Download attachment files by their ID
Downloads 1 or more files by their ID. 'dir' flag is is optional; if not set will download to current folder. The Ids should be for files in the Gallery. these files typically have global ID prefix 'GL'
rspace-client eln download [flags]
// download 3 files to current folder by their ID
rspace eln download 1234 5678 1234
// download a file to the given directory
rspace eln download 1234 --dir /downloadFolder
// globalIds work too
rspace eln download GL1234 GL12345--dir /downloadFolder
--dir string Optional directory to download into
-h, --help help for download
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.rspace)
-o, --outFile string Output file for program output
-f, --outputFormat string Output format: one of 'json','table', 'csv' or 'quiet' (default "table")
- rspace-client eln - Top-level command to work with RSpace ELN