $selected : '' ; ?> 
                <option value="PG" title="Parental Guidance"
                        <?= ($movie_record->mpaa_rating === "PG") ? $selected : '' ; ?> 
                <option value="PG-13" title="Parents Strongly Cautioned"
                        <?= ($movie_record->mpaa_rating === "PG-13") ? $selected : '' ; ?> 
                <option value="R" title="Restricted"
                        <?= ($movie_record->mpaa_rating === "R") ? $selected : '' ; ?> 

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col s3">
            <input type="submit" 
            <input type="submit" 

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
        var elems = document.querySelectorAll('select');
        var instances = M.FormSelect.init(elems, {});
    // When Cancel button is clicked, redirect to list all users page
    document.getElementById('cancel-button').addEventListener('click', function(event) {

        // Do this so that when the Cancel button is clicked 
        // the browser does not try to submit the form
        window.location.href = '<?= $controller_object->makeLink("/movie-listings/index"); ?>';

function printErrorMsg($element_name, array $error_msgs) {

    if( isset($error_msgs[$element_name]) ) {

        foreach($error_msgs[$element_name] as $err_msg) {

            //spit out error message for $element_name
            echo "<div style=\"padding: 0.5em;\" class=\"card red\">{$err_msg}</div>";

        } //foreach($error_msgs[$element_name] as $err_msg)
    } //if( array_key_exists($element_name, $error_msgs) )

Now our feature to add a new movie is completed and can be accessed at http://localhost:8888/movie-listings/add.

Let's now implement the action method to edit an existing movie; i.e. actionEdit($id). To do this, we add actionEdit($id) to \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings with the code below:

    public function actionEdit($id) {
        // The call below is to get a response object for
        // redirecting the user to the login page if the
        // user is not currently logged in. You must be 
        // logged in in order to be able to edit an 
        // existing movie. If the user is logged in, 
        // $login_response will receive a value of 
        // false from $this->getResponseObjForLoginRedirectionIfNotLoggedIn().
        $login_response = $this->getResponseObjForLoginRedirectionIfNotLoggedIn();
        if( $login_response instanceof \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface ) {
            // redirect to login page
            return $login_response;
        /** @var \MovieCatalog\Models\MoviesListings\MoviesListingsModel $model_obj */
        $model_obj = $this->getContainerItem(
        $error_msgs = [];
        $error_msgs['form-errors'] = [];
        $error_msgs['title'] = [];
        $error_msgs['release_year'] = [];
        // fetch the record for the movie with the specified $id
        $record = $model_obj->fetchOneByPkey($id);
        if( !($record instanceof \MovieCatalog\Models\Records\BaseRecord) ) {
            // Could not find record for the movie with the specified $id
            $this->forceHttp404('Requested movie does not exist.');
        if( $this->request->getMethod() === 'POST' ) {
            // POST Request
            $has_field_errors = false;
            // Read the post data
            $posted_data = sMVC_GetSuperGlobal('post');
            if( mb_strlen( ''.$posted_data['title'], 'UTF-8') <= 0 ) {
                $error_msgs['title'][] = 'Title Cannot be blank!';
                $has_field_errors = true;
            if( mb_strlen( ''.$posted_data['release_year'], 'UTF-8') <= 0 ) {
                $error_msgs['release_year'][] = 'Year of Release Cannot be blank!';
                $has_field_errors = true;
            //load posted data into new record object

            if ( !$has_field_errors ) {
                // try to save
                if ( $record->save() !== false ) {

                    //successfully saved;
                    $rdr_path = $this->makeLink("movie-listings/index");
                    $this->setSuccessFlashMessage('Successfully Saved!');

                    // re-direct to the list all movies page
                    return $this->response->withStatus(302)->withHeader('Location', $rdr_path);
                } else {

                    //Record could not be saved.
                    $error_msgs['form-errors'][] = 'Save Failed!';
                } // if ( $record->save() !== false ) 
            } else {
                $error_msgs['form-errors'][] = 'Form contains error(s)!';
            } // if ( !$has_field_errors )
        } //if( $this->request->getMethod() === 'POST' )

        $view_data = [];
        $view_data['movie_record'] = $record;
        $view_data['error_msgs'] = $error_msgs;
        $view_str = $this->renderView('edit.php', $view_data);
        return $this->renderLayout('main-template.php', ['content'=>$view_str]);

We've implemented the controller portion of the feature to edit an existing movie. Now let's implement the view portion of the feature by creating an edit.php file in ./src/views/movie-listings/ and adding the code below to it:

    /** @var \Vespula\Locale\Locale $__localeObj */
    /** @var \Rotexsoft\FileRenderer\Renderer $this */
    /** @var \SlimMvcTools\Controllers\BaseController $controller_object */
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 20px;">Edit Movie</h4>

<form method="POST" 
      action="<?= $controller_object->makeLink("movie-listings/edit/{$movie_record->id}"); ?>" 

<?php printErrorMsg('form-errors', $error_msgs); //print form level error message(s) if any ?>

