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update solvers to match National Water Model
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sclaw committed Jul 29, 2024
2 parents 64d021b + 8bfdb8b commit d026579
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,182 additions and 170 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions environment.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
name: floodplains_muskingum
- conda-forge
- python
- matplotlib
- ca-certificates
- openssl
- scipy
- certifi
- anaconda::cython
- pandas
- anaconda::pillow
- statsmodels
- anaconda::seaborn
prefix: /users/k/l/klawson1/.conda/envs/floodplains_muskingum
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions samples/CIROH/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d
from statsmodels.nonparametric.smoothers_lowess import lowess
import time
import sys

### Static Data ###
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ def execute(meta_path, debug_plots=False):
outflows = inflows.copy()
for iter in range(subreaches):
outflows = mc_reach.route_hydrograph_c(outflows, dt)
outflows = mc_reach.route_hydrograph(outflows, (dt * 60 * 60), lateral=None, initial_outflow=None, short_ts=False, solver='fread-c')
except AssertionError:
outflows = np.repeat(np.nan, outflows.shape[0])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -307,5 +308,5 @@ def execute(meta_path, debug_plots=False):

if __name__ == '__main__':
run_path = r"/users/k/l/klawson1/netfiles/ciroh/floodplainsData/runs/9/run_metadata.json"
run_path = sys.argv[1]
execute(run_path, debug_plots=False)
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions samples/basin_analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import os
import json

def create_project(data_path, run_path, geom_type):
template = {
"base_dir": data_path,
"meta_path": os.path.join(data_path, "reach_meta.csv"),
"lateral_path": os.path.join(data_path, "laterals.csv"),
"inflow_path": os.path.join(data_path, "inflows.csv"),
"init_conditions_path": os.path.join(data_path, "init_conditions.csv"),
"geometry_dir": "/netfiles/ciroh/floodplainsData/runs/NWM/geometry",
"geometry_source": geom_type.upper(),
"dt": "5m",
"optimize_dx": False,
"conserve_mass": False,
"short_ts": True,
"lat_addition": "top",
"id_field": "comid",
"to_id_field": "ds_comid",
"mode": 'basin',
"out_dir": os.path.join(data_path, f'{geom_type.lower()}_outputs'),
os.makedirs(template['out_dir'], exist_ok=True)
with open(run_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(template, f, indent=4)

base_dir = r"/netfiles/ciroh/floodplainsData/retrospective"
runs_path = os.path.join(base_dir, 'basin_run_files')
catchments = ['lamoille', 'lewis', 'mettawee', 'missisquoi', 'otter', 'winooski']
for catchment in catchments:
tmp_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, catchment)
folders = [f for f in os.listdir(tmp_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, f))]
for f in folders:
data_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f)
geom_type = 'nwm'
run_path = os.path.join(runs_path, f'{catchment}_{f}_{geom_type}.json')
create_project(data_path, run_path, geom_type)
geom_type = 'hand'
run_path = os.path.join(runs_path, f'{catchment}_{f}_{geom_type}.json')
create_project(data_path, run_path, geom_type)
222 changes: 222 additions & 0 deletions samples/basin_analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json
import os
from muskingumcunge.controller import create_project
import netCDF4 as nc

# Load data
# paths = r"/users/k/l/klawson1/netfiles/ciroh/floodplainsData/retrospective/lamoille/2002/mc_run.json"
# paths = r"/users/k/l/klawson1/netfiles/ciroh/floodplainsData/retrospective/lamoille/2019/mc_run.json"
paths = r"/users/k/l/klawson1/netfiles/ciroh/floodplainsData/retrospective/otter/2011/mc_run.json"
# paths = r"/users/k/l/klawson1/netfiles/ciroh/floodplainsData/retrospective/otter/2019/mc_run.json"
# paths = r"/users/k/l/klawson1/netfiles/ciroh/floodplainsData/retrospective/lewis/1996/mc_run.json"

def clean(df):
if 'Unnamed: 0' in df.columns:
df = df.drop(columns='Unnamed: 0')
if 'datetime' in df.columns:
df = df[df['datetime'].notnull()]
df["datetime"] = df["datetime"].map(lambda x: x + " 00:00:00" if len(x) == 10 else x)
df["datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(df["datetime"])
df = df.set_index("datetime")
if 'NA' in df.columns:
df = df.drop(columns='NA')
return df

