From fa49ded6c3c0806754c8010d4a34658fc6d65e92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: devjojo Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2025 19:50:45 +0900 Subject: [PATCH] docs: readme --- | 337 ------------------------------------------------------ 1 file changed, 337 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index d2b561b..e69de29 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,337 +0,0 @@ -![tailwind-nextjs-banner](/public/static/images/twitter-card.png) - -# Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog - -[![GitHub Repo stars](]( -[![GitHub forks](]( -[![Twitter URL](]( -[![Sponsor](]( - -[![Deploy with Vercel](]( - -This is a [Next.js](, [Tailwind CSS]( blogging starter template. Version 2 is based on Next App directory with [React Server Component]( and uses [Contentlayer]( to manage markdown content. - -Probably the most feature-rich Next.js markdown blogging template out there. Easily configurable and customizable. Perfect as a replacement to existing Jekyll and Hugo individual blogs. - -Check out the documentation below to get started. - -Facing issues? Check the [FAQ page]( and do a search on past issues. Feel free to open a new issue if none has been posted previously. - -Feature request? Check the past discussions to see if it has been brought up previously. Otherwise, feel free to start a new discussion thread. All ideas are welcomed! - -## Variations - -**Note**: These are community contributed forks using different frameworks or with significant changes to the codebase - not officially supported. - -Astro alternative - [Tailwind Astro Template]( - -Remix-run alternative - [Tailwind Remix-run Starter Blog Template]( - -Internationalization support - [Template with i18n]( and [source code]( - -## Examples V2 - -- [Demo Blog]( - this repo -- [My personal blog]( - modified to auto-generate blog posts with dates -- [Karhdo's Blog]( - Karhdo's Blog - Karhdo's Coding Adventure ([source code]( -- [ blog]( - Benoit's personal blog about software development ([source code]( -- [tsix blog]( - A front-end engineer is used to record some knowledge points in work and study _中文_ -- [SOTO's Blog]( - A more personalized personal website upgraded from V1 ([source code]( -- [Prabhu's Blog]( - Prabhu's Personal website with blog ([source code]( -- [Rabby Hasan's Blog]( - Rabby Hasan's personal blog about full stack development with cloud ([source code]( -- []( - enscribe's personal blog; cybersecurity shenanigans, frontend webdev, etc. ([source code]( -- []( - Dale Larroder's personal website upgraded from V1 ([source code]( -- []( - Talha Tahir's personal blog. Added article thumbnails, linkedIn card, Beautiful hero content, technology emoticons. -- []( - Homing's personal blog about the stuff he's learning ([source code]( -- [zS1m's Blog]( - zS1m's personal blog for recording and sharing daily learning technical content ([source code]( -- []( - Software development blog ([source code]( -- []( - Blog site for some thoughts and records for life and technology. -- [ blog]( - Francis Aguilar's personal blog that talks about tech, fitness, and personal development. -- [Min71 Dev Blog]( - Personal blog about Blockchain, Development and etc. ([source code]( -- [Bryce Yu's Blog]( - Bryce Yu's personal Blog about distributed system, database, and web development. ([source code]( -- [Remote Startup Senpai Anime Series Website]( - Landing page for the anime series Remote Startup Senpai. -- [Secret Base]( - Jac Hsu's personal Blog.talks about tech, thought, and life in general. -- [Zsebinformatikus]( - The information superhighway guide blog. -- [Anton Morgunov's Blog]( - talking about science without oversimplifications or why theoretical and computational chemistry is cool. -- [Hans Blog]( - Hans' personal blog, front-end technology, gallery and travel diary 中文. ([source code]( -- [CuB3y0nd's Portfolio]( - CuB3y0nd‘s cyber security study notes「中文」 -- [London Tech Talk]( - A podcast exploring technology trends and expatriate living experiences. - 日本語 -- [CRUD Flow Blog]( - A technical blog about AI, Cloud Engineering, Data Science and Personal development -- [Trillium's Blog]( - Modified to render resume pdf on `/resume` page. ([source code]( -- [Frank's Tech Blog]( - Frank's personal blog about software development and technology. ([source code]( -- [Wujie's Blog: 旅行者计划]( - Wujie's personal digital garden ([source code]( -- [Xiaodong's Blog]( - Xiaodong's personal blog about front-end technology, and life. 