From RSpace 1.59.3 (API version 1.5.4) you can programmatically create new user accounts and groups. Please note that:
- This requires a SYSADMIN role
- As of 1.59.3 / API 1.5.4 this API is provisional and subject to change. Any feedback or suggestions for feedback are welcome.
- A sysadmin user can create users with any role, just like in the web interface
- Firstly ensure all users exist on the system - create new users if need be.
- Then create a LabGroup, with a PI user
Send a POST request to /sysadmin/users with the details of the user to be created in the request body. A request body is shown in createUser.json
curl -v -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -H "apiKey: <APIKEY>"\
-d "@tutorial-data/accounts/createUser.json"\
There are some restrictions on the values of data fields passed,
- All fields are mandatory unless indicated (see Swagger docs for details)
- Usernames must be >= 6 characters
- Passwords must be >= 8 characters
One of four user-roles can be specified: ROLE_USER, ROLE_PI, ROLE_ADMIN and ROLE_SYSADMIN.
In order to create a group, all users who are to be added to the group must already exist on the system.
Also, at least one member must have a global PI role and be assigned the role of PI in the lab.
Here is an example of a valid group post request body. All fields are required.
"name": "MyGroup",
"members": [
"username": "bob123",
"roleInGroup": "PI"
"username": "labmember",
"roleInGroup": "DEFAULT"
which creates a group with 2 members, a PI and a standard member.
curl -v -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -H "apiKey: <APIKEY>"\
-d "@tutorial-data/accounts/createGroup.json"\