# Sage Worksheet (and User Interface) Help
**NOTE: This page is being migrated to the CoCalc User Manual section on Sage Worksheets: https://doc.cocalc.com/sagews.html**
This page is for help when using worksheets in [CoCalc](https://cocalc.com). There is a [highly related page](MathematicalSyntaxErrors) for the mathematical syntax, in CoCalc and in Sage generally.
* Working with Cells:
* [All the input to one of the cells has suddenly vanished! How do I make it visible again?](#vanished-input)
* [How do I insert a new cell between two existing cells in a Sage worksheet?](#simple-insert)
* [How do I trim output, to protect against infinite loops?](#no_infinite_loop)
* [Can I configure one or more cells to run automatically when I open a worksheet?](#auto-run-cells)
* [How do I execute all the code cells in the entire worksheet?](#execute-all)
* [How do I execute code from a set of consecutive cells?](#execute-consecutive)
* [The output of one of my cells is getting cut off because there is too much output. How do I raise the limit on the number of output messages per cell in a Sage worksheet?](#output-cutoff)
* [How do I adjust the output size cut-off in a cell?](#no_infinite_loop)
* [How do I delete a cell?](#delete-cell)
* [How do I split a cell into two cells?](#split-cell)
* [How do I jump to a specific line?](#jump-to-line)
* Annotation, Typesetting, and other "Modes":
* [How can I insert `HTML`, `LaTeX`, `markdown`, or simple text between two cells in a Sage worksheet?](#typeset-between-cells)
* [I want to annotate my worksheet with some `HTML`. How do I make an `HTML` cell inside of a worksheet?](#annotate-HTML)
* [I want to annotate my worksheet with the `markdown` language. How do I make a `markdown` cell inside of a worksheet?](#annotate-markdown)
* [I want to annotate my worksheet with the `LaTeX` language. How do I make a `LaTeX` cell inside of a worksheet?](#annotate-latex)
* [How can I add additional definitions to the preamble of `LaTeX` cells?](#preamble-latex)
* [In the standard Sage notebook there is a checkbox to switch on the typesetting of math. How do I turn on typesetting of math output in CoCalc?](#typeset-local)
* [How do I put the entire worksheet into "typeset" mode?](#typeset-worksheet)
* [I would like nice typeset output from FriCAS mode in my Sage Worksheet. How do I do that?](#friCAS-typeset)
* [I would like nice typeset output from non-Sage modes (other than FriCAS) in my Sage Worksheet. How do I do that?](#typeset-non-Sage-modes)
* [Is there a list of all currently supported % modes in CoCalc?](#show_all_modes)
* [How do I create my own modes in a Sage worksheet, and what are they good for?](#own_modes)
* About hiding things:
* [How do I un-hide the input of a cell?](#vanished-input)
* [How do I hide a cell's input?](#hide-input)
* [How do I keep `HTML` or `markdown` code blocks from being hidden?](#prevent-hiding)
* [How do I delete/hide all output in a worksheet?](#hide-delete-output)
* [How do I delete/hide the output of a selected range of cells?](#hide-several-cells)
* [How do I hide the toolbar?](#hide-toolbar)
* [How do I hide the menu bar?](#hide-menu-bar)
* [When outputting from a Sage Worksheet using show( ), print, and plot( ), the outputs are coming out of order; how do I fix this?!](#show-print-flushing-bug)
* [Can I split the editor into two? So that I can look at one region while working on another region?](#split-editor)
* [How do I use a Jupyter kernel from a Sage worksheet?](#Jupyter-and-Sage)
* [What if my question isn't answered above?](#not-answered)
### Question: All the input to one of the cells has suddenly vanished! How do I make it visible again?
You can hide and show input by clicking the triangle to the left of the input divider, or by clicking the "In" button at the top while selecting the input.
### Question: How do I insert a new cell between two existing cells in a Sage worksheet?
Click the boundary between the output of the first cell and the input of the second cell.
### Question: Can I configure one or more cells to run automatically when I open a worksheet?
Yes, you can! If you type `%auto` in the top of the cell (as the first line of input to a cell), then it will automatically run whenever the worksheet is first opened.
### Question: How do I execute all the code cells in the entire worksheet?
Control+A (or command+A on Mac), then click run or hit "control+enter".
### Question: How do I execute code from a set of consecutive cells?
Just highlight those cells, then click run or hit "control+enter".
### Question: The output of one of my cells is getting cut off because there is too much output. How do I raise the limit on the number of output messages per cell in a Sage worksheet?
import sage_server
See [this published worksheet](https://cocalc.com/projects/4a5f0542-5873-4eed-a85c-a18c706e8bcd/files/support/2014-11-01-155354-too-many-messages.sagews) for more details.
Also, type `sage_server.[tab key]` to see information about other limitations.
### Question: How do I adjust the output cut-offs, for example, to protect against infinite loops?
It is an extremely common programming mistake to write an infinite loop, particularly when first learning about loops. Because CoCalc assumes an experienced programmer, the "cutoff limits" are set rather high. Users new to programming might want to set that limit lower, so that their screen isn't overflowing with repeated lines in the event that they inadvertently code up an infinite loop. (By the way, this works *in all languages*, not just Sage, e.g. R, C, FORTRAN, whatever you'd like.)
