There are multiple ways to help! We rely on users around the world to help keep our definitions accurate and up to date. In addition, pull requests to address bugs or implement new features are always welcome.
Please read our Code of Conduct before contributing. Everyone interacting with this project (or associated projects) is expected to abide by its terms.
The definitions for this project are housed in a submodule. Please make sure to run git clone --recursive
or, if you forgot to do so, run make update_defs
so that all of the submodule data is pulled down.
Our definitions are written in YAML. They are housed in a separate repository so that they can be used by tools written in other languages. You can find a complete guide to our format in the definitions SYNTAX guide.
In this ruby project we take the YAML definitions and generate final ruby classes that are loaded at runtime for fast calculations.
Once you have a good idea on what you want to change, please see the contributing guide in the definitions
NOTICE - this whole submodule-definitions-thing is brand-new. If you are confused or run into issues please open an issue. The maintainers will respond immediately to help you out. :)
The idea is that if the validation passes on the other repo then you shouldn't have to worry about generating and testing here. We'll see how that goes!
Once that PR is accepted the maintainers of this project will be responsible for generating the updated definitions and releasing a new gem. Don't worry about versioning, we'll take care of it!
- Fork this repository
- Make your changes
- Create a PR pointing back to
Don't worry about versioning, we'll handle it on our end.
Tests are required. If your PR results in lower test coverage then it will not be accepted.
We have included a few handy tasks to help you troubleshoot and test:
make test
- runs the entire suiteREGION=<region> make test_region
- runs the tests for just that regionmake console
- launches an IRB session with the 'holidays' gem loaded for quick testingmake update_defs
- this will run the appropriate git submodule commands to pull the latest definitions