diff --git a/croppic.js b/croppic.js
index 6ab5d14..4438921 100644
--- a/croppic.js
+++ b/croppic.js
@@ -4,459 +4,488 @@
* author: Ognjen "Zmaj Džedaj" Božičković and Mat Steinlin
+ Croppic: function (options) {
+ var croppic = new Croppic(this, options);
+ }
(function (window, document) {
- Croppic = function (id, options) {
- var that = this;
- that.id = id;
- that.obj = $('#' + id);
- that.outputDiv = that.obj;
- that.options = {
- uploadUrl:'',
- uploadData:{},
- cropUrl:'',
- cropData:{},
- outputUrlId:'',
- //styles
- imgEyecandy:true,
- imgEyecandyOpacity:0.2,
- initialZoom:40,
- zoomFactor:10,
- rotateFactor:5,
- doubleZoomControls:true,
- rotateControls: true,
- modal:false,
- customUploadButtonId:'',
- loaderHtml:'',
- scaleToFill: true,
- processInline: false,
- loadPicture:'',
- onReset: null,
- enableMousescroll: false,
- //callbacks
- onBeforeImgUpload: null,
- onAfterImgUpload: null,
- onImgDrag: null,
- onImgZoom: null,
- onImgRotate: null,
- onBeforeImgCrop: null,
- onAfterImgCrop: null,
- onBeforeRemoveCroppedImg: null,
- onAfterRemoveCroppedImg: null,
- onError: null,
- };
- for (i in options) that.options[i] = options[i];
- that.init();
- };
- Croppic.prototype = {
- id:'',
- imgInitW:0,
- imgInitH:0,
- imgW:0,
- imgH:0,
- objW:0,
- objH:0,
- actualRotation: 0,
- windowW:0,
- windowH:$(window).height(),
- obj:{},
- outputDiv:{},
- outputUrlObj:{},
- img:{},
- defaultImg:{},
- croppedImg:{},
- imgEyecandy:{},
- form:{},
- iframeform: {},
+ Croppic = function (id, options) {
+ var that = this;
+ if (id instanceof jQuery) {
+ that.id = id.attr("id");
+ that.obj = id;
+ that.outputDiv = id;
+ } else {
+ that.id = id;
+ that.obj = $('#' + id);
+ that.outputDiv = that.obj;
+ }
+ if (typeof (that.id) === "undefined" || that.id === null || that.id.length)
+ that.id = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9);
+ that.options = {
+ uploadUrl: "",
+ uploadData: {},
+ cropUrl: "",
+ cropData: {},
+ outputUrlId: "",
+ cropW: 0,
+ cropH: 0,
+ zoom: 40,
+ //styles
+ imgEyecandy: true,
+ imgEyecandyOpacity: 0.2,
+ zoomFactor: 10,
+ rotateFactor: 5,
+ doubleZoomControls: true,
+ rotateControls: true,
+ modal: false,
+ customUploadButtonId: "",
+ loaderHtml: "",
+ scaleToFill: true,
+ processInline: false,
+ loadPicture: "",
+ onReset: null,
+ enableMousescroll: false,
+ //callbacks
+ onBeforeImgUpload: null,
+ onAfterImgUpload: null,
+ onImgDrag: null,
+ onImgZoom: null,
+ onImgRotate: null,
+ onBeforeImgCrop: null,
+ onAfterImgCrop: null,
+ onBeforeRemoveCroppedImg: null,
+ onAfterRemoveCroppedImg: null,
+ onError: null
+ };
+ for (var i in options)
+ if (options.hasOwnProperty(i))
+ that.options[i] = options[i];
+ that.init();
+ };
+ Croppic.prototype = {
+ id: "",
+ imgInitW: 0,
+ imgInitH: 0,
+ imgW: 0,
+ imgH: 0,
+ objW: 0,
+ objH: 0,
+ actualRotation: 0,
+ windowW: 0,
+ windowH: $(window).height(),
+ obj: {},
+ outputDiv: {},
+ outputUrlObj: {},
+ img: {},
+ defaultImg: {},
+ croppedImg: {},
+ imgEyecandy: {},
+ form: {},
+ iframeform: {},
iframeobj: {},
- cropControlsUpload:{},
- cropControlsCrop:{},
- cropControlZoomMuchIn:{},
- cropControlZoomMuchOut:{},
- cropControlZoomIn:{},
- cropControlZoomOut:{},
- cropControlCrop:{},
- cropControlReset:{},
- cropControlRemoveCroppedImage:{},
- modal:{},
- loader:{},
- init: function () {
- var that = this;
- that.objW = that.obj.width();
- that.objH = that.obj.height();
- // reset rotation
- that.actualRotation = 0;
- if( $.isEmptyObject(that.defaultImg)){ that.defaultImg = that.obj.find('img'); }
- that.createImgUploadControls();
- if( $.isEmptyObject(that.options.loadPicture)){
- that.bindImgUploadControl();
- }else{
- that.loadExistingImage();
- }
- },
- createImgUploadControls: function(){
- var that = this;
- var cropControlUpload = '';
