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sander committed Jan 7, 2025
1 parent 187b019 commit 4adb0d6
Showing 1 changed file with 41 additions and 44 deletions.
85 changes: 41 additions & 44 deletions prototype.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(defclass hdk () ((id :reader id :initarg :id)
(bl :reader bl :initarg :bl)
(kem :reader kem :initarg :kem)))
(kem :reader kem :initarg :kem)
(n-s :reader seed-length :initarg :n-s)))

(defclass kem () ((n-secret :reader secret-length :initarg :n-secret)
(n-sk :reader private-key-length :initarg :n-sk)
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(output-length dh)))

(defmethod generate-blind-key ((bl ec-bl)) (random-scalar (ec bl)))
;;;(defmethod derive-blind-key ((bl ec-kb) ikm)
;;; (let ((h2c (make-instance 'h2c :ec (ec kb) :h +sha256+ :dst (id kb))))
;;; (hash-to-field h2c ikm)))
(defmethod derive-blind-key ((bl ec-bl) ikm)
(let ((h2c (make-instance 'h2c :ec (ec bl) :h (h bl) :dst (id bl))))
(hash-to-field h2c ikm)))
(defmethod derive-blinding-factor ((bl ec-bl) bk ctx)
(let ((h2c (make-instance 'h2c :ec (ec bl) :h (hash bl) :dst (id bl))))
(hash-to-field h2c bk '(#x00) ctx)))
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(defmethod blind-dh ((bl ec-bl-mul-dh) sk-x bf pk-y)
(create-shared-secret (ec-dh bl) sk-x (scalar-mult (ec bl) pk-y bf)))

(defmethod select ((hdk hdk) index) (concat (id hdk) (i2osp index 4)))
(defmethod descend ((hdk hdk) bk ctx) (h (id hdk) bk ctx))
(defmethod create-context ((hdk hdk) index) (concat (id hdk) (i2osp index 4)))
(defmethod derive-salt ((hdk hdk) salt ctx) (h (id hdk) salt ctx))

(defmethod mac ((hmac hmac) key &rest bs)
(loop with mac = (crypto:make-mac :hmac key (id hmac))
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(defmethod expand ((hkdf hkdf) prk info len)
(loop with tb = (make-array len :fill-pointer 0)
for i from 1 upto (ceiling (/ len 32))
for ti = (mac (hmac hkdf) prk (|| info (i2osp i 1)))
then (mac (hmac hkdf) prk (|| ti info (i2osp i 1)))
for ti = (mac (hmac hkdf) prk (concat info (i2osp i 1)))
then (mac (hmac hkdf) prk (concat ti info (i2osp i 1)))
do (loop for j across ti do (vector-push j tb))
finally (return (coerce tb '(vector (unsigned-byte 8))))))

(defmethod labeled-extract ((kem dhkem) salt label ikm)
(extract (hkdf kem) salt (|| (ascii "HPKE-v1") (id kem) (ascii label) ikm)))
(extract (hkdf kem) salt (concat (ascii "HPKE-v1") (id kem)
(ascii label) ikm)))
(defmethod labeled-expand ((kem dhkem) prk label info length)
(expand (hkdf kem)
(|| (i2osp length 2) (ascii "HPKE-v1") (id kem) (ascii label) info)
(concat (i2osp length 2) (ascii "HPKE-v1") (id kem)
(ascii label) info)
(defmethod extract-and-expand ((kem kem) dh kem-context)
(let ((eae-prk (labeled-extract kem (ascii "") "eae_prk" dh)))
Expand All @@ -145,15 +148,15 @@
(let* ((dh (create-shared-secret (dh kem) sk-e pk-r))
(enc (serialize-public-key (ec kem) pk-e))
(pk-rm (serialize-public-key (ec kem) pk-r))
(kem-context (|| enc pk-rm))
(kem-context (concat enc pk-rm))
(shared-secret (extract-and-expand kem dh kem-context)))
(values shared-secret enc))))
(defmethod decap ((kem ec-dhkem) enc sk-r)
(let* ((pk-e (deserialize-public-key (ec kem) enc))
(dh (create-shared-secret (dh kem) sk-r pk-e))
(pk-rm (serialize-public-key (ec kem)
(scalar-base-mult (ec kem) sk-r)))
(kem-context (|| enc pk-rm))
(kem-context (concat enc pk-rm))
(shared-secret (extract-and-expand kem dh kem-context)))

