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--- a/modules/passkey/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/modules/passkey/CHANGELOG.md
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# Changelog
+# Version 0.2.1
+## Compiler settings
+Solidity compiler: [0.8.26](https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/releases/tag/v0.8.26)
+Solidity optimizer: enabled with 10.000.000 runs (via IR for all contracts except `FCLP256Verifier`)
+EVM target: Paris
+## Expected addresses
+- `SafeWebAuthnSignerFactory` at `TBD`
+- `SafeWebAuthnSharedSigner` at `TBD`
+- `DaimoP256Verifier` at `0xc2b78104907F722DABAc4C69f826a522B2754De4`
+- `FCLP256Verifier` at `TBD`
+## Changes
+### Security Fixes
+- Check the success of the static call to the SHA-256 precompile.
+### General
+- Use compiler version 0.8.26 and use IR optimizer for all contracts (except `FCLP256Verifier` as it introduces perfomance regressions). This simultaneously decreases code size and runtime gas costs.
+- Index the `signer` field for `Created` event in the `SafeWebAuthnSignerFactory` contract.
+- Use more consistent compiler version pragmas throughout the contracts.
+- Initial release of the `SafeWebAuthnSharedSigner` contract.
# Version 0.2.0
## Compiler settings
diff --git a/modules/passkey/README.md b/modules/passkey/README.md
index 5babdc7f9..ba49b30b1 100644
--- a/modules/passkey/README.md
+++ b/modules/passkey/README.md
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ npx hardhat --network $NETWORK verify $SAFE_WEBAUTHN_SIGNER_SINGLETON_ADDRESS --
### Compiler settings
-The project uses Solidity compiler version `0.8.26` with 10 million optimizer runs, as we want to optimize for the code execution costs. The EVM version is set to `paris` because not all our target networks support the opcodes introduced in the `Shanghai` EVM upgrade.
+The project uses Solidity compiler version `0.8.26` with 10 million IR optimizer runs, as we want to optimize for the code execution costs. Note that the `FCLP256Verifier` contract use the legacy bytecode optimizer in order to prevent performance regressions caused by the new IR optimizer. The EVM version is set to `paris` because not all our target networks support the opcodes introduced in the `Shanghai` EVM upgrade.
#### Custom Networks
diff --git a/modules/passkey/docs/v0.2.0/audit.md b/modules/passkey/docs/v0.2.0/audit.md
index e8fb3a3d4..08ef382d2 100644
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+++ b/modules/passkey/docs/v0.2.0/audit.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Certora ().
-## Notes
+### Notes
The final audit was performed on commit [8a906605010520bed5b532c9d2feb04fdf237832](https://github.com/safe-global/safe-modules/tree/8a906605010520bed5b532c9d2feb04fdf237832).
diff --git a/modules/passkey/docs/v0.2.1/audit-competition-report-hats.md b/modules/passkey/docs/v0.2.1/audit-competition-report-hats.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+# **Safe Audit Competition on Hats.finance**
+- Prepared by: [Hats.finance](https://Hats.finance)
+- Audit Competition: [Safe](https://safe.global/)
+- Lead Auditor: [0xEricTee](https://x.com/0xEricTee)
+- Date: June 19, 2024 - July 03,2024
+## About Hats.finance
+Hats.finance builds autonomous security infrastructure for integration with
+major DeFi protocols to secure users' assets.
+It aims to be the decentralized choice for Web3 security, offering proactive
+security mechanisms like decentralized audit competitions and bug bounties.
+The protocol facilitates audit competitions to quickly secure smart contracts by
+having auditors compete, thereby reducing auditing costs and accelerating
+This aligns with their mission of fostering a robust, secure, and scalable Web3
+ecosystem through decentralized security solutions.
+## About Safe
+The Safe Protocol is a non-custodial set of smart contracts that allows users to
+create programmable multi-signature accounts that require multiple parties to
+authorize transactions. This provides an added layer of security and reduces the
+risk of funds being lost or stolen compared to regular EOA account.