- if(that.options.customUploadButtonId ===''){ cropControlUpload = ''; }
- var cropControlRemoveCroppedImage = '';
- if( $.isEmptyObject(that.croppedImg)){ cropControlRemoveCroppedImage=''; }
- if( !$.isEmptyObject(that.options.loadPicture)){ cropControlUpload='';}
- var html = '
' + cropControlUpload + cropControlRemoveCroppedImage + '
- that.outputDiv.append(html);
- that.cropControlsUpload = that.outputDiv.find('.cropControlsUpload');
- if(that.options.customUploadButtonId ===''){ that.imgUploadControl = that.outputDiv.find('.cropControlUpload'); }
- else{ that.imgUploadControl = $('#'+that.options.customUploadButtonId); that.imgUploadControl.show(); }
- if( !$.isEmptyObject(that.croppedImg)){
- that.cropControlRemoveCroppedImage = that.outputDiv.find('.cropControlRemoveCroppedImage');
- }
- },
- bindImgUploadControl: function(){
- var that = this;
- var formHtml = '';
- that.outputDiv.append(formHtml);
- that.form = that.outputDiv.find('.'+that.id+'_imgUploadForm');
+ cropControlsUpload: {},
+ cropControlsCrop: {},
+ cropControlZoomMuchIn: {},
+ cropControlZoomMuchOut: {},
+ cropControlZoomIn: {},
+ cropControlZoomOut: {},
+ cropControlCrop: {},
+ cropControlReset: {},
+ cropControlRemoveCroppedImage: {},
+ modal: {},
+ loader: {},
+ init: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ that.imageMoved = false;
+ if (that.options.cropW > 0 || that.options.cropH > 0) {
+ that.objW = that.options.cropW;
+ that.objH = that.options.cropH;
+ } else {
+ that.objW = that.obj.width();
+ that.objH = that.obj.height();
+ }
+ // reset rotation
+ that.actualRotation = 0;
+ if ($.isEmptyObject(that.defaultImg)) { that.defaultImg = that.obj.find('img'); }
+ that.createImgUploadControls();
+ if ($.isEmptyObject(that.options.loadPicture)) {
+ that.bindImgUploadControl();
+ } else {
+ that.loadExistingImage();
+ }
+ },
+ createImgUploadControls: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ var cropControlUpload = '';
+ if (that.options.customUploadButtonId === '') { cropControlUpload = ''; }
+ var cropControlRemoveCroppedImage = '';
+ if ($.isEmptyObject(that.croppedImg)) { cropControlRemoveCroppedImage = ''; }
+ if (!$.isEmptyObject(that.options.loadPicture)) { cropControlUpload = ''; }
+ var html = ' ' + cropControlUpload + cropControlRemoveCroppedImage + '
+ that.outputDiv.append(html);
+ that.cropControlsUpload = that.outputDiv.find('.cropControlsUpload');
+ if (that.options.customUploadButtonId === '') { that.imgUploadControl = that.outputDiv.find('.cropControlUpload'); }
+ else { that.imgUploadControl = $('#' + that.options.customUploadButtonId); that.imgUploadControl.show(); }
+ if (!$.isEmptyObject(that.croppedImg)) {
+ that.cropControlRemoveCroppedImage = that.outputDiv.find('.cropControlRemoveCroppedImage');
+ }
+ },
+ bindImgUploadControl: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ var formHtml = '';
+ that.outputDiv.append(formHtml);
+ that.form = that.outputDiv.find('.' + that.id + '_imgUploadForm');
var fileUploadId = that.CreateFallbackIframe();
- that.imgUploadControl.off('click');
- that.imgUploadControl.on('click',function(){
- if (fileUploadId === "") {
+ that.imgUploadControl.off('click');
+ that.imgUploadControl.on('click', function () {
+ if (fileUploadId === "") {
} else {
//Trigger iframe file input click, otherwise access restriction error
- }
- });
- if( !$.isEmptyObject(that.croppedImg)){
- that.cropControlRemoveCroppedImage.on('click',function(){
- if (typeof (that.options.onBeforeRemoveCroppedImg) === typeof(Function)) {
- that.options.onBeforeRemoveCroppedImg.call(that);
- }
- that.croppedImg.remove();
- that.croppedImg = {};
- $(this).hide();
- if (typeof (that.options.onAfterRemoveCroppedImg) === typeof(Function)) {
- that.options.onAfterRemoveCroppedImg.call(that);
- }