「中文」([source code]( -- []( - Amos's personal website for tech, music, AI illustrations, etc. [English/中文] ([Source code]( -- []( - Personal website for Josh Haines. ([source code]( -- - [Jigu's Blog]( - Jigu's personal blog about tech, crypto, golang, and life. 「中文」 -- []( - Andrew's Personal website using ShadCN, Prisma, MongoDB, Auth.js, Resume Page, Custom Experience timeline and technologies components. ([source code]( -- [Rulli Damara Putra's Portfolio]( - Rully's personal blog and portfolio. -- [ 套路猿]( - A personal tech blog that supports multi-theme switching. 「中英」 -- []( - A song lyrics website offering original lyrics, Romanisation, and English translations with customisable viewing options. -- []( - Benson Macharia's technical blog about Cybersecurity and IT Risk Management. -- []( - Abdul Rauf's personal blog about tech and random stuff. -- []( - 🇻🇳 Leo's dev blog – stories, insights, and ideas. Add `/snippets`, `/books` pages, add `ProfileCard`, `CareerTimeline` components and many more. -- [OpenSats Blog]( - A 501(c)(3) public charity which aims to sustainably fund free and open-source projects. ([source code]( -- [Schedles Blog]( - Social media scheduling tips, strategies, and product updates for content creators. ([Project Link]( -- [YawDev Blog]( - IT-Agency / Software Development. Blog about tech and business ([Project Link]( -- [Engineering Notes]( - Jonas Vetterle Personal Website & Blog. I'm writing articles about software engineering that interest me, including AI and Quantum Computing -- []( - Personal Website as Portfolio & Blog. Documenting my learning journey and some guides. -- [kezhenxu94's blog]( - Blogging about dev, tips & tricks, tutorials and more. - -Using the template? Feel free to create a PR and add your blog to this list. - -## Examples V1 - -[v1-blogs-showcase.webm]( - -Thanks to the community of users and contributors to the template! We are no longer accepting new blog listings over here. If you have updated from version 1 to version 2, feel free to remove your blog from this list and add it to the one above. - -- [Aloisdg's cookbook]( - with pictures and recipes! -- [GautierArcin's demo with next translate]( - includes translation of mdx posts, [source code]( -- [David Levai's digital garden]( - customized design and added email subscriptions -- []( - Added `mdx-embed`, view count, reading minutes and more. -- []( - Irvin Lin's personal site. Added YouTube embedding. -- []( - Personal blog & website. -- []( - [Tincre's]( main company blog -- []( - ['s]( main music promotion blog -- []( - Ephraim Atta-Duncan's Personal Blog -- []( - Dhanraj's personal site and blog. -- []( - Austin Rooks's personal blog ([source code]( -- []( - Tszhong's personal website ([source code]( -- []( - Marcelo Formentão personal website ([source code]( -- []( - with a [runnable JS code snippet component!]( -- []( - Ben Piggin's personal blog -- []( - A blog of Chinese front-end developers 狂奔小马的博客 ([源码]( -- []( - Electronic Music Blog & imprint for upcoming musicians. -- []( - Chai's personal blog -- [techipedia]( - Simple blogging progressive web app with custom installation button and top progress bar -- []( - Reuben Rapose's Digital Garden -- []( - Engineering management news & updates (with image preview for article in the home page) -- []( - Parth Desai's personal blog ([source code]( -- []( - [Curtis Warcup's]( website for the On Your Mental Podcast ([source code]( -- []( - Curtis Warcup's personal website and blog ([source code]( -- []( - Ondiek Elijah's website and blog ([source code]( -- []( - José Miguel Álvarez's personal blog ([source code]( -- []( - Justin Gosses's personal website and blog ([source code]( -- []( - Sangeet Agarwal's personal blog, replatformed to [remix]( using the [indie stack]( ([source code]( -- []( - Raphaël Chelly's personal website and blog ([source code]( -- []( - Kaveh Tehrani's personal blog. Added tags directory, profile card, time-to-read on posts directory, etc. -- []( - Drake Rossman's blog about NixOS, Rust, Software Architecture and Engineering Management, as well as general musings. -- []( - Landing page and product blog starting from this template. It also uses [framer-motion]( for animations, custom layout templates, [waline]( for blog comments and [primereact]( forms [Ita] -- []( - Giovanni Orciuolo's personal website, blog and everything nerd. - -## Motivation - -I wanted to port my existing blog to Nextjs and Tailwind CSS but there was no easy out of the box template to use so I decided to create one. Design is adapted from [Tailwindlabs blog]( - -I wanted it to be nearly as feature-rich as popular blogging templates like [beautiful-jekyll]( and [Hugo Academic]( but with the best of React's ecosystem and current web development's best practices. - -## Features - -- Next.js with Typescript -- [Contentlayer]( to manage content logic -- Easy styling customization with [Tailwind 3.0]( and primary color attribute -- [MDX - write JSX in markdown documents!]