Exports RSpace documents to XML or HTML archive
Make an export of your work to zipped archive in HTML (default) or XML format. If you are a PI or admin user you can export other users' work or a group's work by supplying a group or user ID as a single argument.
Exports of selections are exported as well, by supplying IDs as command line arguments
You can opt to wait for the export to complete using --wait. This will cause the command to block until the export process has completed.
Launching an export returns a job Id that you can use to download the results using 'job' command.
rspace-client eln export [flags]
// export your own work to HTML, waiting for the archive process to complete
rspace eln export --format html --scope user --wait
// submit an export but don't wait for completion
rspace eln export --format xml --scope user
// export your group's work (you need to be a PI or labAdmin to do this)
rspace eln export 12345 --format xml --scope group
// export a selection of records, notebooks or folders (3 in this case)
rspace eln export SD123 NB456 FL789 --format html --scope selection
// export - don't include linked documents. You can use numeric IDs if you prefer.
rspace eln export 123 456 --linkDepth 0
--format string xml or html (default "html")
-h, --help help for export
--linkDepth int Maximum number of links to follow to include in export (default 1)
--scope string user or group (default "user")
--wait Wait for export to complete
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.rspace)
-o, --outFile string Output file for program output
-f, --outputFormat string Output format: one of 'json','table', 'csv' or 'quiet' (default "table")
- rspace-client eln - Top-level command to work with RSpace ELN