- if( !$.isEmptyObject(that.defaultImg)){
- that.obj.append(that.defaultImg);
- }
- if(that.options.outputUrlId !== ''){ $('#'+that.options.outputUrlId).val(''); }
- });
- }
- that.form.find('input[type="file"]').change(function(){
- if (that.options.onBeforeImgUpload) that.options.onBeforeImgUpload.call(that);
- that.showLoader();
- that.imgUploadControl.hide();
- if(that.options.processInline){
- // Checking Browser Support for FileReader API
- if (typeof FileReader == "undefined"){
- if (that.options.onError) that.options.onError.call(that,"processInline is not supported by your Browser");
- that.reset();
- }else{
- var reader = new FileReader();
- reader.onload = function (e) {
- var image = new Image();
- image.src = e.target.result;
- image.onload = function(){
- that.imgInitW = that.imgW = image.width;
- that.imgInitH = that.imgH = image.height;
- if(that.options.modal){ that.createModal(); }
- if( !$.isEmptyObject(that.croppedImg)){ that.croppedImg.remove(); }
- that.imgUrl=image.src;
- that.obj.append('
- that.initCropper();
- that.hideLoader();
- if (that.options.onAfterImgUpload) that.options.onAfterImgUpload.call(that);
- }
- };
- reader.readAsDataURL(that.form.find('input[type="file"]')[0].files[0]);
- }
- } else {
- try {
- // other modern browsers
- formData = new FormData(that.form[0]);
- } catch(e) {
- // IE10 MUST have all form items appended as individual form key / value pairs
- formData = new FormData();
- formData.append('img', that.form.find("input[type=file]")[0].files[0]);
- }
- for (var key in that.options.uploadData) {
- if( that.options.uploadData.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
- formData.append( key , that.options.uploadData[key] );
- }
- }
- $.ajax({
- url: that.options.uploadUrl,
- data: formData,
- context: document.body,
- cache: false,
- contentType: false,
- processData: false,
- type: 'POST'
- }).always(function (data) {
- that.afterUpload(data);
- });
- }
+ }
+ });
+ if (!$.isEmptyObject(that.croppedImg)) {
+ that.cropControlRemoveCroppedImage.on('click', function () {
+ if (typeof (that.options.onBeforeRemoveCroppedImg) === typeof (Function)) {
+ that.options.onBeforeRemoveCroppedImg.call(that);
+ }
+ that.croppedImg.remove();
+ that.croppedImg = {};
+ $(this).hide();
+ if (typeof (that.options.onAfterRemoveCroppedImg) === typeof (Function)) {
+ that.options.onAfterRemoveCroppedImg.call(that);
+ }
+ if (!$.isEmptyObject(that.defaultImg)) {
+ that.obj.append(that.defaultImg);
+ }
+ if (that.options.outputUrlId !== '') {
+ $('#' + that.options.outputUrlId).val('');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ that.form.find('input[type="file"]').change(function () {
+ var val = $(this).val();
+ var ext = val.substring(val.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase();
+ var allowedExtension = ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif'];
+ if (allowedExtension.indexOf(ext) !== -1) {
+ if (that.options.onBeforeImgUpload)
+ that.options.onBeforeImgUpload.call(that);
+ that.showLoader();
+ that.imgUploadControl.hide();
+ if (that.options.processInline) {
+ // Checking Browser Support for FileReader API
+ if (typeof FileReader == "undefined") {
+ if (that.options.onError) that.options.onError.call(that, "processInline is not supported by your Browser");
+ that.reset();
+ } else {
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ reader.onload = function (e) {
+ var image = new Image();
+ image.src = e.target.result;
+ image.onload = function () {
+ that.imgInitW = that.imgW = image.width;
+ that.imgInitH = that.imgH = image.height;
+ if (that.objW >= image.width && that.objH >= image.height) {
+ that.afterCrop({
+ status: "success",
+ url: image.src
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (that.options.modal) {