( -- Near perfect lighthouse score - [Lighthouse report]( -- Lightweight, 85kB first load JS -- Mobile-friendly view -- Light and dark theme -- Font optimization with [next/font]( -- Integration with [pliny]( that provides: - - Multiple analytics options including [Umami](, [Plausible](, [Simple Analytics](, Posthog and Google Analytics - - Comments via [Giscus](, [Utterances]( or Disqus - - Newsletter API and component with support for Mailchimp, Buttondown, Convertkit, Klaviyo, Revue, Emailoctopus and Beehiiv - - Command palette search with [Kbar]( or Algolia -- Server-side syntax highlighting with line numbers and line highlighting via [rehype-prism-plus]( -- Math display supported via [KaTeX]( -- Citation and bibliography support via [rehype-citation]( -- [Github alerts]( via [remark-github-blockquote-alert]( -- Automatic image optimization via [next/image]( -- Support for tags - each unique tag will be its own page -- Support for multiple authors -- 3 different blog layouts -- 2 different blog listing layouts -- Support for nested routing of blog posts -- Projects page -- Preconfigured security headers -- SEO friendly with RSS feed, sitemaps and more! - -## Sample posts - -- [A markdown guide]( -- [Learn more about images in Next.js]( -- [A tour of math typesetting]( -- [Simple MDX image grid]( -- [Example of long prose]( -- [Example of Nested Route Post]( - -## Quick Start Guide - -1. Clone the repo - -```bash -npx degit 'timlrx/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog' -``` - -2. Personalize `siteMetadata.js` (site related information) -3. Modify the content security policy in `next.config.js` if you want to use - other analytics provider or a commenting solution other than giscus. -4. Personalize `authors/` (main author) -5. Modify `projectsData.ts` -6. Modify `headerNavLinks.ts` to customize navigation links -7. Add blog posts -8. Deploy on Vercel - -## Installation - -```bash -yarn -``` - -Please note, that if you are using Windows, you may need to run: - -```bash -$env:PWD = $(Get-Location).Path -``` - -## Development - -First, run the development server: - -```bash -yarn dev -``` - -Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result. - -Edit the layout in `app` or content in `data`. With live reloading, the pages auto-updates as you edit them. - -## Extend / Customize - -`data/siteMetadata.js` - contains most of the site related information which should be modified for a user's need. - -`data/authors/` - default author information (required). Additional authors can be added as files in `data/authors`. - -`data/projectsData.js` - data used to generate styled card on the projects page. - -`data/headerNavLinks.js` - navigation links. - -`data/logo.svg` - replace with your own logo. - -`data/blog` - replace with your own blog posts. - -`public/static` - store assets such as images and favicons. - -`tailwind.config.js` and `css/tailwind.css` - tailwind configuration and stylesheet which can be modified to change the overall look and feel of the site. - -`css/prism.css` - controls the styles associated with the code blocks. Feel free to customize it and use your preferred prismjs theme e.g. [prism themes]( - -`contentlayer.config.ts` - configuration for Contentlayer, including definition of content sources and MDX plugins used. See [Contentlayer documentation]( for more information. - -`components/MDXComponents.js` - pass your own JSX code or React component by specifying it over here. You can then use them directly in the `.mdx` or `.md` file. By default, a custom link, `next/image` component, table of contents component and Newsletter form are passed down. Note that the components should be default exported to avoid [existing issues with Next.js]( - -`layouts` - main templates used in pages: - -- There are currently 3 post