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(defconstant +hkdf-sha256+
(make-instance 'hkdf :hmac +hmac-sha256+))
(defconstant +dhkem-p256-hkdf-sha256+
(make-instance 'ec-dhkem :id (|| (ascii "KEM") (i2osp #x0010 2))
(make-instance 'ec-dhkem :id (concat (ascii "KEM") (i2osp #x0010 2))
:n-secret 32
:n-sk 32
:bitmask #xff
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(defconstant +hdk-ecdh-p256+
(make-instance 'hdk :id (ascii "HDK-ECDH-P256-v1")
:bl +bl-ecdh-p256+
:kem +dhkem-p256-hkdf-sha256+))

(defmethod derive-blinding-factor ((hdk (eql +hdk-ecdh-p256+)) ciphertext)
:kem +dhkem-p256-hkdf-sha256+
:n-s 32))

(defmethod fold ((hdk hdk) salt path &optional bf)
(cond ((null path) (values bf salt))
((typep (car path) 'number)
(let ((bk (derive-blind-key (kb hdk) salt))
(ctx (select hdk (car path))))
(fold (descend hdk bk ctx)
(let ((ctx (create-context hdk (car path))))
(fold (derive-salt hdk salt ctx)
(cdr path)
(let ((bf2 (derive-blinding-factor (kb hdk) bk ctx)))
(if (null bf) bf2 (combine (kb hdk) bf bf2))))))
(let* ((bk (derive-blind-key (bl hdk) salt))
(bf2 (derive-blinding-factor (bl hdk) bk ctx)))
(if (null bf) bf2 (combine (bl hdk) bf bf2))))))
(t (fold (decap (kem hdk) (car path) (derive-key-pair (kem hdk) salt))
(cdr path)

(defclass document () ((pk :reader pk :initarg :pk)))
(defun make-document (hdk doc salt index)
(make-instance 'document
:pk (blind-public-key (kb hdk)
:pk (blind-public-key (bl hdk)
(pk doc)
(derive-blind-key (kb hdk) salt)
(select hdk index))))
;;; TODO instead consider keeping bk as hdk state instead of salt; just have
;;; concept of salt/ikm when going from KEM output to bk

(defmethod fold2 ((hdk hdk) bk path &optional bf)
(cond ((null path) (values bf bk))
((typep (car path 'number))
(let ((ctx (select hdk (car path))))
(fold (descend hdk bk ctx)
(cdr path)
(let ((bf2 (derive-blinding-factor (kb hdk) bk ctx)))
(if (null bf) bf2 (combine (kb hdk) bf bf2))))))
(t (fold (derive-blind-key (decap (kem hdk) (car path)
(derive-key-pair (kem hdk) bk)))
(cdr path)
bf)))) ;; TODO strange to derive KEM sk from KB bk
(derive-blind-key (bl hdk) salt)
(create-context hdk index))))

(defclass app ()
((device :reader device
:initform (multiple-value-list (BL-Generate-Blinding-Key-Pair)))
(seed :reader seed :initform (crypto:random-data *Ns*))))
(defun make-app () (make-instance 'app))
((hdk :reader hdk :initarg :hdk)
(device :reader device :initarg :device)
(seed :reader seed :initarg :seed)))
(defun make-app (hdk)
:hdk hdk
:device (multiple-value-list (generate-key-pair (ec (bl hdk))))
:seed (crypto:random-data (seed-length hdk))))
(defun pk-device (app) (car (device app)))
(defun get-key-info (app hdk)
(multiple-value-bind (bf salt) (fold (hdk app) (seed app) hdk)
(let ((pk (blind-public-key (bl (hdk app))
(pk-device app)
(derive-blind-key (bl (hdk app))
(fold (seed app) hdk))
;; TODO include pk folding in fold
(let ((pk (BL-Blind-Public-Key (pk-device app) (fold (seed app) hdk))))
(values pk '(:agree-key) (make-instance 'document :pk pk))))
(defun create-shared-secret (app hdk reader-pk)
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