+ that.createModal();
+ }
+ if (!$.isEmptyObject(that.croppedImg)) {
+ that.croppedImg.remove();
+ }
+ that.imgUrl = image.src;
+ that.obj.append('
+ that.initCropper();
+ that.hideLoader();
+ if (that.options.onAfterImgUpload)
+ that.options.onAfterImgUpload.call(that);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ reader.readAsDataURL(that.form.find('input[type="file"]')[0].files[0]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ var formData;
+ try {
+ // other modern browsers
+ formData = new FormData(that.form[0]);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // IE10 MUST have all form items appended as individual form key / value pairs
+ formData = new FormData();
+ formData.append('img', that.form.find("input[type=file]")[0].files[0]);
+ }
+ for (var key in that.options.uploadData) {
+ if (that.options.uploadData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ formData.append(key, that.options.uploadData[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ $.ajax({
+ url: that.options.uploadUrl,
+ data: formData,
+ context: document.body,
+ cache: false,
+ contentType: false,
+ processData: false,
+ type: 'POST'
+ }).always(function (data) {
+ that.afterUpload(data);
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ $(this).val("");
+ alert("Please select an image");
+ }
- loadExistingImage: function(){
- var that = this;
- if( $.isEmptyObject(that.croppedImg)){
- if (that.options.onBeforeImgUpload) that.options.onBeforeImgUpload.call(that);
- that.showLoader();
- if(that.options.modal){ that.createModal(); }
- if( !$.isEmptyObject(that.croppedImg)){ that.croppedImg.remove(); }
- that.imgUrl=that.options.loadPicture ;
- var img =$('
- that.obj.append(img);
- img.load(function() {
- that.imgInitW = that.imgW = this.width;
- that.imgInitH = that.imgH = this.height;
- that.initCropper();
- that.hideLoader();
- if (that.options.onAfterImgUpload) that.options.onAfterImgUpload.call(that);
- });
- }else{
- that.cropControlRemoveCroppedImage.on('click',function(){
- that.croppedImg.remove();
- $(this).hide();
- if( !$.isEmptyObject(that.defaultImg)){
- that.obj.append(that.defaultImg);
- }
- if(that.options.outputUrlId !== ''){ $('#'+that.options.outputUrlId).val(''); }
- that.croppedImg = '';
- that.reset();
- });
- }
- },
- afterUpload: function(data){
+ loadExistingImage: function () {
var that = this;
- response = typeof data =='object' ? data : jQuery.parseJSON(data);
+ if ($.isEmptyObject(that.croppedImg)) {
+ if (that.options.onBeforeImgUpload) that.options.onBeforeImgUpload.call(that);
- if (response.status == 'success') {
+ that.showLoader();
+ if (that.options.modal) { that.createModal(); }
+ if (!$.isEmptyObject(that.croppedImg)) { that.croppedImg.remove(); }
+ that.imgUrl = that.options.loadPicture;
+ var img = $('
+ that.obj.append(img);
+ img.load(function () {
+ that.imgInitW = that.imgW = this.width;
+ that.imgInitH = that.imgH = this.height;
+ that.initCropper();
+ that.hideLoader();
+ if (that.options.onAfterImgUpload) that.options.onAfterImgUpload.call(that);
+ });
+ } else {
+ that.cropControlRemoveCroppedImage.on('click', function () {
+ that.croppedImg.remove();
+ $(this).hide();
+ if (!$.isEmptyObject(that.defaultImg)) {
+ that.obj.append(that.defaultImg);
+ }
+ if (that.options.outputUrlId !== '') { $('#' + that.options.outputUrlId).val(''); }
+ that.croppedImg = '';
+ that.reset();
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ afterUpload: function (data) {
+ var that = this;
+ var response = typeof data == 'object' ? data : jQuery.parseJSON(data);
+ if (response.status === 'success') {
that.imgInitW = that.imgW = response.width;
that.imgInitH = that.imgH = response.height;
if (that.options.modal) { that.createModal(); }
if (!$.isEmptyObject(that.croppedImg)) { that.croppedImg.remove(); }