You can type
print sage_server.MAX_STDOUT_SIZE
at any time to find out the current limit. By default, it is 40,000.
Then, you can change it by typing something like this:
sage_server.MAX_STDOUT_SIZE = 500
Note, this is 500 characters. Take care to ensure that the setting of this variable will be executed before your code starts. If you type
sage_server.MAX_STDOUT_SIZE = 500
for i in range(0,1000):
print i
then it will be cut off somewhere in the middle of printing 152, because you need to count each digit, as well as the invisible "end of line" symbol. At the 501st character, the computation is stopped, and there is no more output.
By the way, it isn't just the case that the output is truncated at this point. The computation is halted as well. (The technical term for this is that "the process is killed.")
### Question: How do I delete a cell?
It's like a text document. You can delete delimiters and lines using any editor delete commands, for example "ctrl+d" or backspace/delete if you're using Standard keyboard bindings, or "dd" or "x" in command mode if you're using Vim keyboard bindings. You can also highlight a range of several cells and delete them all at once, just as with a text file.
### Question: How do I split a cell into two cells?
Just put your cursor in the input region of the cell, at the spot where you want the split to go. Then press control+; (or command+; on a Mac).
### Question: How do I jump to a specific line?
Just press control+L (or command+L on a Mac).
### Question: How can I insert HTML, LaTeX, or simple text between two cells in a Sage worksheet?
This is a great way to annotate your worksheet, whether for others to be able to read it and understand it, for students, or just for yourself.
To do this, first insert a cell between those two cells. (To do that, click the boundary between the output of the first cell and the input of the second cell.) Then put
at the top of this newly created cell to use `markdown` formatting (which fully supports LaTeX formulas).
When you press shift-enter, the output is displayed. Type `md(hide=True)` or use the triangle to the left of the input if you would like to hide the input for display purposes.
See about markdown.
You can also use `%html` in a similar way to the above, to use HTML instead of markdown. The `%html` mode also supports LaTeX.
More details on HTML and markdown follow in the next three questions.
### Question: I want to annotate my worksheet with some `HTML`. How do I make an `HTML` cell inside of a worksheet?
Just type `%html` as the first line of input to that cell.
Most of HTML, and even Javascript, should work. No graphical editor is available *yet* to edit `%html` cells, but we hope to change that soon.
### Question: I want to annotate my worksheet with the `markdown` language. How do I make a markdown cell inside of a worksheet?
Just type `%md` as the first line of input for your cell.
By the way, markdown comes in several flavors. CoCalc uses Github-flavored Markdown.
(See )
You can add mathematical expressions. For example, create a cell with:
# Cool Formulas:
My *absolute* favorite formula is
$e^{i \pi} = -1$
but some people write it as
$$ e^{i \pi} +1 = 0 $$
which is clearly the same thing.
That code produces the following output
### Question: I want to annotate my worksheet with the `LaTeX` language. How do I make a `LaTeX` cell inside of a worksheet?
Just type `%latex` as the first line of input for your cell. Then you can write as much or as little LaTeX as you like. For example,
Sometimes it is \emph{much easier} to typeset mathematical formulas using LaTeX than {\bf any other tool}.
Consider, as an example, how easy it is to define a polynomial: $x^3 - 2x^2 - 7x - 6$.
Or better yet, an integral:
$$ \int_2^5 \left ( x^3 - 2x^2 - 7x - 6 \right )\sin 5x \; dx $$
That code produces the following output
### How can I add additional definitions to the preamble of `LaTeX` cells?
Run a cell with `%latex.add_to_preamble` in the first line.
It adds the given block of \LaTeX{} to the preamble.
After that, it can be used in other cells.
Use `%auto` as a convenience to automatically run this cells each time the session starts.
Also, if your definitions are faulty, you have to restart the worksheet to get rid of the already defined definitions!
\newcommand{\truth}[2]{if \texttt{#1} is true $\rightarrow$ \texttt{#2} is also true.}
### Question: In the standard Sage notebook there is a checkbox to switch on the typesetting of math. How do I turn on typesetting of math output in CoCalc?
Turn it on with
and off with
Alternatively, you can add `%typeset_mode True` to the top of your cell, or `%typeset_mode False` as needed.
Note, that this works *across multiple cells*, so keep that in mind.
This means that if you execute your cells out of order, you might get different results each time. To avoid confusion, it is useful to make sure that one of these commands (setting typeset either to true or to false) appears at the top of each cell, if you intend to execute your cells out of order.
### Question: How do I put the entire worksheet into "typeset" mode?
The previous question dealt with putting individual cells into "typeset" mode. To put all the cells into "typeset" mode, simply put
at the top of a worksheet. This will make typseting automatic.
### Question: I would like nice typeset output from FriCAS mode in my Sage Worksheet. How do I do that?
A mode xxx specified by %xxx in the first line of a cell in CoCalc is just a Python function xxx that takes the cell input as a string and does something visible with it. We've written [an entire FAQ page](sagews-custom-modes) about this capability to make your own modes. You can find a very functional implementation for FriCAS mode as [Example 7 of that FAQ page](sagews-custom-modes.md#fricas-example).