    <div class="row" id="row-title">
        <div class="col s3 right-align">
            <label for="title" class="">
                Title<span style="color: red;"> *</span>
        <div class="col s7">
            <input type="text" 
                   value="<?= $movie_record->title; ?>"
            <?php printErrorMsg('title', $error_msgs); //print error message(s) if any ?>
    <div class="row" id="row-release_year">
        <div class="col s3 right-align">
            <label for="release_year" class="">
                Year of Release<span style="color: red;"> *</span>
        <div class="col s7">
            <input type="number"
                   value="<?= $movie_record->release_year; ?>"
            <?php printErrorMsg('release_year', $error_msgs); //print error message(s) if any ?>
    <div class="row" id="row-genre">
        <div class="col s3 right-align">
            <label for="genre" class="">
        <div class="col s7">
            <input type="text"
                   value="<?= $movie_record->genre; ?>"
    <div class="row" id="row-duration_in_minutes">
        <div class="col s3 right-align">
            <label for="duration_in_minutes" class="">
                Duration in Minutes
        <div class="col s7">
            <input type="number" 
                   value="<?= $movie_record->duration_in_minutes; ?>"
    <div class="row" id="row-mpaa_rating">
        <div class="col s3 right-align">
            <label for="mpaa_rating" class="">
                MPAA Rating
        <div class="col s7">
            <?php $selected = 'selected="selected"'; ?>
            <select name="mpaa_rating" id="mpaa_rating">
                <option value="">----None----</option>
                <option value="G" title="General Audiences" 
                        <?= ($movie_record->mpaa_rating === "G") ? $selected : '' ; ?> 
                <option value="NR" title="Not Rated"
                        <?= ($movie_record->mpaa_rating === "NR") ? $selected : '' ; ?> 
                <option value="PG" title="Parental Guidance"
                        <?= ($movie_record->mpaa_rating === "PG") ? $selected : '' ; ?> 
                <option value="PG-13" title="Parents Strongly Cautioned"
                        <?= ($movie_record->mpaa_rating === "PG-13") ? $selected : '' ; ?> 
                <option value="R" title="Restricted"
                        <?= ($movie_record->mpaa_rating === "R") ? $selected : '' ; ?> 

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col s3">
            <input type="submit" 
            <input type="submit" 

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
        var elems = document.querySelectorAll('select');
        var instances = M.FormSelect.init(elems, {});
    // When Cancel button is clicked, redirect to list all users page
    document.getElementById('cancel-button').addEventListener('click', function(event) {

        // Do this so that when the Cancel button is clicked 
        // the browser does not try to submit the form
        window.location.href = '<?= $controller_object->makeLink("/movie-listings/index"); ?>';

function printErrorMsg($element_name, array $error_msgs) {

    if( isset($error_msgs[$element_name]) ) {

        foreach($error_msgs[$element_name] as $err_msg) {

            //spit out error message for $element_name
            echo "<div style=\"padding: 0.5em;\" class=\"card red\">{$err_msg}</div>";

        } //foreach($error_msgs[$element_name] as $err_msg)
    } //if( array_key_exists($element_name, $error_msgs) )

Now our feature to edit an existing movie is completed and can be accessed at http://localhost:8888/movie-listings/edit/<some_num> (<some_num> should be replaced with a numeric id of a movie; e.g. http://localhost:8888/movie-listings/edit/2 to edit an existing movie with an id of 2).

We are now going to implement the last feature for managing movies (i.e. the ability to delete a specific movie) by adding the code below to \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings:

    public function actionDelete($id) {
        return $this->doDelete(

We are done, we have successfully implemented all the features required to manage movie listings and users in our app. Obviously, other features like searching, Cross-site Request Forgery protection in the forms, e.t.c. can be implemented to further enhance the app.

To return a list of all movies in json format, you can update actionIndex() in \MovieCatalog\Controllers\MovieListings with the code below and add a format parameter with the value of json to the url like so (http://localhost:8888/movie-listings?format=json)

    public function actionIndex() {
        $view_data = [];
        /** @var \MovieCatalog\Models\MoviesListings\MoviesListingsModel $model_obj */
        $model_obj = $this->getContainerItem(
        // Grab all existing movie records.
        // Note that the variable $collection_of_movie_records will be available
        // in your index.php view (in this case ./src/views/movie-listings/index.php)
        // when $this->renderView('index.php', $view_data) is called.
        $view_data['collection_of_movie_records'] = 
        $response_format = sMVC_GetSuperGlobal('get', 'format', null);
            $response_format !== null
            && !in_array( trim(mb_strtolower( ''.$response_format, 'UTF-8')), ['html', 'xhtml'] )
        ) {
            //handle other specified formats (non-html)
            if ( trim(mb_strtolower(''.$response_format, 'UTF-8')) === 'json' ) {
                // return response in json format
                $movie_listings_array = [];
                    $view_data['collection_of_movie_records'] instanceof \MovieCatalog\Models\Collections\BaseCollection 
                    && count($view_data['collection_of_movie_records']) > 0 
                ) {
                    //convert collection of movie_listings records to an array of arrays
                    foreach ($view_data['collection_of_movie_records'] as $record) {

                        // $record->getData() gets the underlying associative array 
                        // containing a record's data
                        $movie_listings_array[] = $record->getData();
                     ->write($json = json_encode($movie_listings_array));

                // Ensure that the json encoding passed successfully
                if ($json === false) {
                    throw new \RuntimeException(json_last_error_msg(), json_last_error());
                return $this->response
                            ->withHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=utf-8');
            } else {
                // Unknown format specified, generate an error page
                $msg = "Unknown format `$response_format` specified";
        } else {
            //render the view first and capture the output
            $view_str = $this->renderView('index.php', $view_data);

            return $this->renderLayout( $this->layout_template_file_name, ['content'=>$view_str] );

The repository containing all the code we wrote above for this application can be found here.

To view all the MVC routes available in this application, there's an action automatically avalaible in all controllers that extend \SlimMvcTools\Controllers\BaseController in any app built using the SlimPHP 4 Skeleton MVC App Framework.

The MVC routes url for this application is http://localhost:8888/movie-catalog-base/routes