+## About Hats Audit Competition
+Hats Audit Competitions offer a unique and decentralized approach to enhancing
+the security of web3 projects. Leveraging the large collective expertise of
+hundreds of skilled auditors, these competitions foster a proactive bug hunting
+environment to fortify projects before their launch. Unlike traditional security
+assessments, Hats Audit Competitions operate on a time-based and results-driven
+model, that ensures that only successful auditors are rewarded for their
+contributions. This pay-for-results ethos not only allocates budgets more
+efficiently by paying exclusively for identified vulnerabilities but also
+retains funds if no issues are discovered. With a streamlined evaluation
+process, Hats prioritizes quality over quantity by rewarding the first submitter
+of a vulnerability, thus eliminating duplicate efforts and attracting top talent
+in web3 auditing. The process embodies Hats Finance's commitment to reducing
+fees, maintaining project control, and promoting high-quality security
+assessments, setting a new standard for decentralized security in the web3
+## Competition Details
+- Type: A public audit competition hosted by Safe
+- Duration: 14 days
+- Prize Pool: $16,000
+- Maximum Reward: $3,200 for a high severity submission
+- Total Submissions: 27
+- Valid Submissions: 3
+- Total Payout: $TBA USDC distributed.
+- competition link:
+ [link](https://app.hats.finance/audit-competitions/safe-0x2909fdefd24a1ced675cb1444918fa766d76bdac/rewards)
+## Severity levels
+Issues that lead to the loss of user funds. Such issues include:
+- Direct theft of any user funds, whether at rest or in motion.
+- Long-term freezing of user funds.
+- Theft or long term freezing of unclaimed yield or other assets.
+- Protocol insolvency
+- Being able to craft a valid signature without knowing the corresponding
+ private key
+- Being able to replay signatures in different contexts (a signature that was
+ used for message A being reused for message B, where A ≠ B)
+- Preventing a valid signature from being used
+Issues that lead to an economic loss but do not lead to direct loss of on-chain
+assets. Examples are:
+- Gas griefing attacks (make users overpay for gas)
+- Attacks that make essential functionality of the contracts temporarily
+ unusable or inaccessible.
+- Short-term freezing of user funds.
+Issues where the behavior of the contracts differs from the intended behavior
+(as described in the docs and by common sense), but no funds are at risk.
+## Overview
+| Project Name | Safe Protocol |
+| :----------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
+| Repository | [safe-modules](https://github.com/safe-global/safe-modules) |
+| Commit Hash | [2909fde](https://github.com/hats-finance/Safe-0x2909fdefd24a1ced675cb1444918fa766d76bdac) |
+| Docs | [Link](https://docs.safe.global/home/what-is-safe) |
+| Methods | Manual Review |
+### Scope
+├── 4337
+│ ├── README.md
+│ └── SafeWebAuthnSharedSigner.sol
+├── base
+│ └── SignatureValidator.sol
+├── interfaces
+│ ├── IP256Verifier.sol
+│ ├── ISafeSignerFactory.sol
+│ └── ISafe.sol
+├── libraries
+│ ├── ERC1271.sol
+│ ├── P256.sol
+│ └── WebAuthn.sol
+├── SafeWebAuthnSignerFactory.sol
+├── SafeWebAuthnSignerProxy.sol
+├── SafeWebAuthnSignerSingleton.sol
+└── verifiers
+ └── FCLP256Verifier.sol
+### Compatibilities
+- Chain(s) to deploy contract to: The exact chain list is not specified, but it
+ is targetting EVM chains. It should work with chains that are supported by the
+ Safe smart accounts (see chain list from: ) with the
+ possible exception of zkSync.
+### Known Issues
+### Issues found
+| Severity | Count |
+| :------: | :---: |
+| High | 0 |
+| Medium | 0 |
+| Low | 3 |
+## Low severity issues
+### [L-01] **Does not emit event after writing into storage**
+[Issue #3](https://github.com/hats-finance/Safe-0x2909fdefd24a1ced675cb1444918fa766d76bdac/issues/3)
+**Auditor:** Unknown
+`SafeWebAuthnSharedSigner::configue` sets the signer configuration for the
+calling account but the issue it doesn't emit event after writing into storage.
