Project Manager is a comprehensive project management tool designed to help teams streamline their workflows and manage tasks effectively. Built with the latest technologies, it ensures a smooth and seamless user experience by avoiding server components for data fetching and leveraging optimized client-side techniques.
The project utilizes a modern and powerful stack:
- React 18: For building dynamic and interactive user interfaces.
- Next.js 15: For server-side rendering and optimized web applications.
- Hono: A fast web framework.
- Appwrite: Backend-as-a-service for authentication, database, and storage.
- nuqs: Used for utility functions and query handling.
- TypeScript (TS): Ensures type safety and better developer experience.
- zod and zodresolver: For schema validation and form handling.
- shadcn: A design system for building accessible components.
- TanStack Query: For efficient and declarative data fetching.
- RPC: Remote Procedure Calls for streamlined client-server communication.
- Cookies: Used for state management and session persistence.
- Hello Pangea DnD: For a smooth and interactive Kanban board implementation.
The application has been refactored to avoid relying on server components for data fetching. This change ensures:
- A smoother and faster user experience.
- Improved handling of state and UI updates.
- Better control over caching and performance.