Refactor dependencies to use latest versions and update CI workflows … #35
10 warnings
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see
Run pnpm install
global import of path ./Enum.sol is not allowed. Specify names to import individually or bind all exports of the module into a name (import "path" as Name)
Run pnpm install
global import of path ./SignatureDecoder.sol is not allowed. Specify names to import individually or bind all exports of the module into a name (import "path" as Name)
Run pnpm install
Avoid to use tx.origin
Run pnpm install
Avoid to use tx.origin
Run pnpm install
Avoid to use inline assembly. It is acceptable only in rare cases
Run pnpm install
Rule is set with explicit type [var/s: uint]
Run pnpm install
Avoid to use inline assembly. It is acceptable only in rare cases
Run pnpm install
Avoid to use inline assembly. It is acceptable only in rare cases
Run pnpm install
global import of path @openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol is not allowed. Specify names to import individually or bind all exports of the module into a name (import "path" as Name)