def find_root(reaches):
dataset = nc.Dataset(param_path)
comids = np.array(dataset.variables['link'][:])
to = np.array(dataset.variables['to'][:])
outflow_dict = {us: ds for us, ds in zip(comids, to)}
r1 = reaches[0] # just need to trace one reach to outlet
outflow = outflow_dict[r1]
while outflow in reaches:
r1 = outflow
outflow = outflow_dict[r1]
return r1

def extract_from_root(root):
print(f'Extracting data from root {root}')
print(f'Loading parameters from {param_path}')
dataset = nc.Dataset(param_path)
comids = np.array(dataset.variables['link'][:])
to = np.array(dataset.variables['to'][:])

print('traversing network...')
keep = list()
q = [root]
while len(q) > 0:
cur = q.pop()
children = comids[to == cur]

print('extracting subset...')
indices = np.where(np.isin(comids, keep))
data = {}
for var_name in ['link', 'to', 'n', 'nCC', 'order', 'Length', 'So', 'ChSlp', 'BtmWdth', 'TopWdthCC', 'TopWdth', 'NHDWaterbodyComID', 'MusK', 'MusX', 'Kchan']:
var_data = dataset.variables[var_name][:]
if var_data.ndim == 0:
elif var_data.ndim > 1:
data[var_name] = var_data[indices, :]
data[var_name] = var_data[indices]

# Close the dataset

print('creating DataFrame...')
# Create a DataFrame from the dictionary
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
return df

run_dir = r'/netfiles/ciroh/floodplainsData/retrospective/basin_run_files/MSQ'
all_paths = [os.path.join(run_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(run_dir) if f.endswith('.json')]
# all_paths = [r'/netfiles/ciroh/floodplainsData/retrospective/basin_run_files/lamoille_2019_hand.json']

for paths in all_paths:
print(f'Processing {paths}')

# Establish file structure and paths
if not os.path.exists(paths):
create_project(paths) # Optional make template
with open(paths, 'r') as f:
paths = json.load(f)
lateral_path = paths['lateral_path']
inflow_path = paths['inflow_path']
out_path = paths['meta_path']
geom_dir = paths['geometry_dir']

ds_hydrographs = os.path.join(paths['base_dir'], 'downstream_hydrographs.csv')
head_path = os.path.join(paths['base_dir'], 'headwaters.csv')
lake_path = os.path.join(paths['base_dir'], 'lake.csv')

meta_path = r"/netfiles/ciroh/floodplainsData/runs/NWM/network/reach_data.csv"
param_path = r"/netfiles/ciroh/floodplainsData/runs/NWM/working/"
da_path = r"/netfiles/ciroh/floodplainsData/runs/NWM/working/drain_areas.csv"
# if os.path.exists(out_path):
# print(f'{out_path} already exists, skipping')
# continue

# Load data
ds = pd.read_csv(ds_hydrographs) # treating this as the model domain
ds = clean(ds)
reaches = [int(i) for i in ds.columns]
root = find_root(reaches)
meta_df = extract_from_root(root)
meta_df = meta_df.sort_values("link")
meta_df = meta_df.rename(columns={"link": paths['id_field'], "to": paths['to_id_field'], 'Length': 'length', 'So': 'slope'})
meta_df = meta_df.drop_duplicates() # remove completely duplicated rows
meta_df = meta_df.set_index("comid")

# load DAs
das = pd.read_csv(da_path)
das = das.set_index("ID")
meta_df = meta_df.join(das, how='left')
replace_nan = lambda x: np.nanmean(meta_df['TotDASqKm']) if np.isnan(x) else x
meta_df['TotDASqKm'] = meta_df['TotDASqKm'].map(replace_nan) # maybe should update later

# Remove divergences by keeping largest connection first
count = len(meta_df)
meta_df = meta_df.sort_values('order', ascending=False)
meta_df = meta_df[~meta_df.index.duplicated(keep='first')].copy().sort_index()
print(f'Removed {count - len(meta_df)} divergences')

# Check for single root
roots = list(set(meta_df['ds_comid']).difference(set(meta_df.index)))
if len(roots) > 1:
raise RuntimeError(f'Multiple roots detected: {roots}')

