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A FEDn client in C++.

Note: This is a prototype and is still in active development so the interface might change frequently! The purpose of this prototype is to demonstrate how the C++ client can be used to connect to the federated network. In the example below, there is no actual model training being performed on the client.

fednlib API

To create a FEDn client in C++, the user creates a C++ source file where they implement their machine learning code and use the FEDn library API fednlib to connect the client to the federated network. The examples folder contains code that showcases how to use the fednlib API to connect a client to a combiner and process task requests such as training and validation. The example my-client is a minimal example that shows how the user implements their own machine learning code by overriding the methods trainand validate of the GrpcClient class, and connect the client to the network in the main function. The mnist-libtorch example trains a simple neural network with libtorch (C++ interface to PyTorch) to solve the MNIST classification problem and gives a more concrete example of how to implement C++ machine learning code with FEDn.

  • train: The user starts by reading the model from a binary file into the preferred format (depending on the ML library that is used), implements the machine learning logic, and saves the updated model back to a file in binary format. In the example my_client.cpp, this function simply reads the global model into memory and writes it back to file.
  • validate: The user starts by reading the model from a binary file, computes the preferred validation metrics, saves the metrics in a JSON object and writes the JSON to file. In the example my_client.cpp, this function creates a JSON with mock validation data and writes it to file.
  • predict: The user starts by reading the model from a binary file, makes predictions, saves the prediction data in a JSON object and writes the JSON to file. In the example my_client.cpp, this function creates a JSON with mock prediciton data and writes it to file.
  • main: The user starts by creating an object of the class FednClient, passing the client configuration file path to the constructor. Then the user gets the combiner configuration from the FednClient object and uses it to setup a gRPC channel. Then the user creates an object of the custom class which inherits from GrpcCient and overrides the functions train and validate as described above, passing the gRPC channel to the constructor. Finally the user invokes the run method on the FednClient object to connect the client to the task stream from the assigned combiner.

Below are instruction for building the library and client executable from source.

Build from source

Follow the gRPC C++ quickstart guide to build and locally install gRPC and Protocol Buffers. Obs that you don't have to follow the helloworld example, but it's a good way to check that the installation was successful:

Other dependencies

On Linux

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev nlohmann-json3-dev libyaml-cpp-dev

On Mac

brew install curl nlohmann-json yaml-cpp

Note: If you are running on Mac, you might need to uncomment these lines in CMakeLists.txt and replace <path-to-yaml-cpp> with the path where yaml-cpp is located on your machine before building:

set(YAML_CPP_DIR "<path-to-yaml-cpp>")

Build the C++ client

Before building the client executable, start by building the fednlib library.

Build the FEDn library fednlib

Run the following commands to build the library fednlib. Standing in the project root directory fedn-cpp-client:

mkdir -p build
pushd build
cmake ..
make -j 4

Build the client executable

Now that the library is built, we can build the client executable. Here we show how to build the example client my-client, but the process is analogous for any FEDn C++ client file. Standing in the my-client folder:

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j 4

Starting Servers

Note: This section is only necessary if you are deploying FEDn locally. Skip this section if you are using Studio.

This is a prototype and certain configurations (such as client name and combiner assignment) has been hardcoded for the pseudo-distributed docker compose setup in FEDn. We will be using a compute package written in python, there will not be any ML updates to models on the C++ client, instead it will just reupload the same global model weights. Validation is also not included (not implemented yet).

First deploy e.g FEDn mnist-keras example:

git clone
git checkout feature/cpp
cd fedn/examples/mnist-pytorch

start services:

docker-compose -f ../../docker-compose.yaml up -d --build minio mongo mongo-express api-server combiner

It will take some time to build the images, go grab a coffee!!

Next, follow the instructions in the README inside fedn/examples/mnist-keras for section "Preparing the environment, the local data, the compute package and seed model". Once you have the package and the seed model you can either upload these via using the APIClient (obs that you need to install the FEDn API to your local environment, for example using a virtual python environment).

Start the C++ client

Standing in my-client/build, run the following command:


Note: You can change the name of the client executable in the CMakeLists.txt file for your client.

This message should now be printed to the terminal once every few seconds:

Response: Heartbeat received

The client is then waiting for model update requests from the combiner. Start a training session either via the Studio dashboard or the Python APIClient. The expected output should look similar to this:

TaskRequest ModelID: 7f37dd0d-e067-4ebc-9707-21ed72b41077
TaskRequest: TaskType:2
Updating local model: 7f37dd0d-e067-4ebc-9707-21ed72b41077
Downloading model: 7f37dd0d-e067-4ebc-9707-21ed72b41077
ModelResponseID: 7f37dd0d-e067-4ebc-9707-21ed72b41077
ModelResponseStatus: 1
Download in progress: 7f37dd0d-e067-4ebc-9707-21ed72b41077
Downloaded size: 193561 bytes
ModelResponseID: 7f37dd0d-e067-4ebc-9707-21ed72b41077
ModelResponseStatus: 0
Download complete for model: 7f37dd0d-e067-4ebc-9707-21ed72b41077
Downloaded size: 193561 bytes
Disconnecting from DownloadStream
Saving model to file: 7f37dd0d-e067-4ebc-9707-21ed72b41077
modelData saved to file ./7f37dd0d-e067-4ebc-9707-21ed72b41077.bin successfully

You can now check the model trail through the Python APIClient, the length of the list should be greater than 1. If you are using Studio, you can also see the model updates in the dashboard.

Tear down

Close C++ client with Ctrl+C

Stop services:

cd fedn/examples/mnist-pytorch
docker-compose -f ../../docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.override.yaml down -v


C++ client API for FEDn [experimental]







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