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FragmentBuilder implementations

While Condition does implement the FragmentBuilder interface, its subclasses do not provide means to configure Fragments returned by the getFragment() method. Only the builders that have special configuration methods are listed below.

Instances of these classes or of their proxy subclasses are created in some FluentBuilder methods and can be configured via methods described here.

Proxy subclasses

All the classes described below have subclasses in builders\proxies namespace. Those classes proxy the methods of FluentBuilder instance that returns them allowing to seamlessly chain method calls. They also implement the Proxy interface:

namespace sad_spirit\pg_gateway\builders;

use sad_spirit\pg_gateway\Fragment;
use sad_spirit\pg_gateway\FragmentBuilder;

interface Proxy extends FragmentBuilder
    public function getOwnFragment(): Fragment;

getOwnFragment() method returns the fragment created by the builder itself, while getFragment() method returns the fragment built by the proxied instance of FluentBuilder. This way methods defined in TableGateway need not care whether they receive an instance of FluentBuilder or an instance of Proxy.


This configures what columns of the table accessed via gateway will be returned in the output list of SELECT or in the RETURNING clause of DELETE / INSERT / UPDATE.

namespace sad_spirit\pg_gateway\builders;

use sad_spirit\pg_gateway\{
use sad_spirit\pg_gateway\fragments\target_list\ColumnAliasStrategy;

class ColumnsBuilder implements FragmentBuilder
    public function __construct(TableDefinition $definition);

    // defined in FragmentBuilder
    public function getFragment() : Fragment;

    // methods that configure the list of returned columns
    public function none() : $this;
    public function star() : $this;
    public function all() : $this;
    public function only(string[] $onlyColumns) : $this;
    public function except(string[] $exceptColumns) : $this;
    public function primaryKey() : $this;
    // methods that configure aliases for returned columns
    public function alias(ColumnAliasStrategy $strategy) : $this;
    public function replace(string|string[] $pattern, string|string[] $replacement) : $this;
    public function map(array<string, string> $columnMap) : $this;
    public function apply(\Closure $closure, ?string $key = null) : $this;
  • none() removes all columns with self as relation name from the list (this will be a no-op if applied to RETURNING),
  • star() replaces all such columns with self.* shorthand (this is will be a no-op if applied to SELECT).

No aliases are possible with these methods.

Four other methods replace all columns having self as relation name with an explicit list of columns:

  • all() lists all the table columns,
  • only() lists only the given ones,
  • except() - all columns except the given ones,
  • primaryKey() - columns that belong to the table's primary key.

With the latter methods, it is possible to assign aliases to columns:

  • alias() uses a custom implementation of ColumnAliasStrategy.
  • replace() will essentially run preg_replace on column names using the given arguments (see fragments\target_list\alias_strategies\PregReplaceStrategy).
  • map() will try to find aliases in the explicitly provided map ['column name' => 'alias'] (see fragments\target_list\alias_strategies\MapStrategy).
  • apply() will call the given $closure with a column name and use the result as an alias (see fragments\target_list\alias_strategies\ClosureStrategy). Giving a non-null $key that somehow identifies the given $closure will allow caching a query that uses this strategy.

If a strategy returns null or unmodified column name for a given column, then that column will be left without alias.


As there is currently no ConditionBuilder interface, this is essentially a builder for WhereClauseFragment which happens to also implement a getCondition() method. Getting an unwrapped Condition may be useful if e.g. you need to combine it via AND / OR with other conditions.

namespace sad_spirit\pg_gateway\builders;

use sad_spirit\pg_gateway\{

class ExistsBuilder extends AdditionalSelectBuilder
    // defined in FragmentBuilder
    public function getFragment() : Fragment;

    // inherited from AdditionalSelectBuilder
    public function __construct(TableDefinition $base, SelectBuilder $additional);
    public function alias(string $alias) : $this;

    // returns the Condition 
    public function getCondition() : Condition;

    // methods that configure join condition with the base table
    public function joinOn(Condition $condition) : $this;
    public function joinOnForeignKey(string[] $keyColumns = []) : $this;
    public function joinOnRecursiveForeignKey(bool $fromChild = true, array $keyColumns = []) : $this;

    // other configuration methods
    public function not() : $this; 

Methods that configure joins are mostly similar in all the classes that extend AdditionalSelectBuilder. joinOn() uses custom join Condition. As usual, self alias in that should reference the $base table and joined alias should reference the $additional table being joined (i.e. the one inside EXISTS(...)).

joinOnForeignKey() is used to join two different tables using a FOREIGN KEY constraint between them. If there are multiple FOREIGN KEY constraints between tables, $keyColumns can be given to select the one containing these columns on child side. For example, given the following schema

create table example.employees (
    id   integer not null generated by default as identity,
    name text not null,

    constraint employees_pkey primary key (id)

create table example.documents (
    id          integer not null generated by default as identity,
    author_id   integer not null,
    approver_id integer,
    contents    text not null,

    constraint documents_pkey primary key (id),
    constraint documents_author_fkey foreign key (author_id)
        references example.employees (id),
    constraint documents_approval_fkey foreign key (approver_id)
        references example.employees (id)

the following code

use sad_spirit\pg_gateway\builders\FluentBuilder;

$gwEmployees = $locator->createGateway('example.employees');

// selects all employees who authored documents 
$selectAuthor = $gwEmployees->select(fn (FluentBuilder $builder) => $builder

echo $selectAuthor->createSelectStatement()->getSql() . ";\n\n";

// selects all employees who approved documents 
$selectApprover = $gwEmployees->select(fn (FluentBuilder $builder) => $builder

echo $selectApprover->createSelectStatement()->getSql() . ";\n\n";

will output something similar to

select self.*
from example.employees as self
where exists(
        select 1
        from example.documents as gw_1
        where gw_1.author_id =

select self.*
from example.employees as self
where exists(
        select 1
        from example.documents as gw_2
        where gw_2.approver_id =

joinOnRecursiveForeignKey() performs a self-join using a recursive foreign key (i.e. this should be used if $base and $additional reference the same table). $fromChild specifies whether base table is on the child side of join or the parent one. For example, given the following table

create table example.tree (
    id   integer not null generated by default as identity,
    parent_id integer,
    name text not null,

    constraint tree_pkey primary key (id),
    constraint tree_parent_fkey foreign key (parent_id)
        references example.tree (id)

the following code

use sad_spirit\pg_gateway\builders\FluentBuilder;

$gwTree = $locator->createGateway('example.tree');

// selects all items having a parent (this is of course achieved easier with `parent_id IS NOT NULL`)
$selectChild = $gwTree->select(fn (FluentBuilder $builder) => $builder

echo $selectChild->createSelectStatement()->getSql() . ";\n\n";

// selects all items having children
$selectParent = $gwTree->select(fn (FluentBuilder $builder) => $builder

echo $selectParent->createSelectStatement()->getSql() . ";\n\n";

will output something similar to

select self.*
from example.tree as self
where exists(
        select 1
        from example.tree as gw_1
        where self.parent_id =

select self.*
from example.tree as self
where exists(
        select 1
        from example.tree as gw_2
        where gw_2.parent_id =

$keyColumns serve the same purpose as in joinOnForeignKey(), in the unlikely scenario that there are multiple recursive FOREIGN KEY constraints defined.

alias() specifies an explicit alias for the table inside EXISTS(...), a generated one will be used if not given.

not() toggles generation of NOT EXISTS(...) condition.


This configures joining a SelectBuilder object to the current statement.

namespace sad_spirit\pg_gateway\builders;

use sad_spirit\pg_gateway\{

class JoinBuilder extends AdditionalSelectBuilder
    // defined in FragmentBuilder
    public function getFragment() : Fragment;

    // inherited from AdditionalSelectBuilder
    public function __construct(TableDefinition $base, SelectBuilder $additional);
    public function alias(string $alias) : $this;

    // methods that configure the type of join being made
    public function strategy(JoinStrategy $strategy) : $this;
    public function inline() : $this;
    public function inner() : $this;
    public function left() : $this;
    public function right() : $this;
    public function full() : $this;
    public function lateral() : $this;
    public function lateralInner() : $this;
    public function lateralLeft() : $this;

    // methods that configure join condition with the base table
    public function on(Condition $condition) : $this;
    public function onForeignKey(string[] $keyColumns = []) : $this;
    public function onRecursiveForeignKey(bool $fromChild = true, string[] $keyColumns = []) : $this;
    public function unconditional() : $this;
    // other configuration methods
    public function priority(int $priority) : $this;
    public function useForCount(bool $use) : $this;

Actual merging of the $additional to the $base is performed by an implementation of JoinStrategy.

