Peek is a simple cheatsheet handler.
peek uses by default your $EDITOR variable to edit your cheatsheets. If $EDITOR is not set, it uses /usr/bin/vi.
So just set your $EDITOR variable. Since the directory that the cheatsheets are saved is ~/.peek/ , you have to create it and edit config.h to point to it. If you want a different directory to save your cheatsheets, edit config.h according to your needs. After making the changes to your config.h continue to installing peek.
To install run:
sudo make install
To uninstall just run:
sudo make uninstall
You can get a sample of cheatheets here:
Just copy them on your ~/.peek/ directory.
Here peek(1) lists all available cheatsheets:
Supposing we want to read the "fonts" cheatsheet we simply do: