This project evaluated the impact of climate change on fishery outcomes, specifically simulating fisheries management guided by the Framework for Integrated Stock and Habitat Evaluation (FISHE). FISHE was designed by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) as a low-cost yet effective resource to assist with developing science-based management strategies for data-limited fisheries. More information about EDF's work is available on their webpage and additional information on FISHE can be found here.
The repository includes models, analysis code, and example visualizations created for use by the Environmental Defense Fund, both to repeat our current analysis and to build on it with future analyses. A description of the repository's file structure can be found in the data management SOP.
This work was completed in May 2020 for the Environmental Defense Fund in partial fulfillment of the Masters of Environmental Science and Management degree at the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management by Nathaniel Burola, Chase Brewster, Sara Orofino, and Gracie White.
More information about the project can be found at our website. A brief overview of the project can be found in the project brief. For additional information regarding the models and methods, please refer to the project's final report. The project's interactive web tool provides a userfriendly way to explore the data, view data visualizations, and adjust the model for a specific set of model inputs.