Full stack developer with Devops experience. Tech stack Reactjs, Nodejs, Expressjs, SQL, Mongodb, Streams.
I believe a leader should be Trustworthy and I make sure to create that trust among my peers.
I like to code and manage/guide teams :)
- Frontend: Reactjs, ReactRouter_v6, Native css, vite|esbuild and nothing else.. :p. I like to keep the stack simple but efficient
- Backend: Nodejs, Express, Streams, Pino Logs, ErrorHandling, some good utils(object-validator, masking etc)
- DB: Mongodb, SQL
- Code setup: ESM, Typescript through jsdocs, eslint, prettier, husky
- Unix
- Apache pulsar, data ingestion process.
- Architecture diagrams using https://excalidraw.com/
- Comfortable and always prefer asynchronous programming
- Exposure on Security/Vulnerablity scans, fixes.
Checkout my pinned repositories and others. Star them if you like it.
Devops, Blockchain and more OpenSource contributions
- I like simple, transparent, efficient tools than complex feature rich ones.
- JS ecoystem and web is growing fast, lot of changes over the years!! to keep myself upto date, my only rule -- #useThePlatform, choose frameworks/libs closer to the native platform.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandeep-kumaar-c-bb95b879/
mailId: cskumaar1992@gmail.com