+function configure(Signer memory signer) external onlyDelegateCall {
+ uint256 signerSlot = SIGNER_SLOT;
+ Signer storage signerStorage;
+ // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
+ assembly ('memory-safe') {
+ signerStorage.slot := signerSlot
+ }
+ signerStorage.x = signer.x;
+ signerStorage.y = signer.y;
+ signerStorage.verifiers = signer.verifiers;
+emit the event after writing into storage.
+### [L-02] **low level staticcall return value is not checked**
+[Issue #14](https://github.com/hats-finance/Safe-0x2909fdefd24a1ced675cb1444918fa766d76bdac/issues/14)
+**Auditor:** [0xRizwann](https://x.com/0xRizwann)
+ function _sha256(bytes memory input) private view returns (bytes32 digest) {
+ . . . .some code
+@> pop(staticcall(gas(), 0x0002, add(input, 0x20), mload(input), 0, 32))
+ digest := mload(0)
+ }
+ }
+`_sha256()` is used to compute the SHA-256 hash of the input bytes. The return
+value of a low level staticcall is not checked which can be seen in above
+function. Execution will resume even if the function throws an exception. If the
+call fails accidentally, this may cause unexpected behaviour in the subsequent
+program logic.
+Low level calls like delegatecall, staticcall and call return values are always
+checked so that it would revert and function should not assume, it behaved
+correctly. A revert in case of function failure should be required in this case.
+### [L-03] **Usage of floating pragma**
+[Issue #17](https://github.com/hats-finance/Safe-0x2909fdefd24a1ced675cb1444918fa766d76bdac/issues/17)
+**Auditor:** [0xAuditism](https://x.com/0xAuditism)
+All contracts in scope have flaoting pragma.\
+Pragma directives should be fixed to clearly identify the Solidity version with
+which the contracts will be compiled.\
+Note that libraries can still be used with floating pragmas.
+@> pragma solidity >=0.8.0;
+import {SignatureValidator} from "../base/SignatureValidator.sol";
+import {ISafe} from "../interfaces/ISafe.sol";
+import {P256, WebAuthn} from "../libraries/WebAuthn.sol";
+ * @title Safe WebAuthn Shared Signer
+ * @dev A contract for verifying WebAuthn signatures shared by all Safe accounts. This contract uses
+ * storage from the Safe account itself for full ERC-4337 compatibility.
+ */
+contract SafeWebAuthnSharedSigner is SignatureValidator {
+## Conclusion
+The audit competition for the Safe protocol on the hats.finance platform
+revealed 3 low severity issues. The audit involved a comprehensive examination
+of numerous aspects of Safe's code. Various issues identified included lack of
+event emissions, return values from low level calls not checked and usage of
+floating pragma. Each identified issue was accompanied by a proposed solution
+for resolving the problem.
+## Disclaimer
+This report does not assert that the audited contracts are completely secure.
+Continuous review and comprehensive testing are advised before deploying
+critical smart contracts. The Safe audit competition illustrates the
+collaborative effort in identifying and rectifying potential vulnerabilities,
+enhancing the overall security and functionality of the platform. Hats.finance
+does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of this
+project. Smart contract software should be used at the sole risk and
+responsibility of users.
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+# Audit Results
+## Audit Competition
+Hats Finance ().
+### Notes
+The audit competition was performed on commit [9a18245f546bf2a8ed9bdc2b04aae44f949ec7a0](https://github.com/safe-global/safe-modules/tree/9a18245f546bf2a8ed9bdc2b04aae44f949ec7a0).
+There were three low severity findings that were found as part of the competition, with fixes acknowledged by the submitters:
+- _L-01: Does not emit event after writing into storage_
+ Fixed in
+- _L-02: low level staticcall return value is not checked_
+ Fixed in
+- _L-03: Usage of floating pragma_
+ Fixed in
+### Files
+- [Final audit competition report](audit-competition-report-hats.md)