A tutorial on how to use the MAAP to develop an algorithm to be run on the Data Processing Service (DPS)
The idea of this repository is to demonstrate the various ways in which an algorithm can be integrated in the DPS.
This demo will teach you how to:
- Set up the environment required for algorithm to run within DPS
- Call a python script within the DPS
- Accept parameters to your script
- Read an input file and manipulate it
- Write an output file for DPS to store it
- Write logs to stdout so that they can be viewed later
This demo script reduces an image using gdal_translate.
python gdal_wrapper.py -h
usage: gdal_wrapper.py [-h] --input_file INPUT_FILE --output_file OUTPUT_FILE --outsize OUTSIZE
Runs gdal_translate -outsize to reduce input size by n%
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input_file INPUT_FILE
Input file to use
--output_file OUTPUT_FILE
Output file to write
--outsize OUTSIZE Reduction size
Create a temp working dir somewhere outside the code repository.
cd /tmp
Create the input directory and place the image in that directory
mkdir -p input
# Copy input file here
Deactivate custom environment
conda deactivate
Run the run_gdal.sh script from this temp directory
bash ${path_to_repo_parent_dir}/dps_tutorial/gdal_wrapper/run_gdal.sh
If this script runs successfully then you are one step closer to running the algorithm on DPS.
- Register algorithm on DPS
- Submit Job