# Handle missing data by grabbing next ds reach
missing = meta_df[meta_df[['n', 'nCC', 'slope', 'ChSlp', 'BtmWdth', 'TopWdthCC', 'TopWdth', 'TotDASqKm']].isnull().values.any(axis=1)].index
print(f'Handling missing data for {len(missing)} reaches')
for col in missing:
isna = True
ds = col
while isna:
ds = meta_df.loc[ds, 'ds_comid']
if ds in missing:
isna = False
if ds == roots[0]:
meta_df.loc[col, ['n', 'ncc', 'TotDASqKm', 'slope']] = [0.06, 0.12, meta_df['TotDASqKm'].max(), np.exp(np.mean(np.log(meta_df['slope'])))]
meta_df.loc[col, ['n', 'ncc', 'TotDASqKm', 'slope']] = meta_df.loc[ds, ['n', 'ncc', 'TotDASqKm', 'slope']]
meta_df.loc[col, 'length'] = meta_df['length'].mean()

# Add lakes to headwater forcings
lakes = meta_df['NHDWaterbodyComID'].unique()
lakes = lakes[lakes != -9999]
force_lakes = list()
for l in lakes:
# Find root of each lake
lake_reaches = list(meta_df[meta_df['NHDWaterbodyComID'] == l].index)
lake_root = lake_reaches[0] # initialize
outflow = meta_df.loc[lake_root, 'ds_comid']
while outflow in lake_reaches:
lake_root = meta_df.loc[lake_root, 'ds_comid'] # update lake root
outflow = meta_df.loc[lake_root, 'ds_comid']
force_lakes = list()

# Prune upstream of headwater forcings
head_df = pd.read_csv(head_path) # reaches we don't want to route through
tmp_cols = list(head_df.columns)
tmp_cols.remove('Unnamed: 0')
heads = [float(c) for c in tmp_cols]
small = list(meta_df[meta_df['TotDASqKm'] < 5.2].index) # also treat small reaches as headwaters
heads.extend([float(i) for i in force_lakes])
prune_counter = 0
for h in heads:
us = list(meta_df[meta_df['ds_comid'] == h].index)
while len(us) > 0:
tmp = us.pop()
us.extend(list(meta_df[meta_df['ds_comid'] == tmp].index))
meta_df = meta_df.drop(index=tmp).copy()
prune_counter += 1
print(f'Removed {prune_counter} reaches to align with headwater forcings')

# Check that all final network have valid geometry
geom_area_path = os.path.join(geom_dir, 'area.csv')
geom_area = pd.read_csv(geom_area_path)
valid_geom = geom_area.columns[~(geom_area == 0).all(axis=0)].astype(int)
missing_geom = list(set(meta_df.index).difference(set(valid_geom)))
if len(missing_geom) > 0:
print(f'Missing geometry for {len(missing_geom)} reaches')
meta_df['valid_geom'] = meta_df.index.isin(valid_geom)

# make an inflows file
headwaters = list(set(meta_df.index).difference(set(meta_df['ds_comid'])))
headwaters = [str(h) for h in headwaters]
inflow_df = ds[headwaters].copy()
except KeyError:
missing = list(set(headwaters).difference(set(ds.columns)))
missing_ds = pd.DataFrame(index=missing, columns=['missing_ds'])
missing_ds['missing_ds'] = True
missing_ds.to_csv(os.path.join(paths['base_dir'], 'missing_ds.csv'))
raise RuntimeError(f'Missing downstream reaches in {ds_hydrographs}')

# Make an initial conditions file
init_flow = pd.DataFrame(ds.loc[ds.index[0], meta_df.index.astype(str)])
init_flow = init_flow.rename(columns={ds.index[0]: 'init_discharge'})

# Export metadata
meta_df['comid'] = meta_df.index
meta_df = meta_df[['comid', 'ds_comid', 'n', 'nCC', 'order', 'TotDASqKm', 'length', 'slope', 'ChSlp', 'BtmWdth', 'TopWdthCC', 'TopWdth', 'NHDWaterbodyComID', 'MusK', 'MusX', 'Kchan', 'valid_geom']]
meta_df.to_csv(out_path, index=False)
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions samples/basin_analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import os
import json
from muskingumcunge.controller import handler
import numpy as np

run_dir = r'/netfiles/ciroh/floodplainsData/retrospective/basin_run_files'
all_paths = [os.path.join(run_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(run_dir) if f.endswith('.json')]

for path in all_paths:
with open(path, 'r') as f:
dict = json.load(f)

5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions samples/simple_routing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
reach = TrapezoidalReach(100, 100, 0.1, 0.001, 2000)

# Route flows
outflows = reach.route_hydrograph(inflows, 0.1)
outflows = reach.route_hydrograph(inflows, 360, solver='fread')

# Plot results
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
Expand All @@ -26,4 +26,5 @@
plt.savefig('simple_routing.png', dpi=300)

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