layouts available: `PostLayout`, `PostSimple` and `PostBanner`. `PostLayout` is the default 2 column layout with meta and author information. `PostSimple` is a simplified version of `PostLayout`, while `PostBanner` features a banner image. -- There are 2 blog listing layouts: `ListLayout`, the layout used in version 1 of the template with a search bar and `ListLayoutWithTags`, currently used in version 2, which omits the search bar but includes a sidebar with information on the tags. - -`app` - pages to route to. Read the [Next.js documentation]( for more information. - -`next.config.js` - configuration related to Next.js. You need to adapt the Content Security Policy if you want to load scripts, images etc. from other domains. - -## Post - -Content is modelled using [Contentlayer](, which allows you to define your own content schema and use it to generate typed content objects. See [Contentlayer documentation]( for more information. - -### Frontmatter - -Frontmatter follows [Hugo's standards]( - -Please refer to `contentlayer.config.ts` for an up to date list of supported fields. The following fields are supported: - -``` -title (required) -date (required) -tags (optional) -lastmod (optional) -draft (optional) -summary (optional) -images (optional) -authors (optional list which should correspond to the file names in `data/authors`. Uses `default` if none is specified) -layout (optional list which should correspond to the file names in `data/layouts`) -canonicalUrl (optional, canonical url for the post for SEO) -``` - -Here's an example of a post's frontmatter: - -``` ---- -title: 'Introducing Tailwind Nexjs Starter Blog' -date: '2021-01-12' -lastmod: '2021-01-18' -tags: ['next-js', 'tailwind', 'guide'] -draft: false -summary: 'Looking for a performant, out of the box template, with all the best in web technology to support your blogging needs? Checkout the Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog template.' -images: ['/static/images/canada/mountains.jpg', '/static/images/canada/toronto.jpg'] -authors: ['default', 'sparrowhawk'] -layout: PostLayout -canonicalUrl: ---- -``` - -## Deploy - -### GitHub Pages - -A [`pages.yml`](.github/workflows/pages.yml) workflow is already provided. Simply select "GitHub Actions" in: `Settings > Pages > Build and deployment > Source`. - -### Vercel - -The easiest way to deploy the template is to deploy on [Vercel]( Check out the [Next.js deployment documentation]( for more details. - -### Netlify - -[Netlify](’s Next.js runtime configures enables key Next.js functionality on your website without the need for additional configurations. Netlify generates serverless functions that will handle Next.js functionalities such as server-side rendered (SSR) pages, incremental static regeneration (ISR), `next/images`, etc. - -See [Next.js on Netlify]( for suggested configuration values and more details. - -### Static hosting services (GitHub Pages / S3 / Firebase etc.) - -Run: - -```sh -$ EXPORT=1 UNOPTIMIZED=1 yarn build -``` - -Then, deploy the generated `out` folder or run `npx serve out` it locally. - -> [!IMPORTANT] -> If deploying with a URL base path, like you need an extra `BASE_PATH` shell-var to the build command: -> -> ```sh -> $ EXPORT=1 UNOPTIMIZED=1 BASE_PATH=/myblog yarn build -> ``` -> -> => In your code, `${process.env.BASE_PATH || ''}/robots.txt` will print `"/myblog/robots.txt"` in the `out` build (or only `/robots.txt` if `yarn dev`, ie: on localhost:3000) - -> [!TIP] -> Alternatively to `UNOPTIMIZED=1`, to continue using `next/image`, you can use an alternative image optimization provider such as Imgix, Cloudinary or Akamai. See [image optimization documentation]( for more details. - -Consider removing the following features that cannot be used in a static build: - -1. Comment out `headers()` from `next.config.js`. -2. Remove `api` folder and components which call the server-side function such as the Newsletter component. Not technically required and the site will build successfully, but the APIs cannot be used as they are server-side functions. - -## Frequently Asked Questions - -- [How can I add a custom MDX component?](/faq/ -- [How can I customize the `kbar` search?](/faq/ -- [Deploy with docker](/faq/ - -## Support - -Using the template? Support this effort by giving a star on GitHub, sharing your own blog and giving a shoutout on Twitter or becoming a project [sponsor]( - -## Licence - -[MIT]( © [Timothy Lin](