Lists users - requires sysadmin role!
List users, sorted or paginated.
Please note that currently users are ordered by account creation date only (default is most recent first), but there is no limit on the page size, so you can retrieve all users in one query, then filter or sort using standard Unix utilities.
rspace-client eln listUsers [flags]
// find out how many users you have:
rspace eln listUsers --all -f json | jq '.TotalHits'
// or just use 'grep' if you don't have 'jq' installed:
rspace eln listUsers --all -f json | grep TotalHits
// now you can get all users in one go and sort by any column e.g. by username:
rspace eln listUsers --all | sort -k2
--all Gets all users
-h, --help help for listUsers
--maxResults int Maximum number of results to retrieve (default 20)
--orderBy string orders results by 'name', 'created' or 'lastModified' (default "lastModified")
--sortOrder string 'asc' or 'desc'
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.rspace)
-o, --outFile string Output file for program output
-f, --outputFormat string Output format: one of 'json','table', 'csv' or 'quiet' (default "table")
- rspace-client eln - Top-level command to work with RSpace ELN