**Note:** The current version of Sage (6.6 and earlier) requires a [patch](https://github.com/billpage/sage/commit/237df92ef4e6b5117654f3a3ff71b4aa10b0aa36#diff-60c84efff9cc620d4d8bbd8110321ffd) to correct a bug in the fricas/axiom interface.
### Question: I would like nice typeset output from non-Sage modes (other than FriCAS) in my Sage Worksheet. How do I do that?
A mode "xxx" specified by `%xxx` in the first line of a cell in CoCalc is just a Python function `xxx` that takes the cell input as a string and does something visible with it.
Therefore, you have to use the commands of "xxx" to do what you want, just like any other time you are using language "xxx."
We've written [an entire FAQ page](sagews-custom-modes) about this capability to make your own modes, with seven detailed examples.
### Question: Is there a list of all currently supported % modes in CoCalc?
There are many built-in modes (e.g. Cython, GAP, Pari, R, Python, Markdown, HTML, etc...)
You can view available built-in modes by selecting _Help > Mode commands_ in the Sage toolbar while cursor is in a sage cell. That will
insert the line `print('\n'.join(modes()))` into the current cell.
### Question: How do I create my own modes in a Sage worksheet, and what are they good for?
See [Sage Custom Modes](sagews-custom-modes) for an explanation, and seven detailed examples.
### Question: How do I hide a cell's input?
There are three ways to do this.
1. Click the triangle to the left of the input line to toggle display of the input
2. You can type control+\, both on a mac and on non-macs.
3. Click the "In" toggle button at the top of screen with the cel selected.
### Question: How do I keep `HTML` or `markdown` code blocks from being hidden?
**For `HTML` Cells:** Instead of using `%html` as the first line of the cell, simply
use `%html(hide=False)` instead.
**For `markdown` Cells:** Instead of using `%md` as the first line of the cell, simply
use `%md(hide=False)` instead.
### Question: How do I delete/hide all output in a worksheet?
**Delete:** Press control+A (or command+A on a mac), then click the little circular x in the bar at the top.
**Hide:** Press control+A (or command+A on a mac), then click "out" to toggle the displaying of output. (Likewise you can click "in" to toggle the displaying of input).
### Question: How do I delete/hide the output of a selected range of cells?
**Delete:** Highlight those cells with the mouse, then click the little circular x in the bar at the top.
**Hide:** Highlight those cells with the mouse, then click "out" to toggle the displaying of output. (Likewise you can click "in" to toggle the displaying of input).
### Question: How do I hide the toolbar?
Under account settings, uncheck "Extra button bar."
### Question: How do I hide the menu bar?
Click the full-screen toggle arrows in the far upper-right corner. The icon looks like two small diagonal arrows, pointing head to head.
### Question: When outputting from a Sage Worksheet using show( ), print, and plot( ), the outputs are coming out of order; how do I fix this?!
Sometimes, if you have a mix of sources for output, e.g. the show() command, the print command, and the plot() command, the outputs can come out of order. This has to do with something called "flushing the output buffer."
Before giving the remedy, here is some sample code the illustrates the problem.
print ("Create a graph")
G = Graph(sparse=True)
for i in range(5):
print ("BEFORE SHOW ", i)
print ("AFTER SHOW ", i)
print ("BEFORE PLOT ", i)
print ("AFTER PLOT ", i)
Whenever you wish to output something, it goes into an output buffer. That buffer is periodically "flushed." By flushing, we mean that the information in the output buffer is actually outputted, and then removed from the buffer.
This is normal in many programming languages.
The issue is that the ```show``` command always immediately flushes the output buffer. So in the above example, the "Before Show" and the "After Show" ```print``` outputs might be sitting in the buffer for a while, whereas the ```show``` output essentially jumps the queue and gets displayed immediately. Therefore, the outputs appear out of order.
The fix to this complex problem is remarkably easy. Just put ```sys.stdout.flush()``` after each print statement to ensure that the output buffer is flushed to the output stream immediately, so you can see it at that instant.
Our previous example can be repaired as follows:
print ("Create a graph")
G = Graph(sparse=True)
for i in range(5):
print ("BEFORE SHOW ", i)
print ("AFTER SHOW ", i)
print ("BEFORE PLOT ", i)
print ("AFTER PLOT ", i)
### Question: Can I split the editor into two? So that I can look at one region while working on another region?
Sure, just press control+I (or command+I on a Mac).
If you do that, you'll get two editors, one above the editor.
Press that keyboard shortcut again, and you'll get two editors that are side by side.
Press that keyboard shortcut a third time, and you'll return to the normal situation of having one editor for the entire window.
### Question: How do I use a Jupyter kernel from a Sage worksheet?
See [Sage Jupyter](sagejupyter)
# Question: What if my question isn't answered above?
Email [help@sagemath.com](mailto://help@sagemath.com) in case of problems. Do not hesitate to email us at any time. We want to know if anything is broken! Please include a link (the address in your browser) to any relevant project or document.
[](https://github.com/igrigorik/ga-beacon)