  • strategy() uses a custom implementation of JoinStrategy.
  • inline() adds the joined table a separate item of the base statement's FROM (or USING) clause (see fragments\join_strategies\InlineStrategy). This is the only strategy that works with UPDATE and DELETE, using the employees / documents schema above, the following code
$gwDocuments = $locator->createGateway('example.documents');
$delete      = $gwDocuments->createDeleteStatement(

echo $delete->getSql();

will output something like

delete from example.documents as self
using example.employees as gw_1
where = $1::int4

inner(), left(), right(), and full() are backed by fragments\join_strategies\ExplicitJoinStrategy, they join the $additional to the $base table using the explicit JOIN clause with the condition as its ON clause. $additional may be wrapped in a subquery if it contains complex clauses.

lateral(), lateralInner(), and lateralLeft() are backed by fragments\join_strategies\LateralSubselectStrategy, they wrap the $additional into the LATERAL subquery and either put it as a separate FROM item (lateral()) or join to the $base using INNER or LEFT join. The main difference to the previous strategies is that the condition will be added to the WHERE clause of subquery rather than to the ON clause of JOIN.

inline() is the default join strategy.

The join condition is configured the same way as in ExistsBuilder above, unconditional() method is used to explicitly state that no join condition is used, as FluentBuilder::join() will try to join on a foreign key by default.

priority() controls the order in which joins will be applied, this is especially useful for LATERAL joins. Fragments having the higher priority will be applied earlier.

useForCount() controls whether the join will be performed in SELECT COUNT(*) query executed by SelectProxy::executeCount(). A join that does not modify the number of returned rows can be safely skipped.


This behaves as a FragmentBuilder returning an instance of TargetListFragment.

namespace sad_spirit\pg_gateway\builders;

class ScalarSubqueryBuilder extends AdditionalSelectBuilder
    // defined in FragmentBuilder
    public function getFragment() : Fragment;

    // inherited from AdditionalSelectBuilder
    public function __construct(TableDefinition $base, SelectProxy $additional);
    public function alias(string $alias) : $this;

    // methods that configure join condition with the base table
    public function joinOn(Condition $condition) : $this;
    public function joinOnForeignKey(string[] $keyColumns = []) : $this;
    public function joinOnRecursiveForeignKey(bool $fromChild = true, array $keyColumns = []) : $this;

    // alias methods
    public function tableAlias(string $alias) : $this;
    public function columnAlias(string $alias) : $this;

The somewhat new methods are

  • tableAlias() - this is actually a synonym for alias(), added to differentiate from columnAlias().
  • columnAlias() - sets the alias for subquery expression in the TargetList, (SELECT ...) as $alias.


This is actually used only for with\SelectProxyFragment subclass of WithClauseFragment, its proxy subclass is returned by FluentBuilder::withSelect().

namespace sad_spirit\pg_gateway\builders;

use sad_spirit\pg_gateway\{

class WithClauseBuilder implements FragmentBuilder
    public function __construct(SelectProxy $select, string $alias);
    // defined in FragmentBuilder
    public function getFragment() : Fragment;

    public function columnAliases(array $aliases) : $this;
    public function materialized() : $this;
    public function notMaterialized() : $this;
    public function recursive() : $this;
    public function priority(int $priority) : $this;

Note that the package will not generate an alias for a query in WITH, so an alias should always be passed to constructor.

  • recursive() enables the RECURSIVE option for the WITH clause;
  • materialized() / notMaterialized() enable [NOT] MATERIALIZED options for the CTE;
  • columnAliases() sets the column aliases for the CTE;
  • priority() sets the Fragment's priority: without RECURSIVE queries in WITH can only reference their previous siblings, so priority may be important.