- Configure your
to look like this:
const sauceOptions = {
username: process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME,
accesskey: process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY
const visualOptions = {
apiKey: process.env.SCREENER_API_KEY,
projectName: 'YOUR PROJECT NAME',
scrollAndStitchScreenshots: true
capabilities: [
browserName: 'chrome',
platformName: 'windows 10',
browserVersion: 'latest',
'sauce:options': {
'sauce:visual': {
viewportSize: '1280x1024'
apiKey: get your Screener API Key from here.
- Add this to your wdio.conf.js
exports.config = {
//Screener Configuration
hostname: 'hub.screener.io',
port: 443,
protocol: 'https',
path: '/wd/hub',
region: process.env.REGION || 'us'
- Add a "@visual.init" command to set the name for each test. Add this before capturing snapshots, only once per test session.
- Add "@visual.snapshot" commands when you want to capture a visual snapshot; use this whenever you want a snapshot to be taken.
it('should take snapshot', () => {
browser.execute('/*@visual.init*/', 'My Visual Test');
browser.execute('/*@visual.snapshot*/', 'Home');
Great, you're all set!
Now run your first test and view your initial results in the Screener Dashboard.
Note: your initial visual test will fail, and results will be labelled as "New"; Review and Accept them as the baseline
To add 4 more browser configurations to support the most popular desktop and mobile resolutions.
- Add a capability for your visual test to run on the 2nd most popular desktop:
- viewportSize: '1920x1080'
- browserName: 'chrome'
- Add a capability for your visual test to run on iPhone X mobile browser
- viewportSize: '375x812'
- browserName: 'safari'
- platformName: 'macOS 10.15'
- Also, add iphone 6-8
- viewportSize: '414x736'
- browserName: 'safari'
- platformName: 'macOS 10.15'
- And Galaxy S8
- viewportSize: '360x740'
- browserName: 'chrome'
If you want to learn about ignoring elements, hiding elements, or focusing on certain elements, you can read the docs here