simple zabbix-server setup configuration with Ansible Playbook, This is simple lightweight configuration repository will contain all setup's and needed to correctly configure a Zabbix Server Requirements
- Red Hat
Default zabbix release 3.4 Also change zabbix release version in default variable file zabbix_repo_package : ['']
Use runsetup.yml file as host filerun playbook
$ ansible-playbook /path/runsetup.yml -i /path/inventory.txt
Variables | Descriptions |
zabbix_repo_package | zabbix dependency variables |
zabbix_server_mysql | zabbix server installation pakages |
zabbix_conf_path | default configuration path |
zabbix_server_path | default server configuration path |
Variables | Descriptions |
mysql_hostname | mysql user name (default: zabbix) |
mysql_db_name | mysql database name (default: zabbix) |
mysql_pass | mysql zabbix user password (default: root123) |
mysql_default_host | mysql host (default: localhost) |
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: username.rolename, x: 42 }
This is my first attempt to create an ansible role, so please send suggestion or pull requests to make this role better.
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