that.imgUrl = response.url;
+ var img = $('
+ that.obj.append(img);
+ img.load(function () {
+ that.initCropper();
+ that.hideLoader();
+ if (that.options.onAfterImgUpload) that.options.onAfterImgUpload.call(that);
+ });
- var img = $('
+ if (that.options.onAfterImgUpload) that.options.onAfterImgUpload.call(that);
- that.obj.append(img);
+ }
- img.load(function(){
- that.initCropper();
- that.hideLoader();
- if (that.options.onAfterImgUpload) that.options.onAfterImgUpload.call(that);
- });
- if (that.options.onAfterImgUpload) that.options.onAfterImgUpload.call(that);
+ if (response.status === 'error') {
+ alert(response.message);
+ if (that.options.onError) that.options.onError.call(that, response.message);
+ that.hideLoader();
+ setTimeout(function () { that.reset(); }, 2000);
+ }
+ },
+ createModal: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ var marginTop = that.windowH / 2 - that.objH / 2;
+ var modalHtml = '';
+ $('body').append(modalHtml);
+ that.modal = $('#croppicModal');
+ that.obj = $('#croppicModalObj');
+ },
+ destroyModal: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ that.obj = that.outputDiv;
+ that.modal.remove();
+ that.modal = {};
+ },
+ initCropper: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ that.img = that.obj.find('img');
+ that.img.wrap('');
+ that.createCropControls();
+ if (that.options.imgEyecandy) { that.createEyecandy(); }
+ that.initDrag();
+ that.initialScaleImg();
+ },
+ createEyecandy: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ that.imgEyecandy = that.img.clone();
+ that.imgEyecandy.css({ 'z-index': '0', 'opacity': that.options.imgEyecandyOpacity }).appendTo(that.obj);
+ },
+ destroyEyecandy: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ that.imgEyecandy.remove();
+ },
+ initialScaleImg: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ if (that.options.zoom > 0) {
+ that.zoom(-that.imgInitW, true);
+ that.zoom(that.options.zoom , true);
+ }
+ // Adding mousewheel zoom capabilities
+ if (that.options.enableMousescroll) {
+ that.img.on('mousewheel', function (event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ that.zoom(that.options.zoomFactor * event.deltaY);
+ });
+ }
+ // initial center image
+ that.img.css({ 'left': -(that.imgW - that.objW) / 2, 'top': -(that.imgH - that.objH) / 2, 'position': 'relative' });
+ if (that.options.imgEyecandy) { that.imgEyecandy.css({ 'left': -(that.imgW - that.objW) / 2, 'top': -(that.imgH - that.objH) / 2, 'position': 'relative' }); }
+ },
+ createCropControls: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ var cropControlZoomMuchIn = '';
+ var cropControlZoomIn = '';
+ var cropControlZoomOut = '';
+ var cropControlZoomMuchOut = '';
+ var cropControlRotateLeft = '';
+ var cropControlRotateRight = '';
+ var cropControlCrop = '';
+ var cropControlReset = '';
+ if (that.options.doubleZoomControls) {
+ cropControlZoomMuchIn = '';
+ cropControlZoomMuchOut = '';
+ if (that.options.rotateControls) {
+ cropControlRotateLeft = '';
+ cropControlRotateRight = '';
+ }
+ var html = '' + cropControlZoomMuchIn + cropControlZoomIn + cropControlZoomOut + cropControlZoomMuchOut + cropControlRotateLeft + cropControlRotateRight + cropControlCrop + cropControlReset + '
+ that.obj.append(html);
+ that.cropControlsCrop = that.obj.find('.cropControlsCrop');
+ if (that.options.doubleZoomControls) {
+ that.cropControlZoomMuchIn = that.cropControlsCrop.find('.cropControlZoomMuchIn');
+ that.cropControlZoomMuchIn.on('click', function () { that.zoom(that.options.zoomFactor * 10); });
- if (response.status == 'error') {
- alert(response.message);
- if (that.options.onError) that.options.onError.call(that,response.message);
- that.hideLoader();
- setTimeout( function(){ that.reset(); },2000)
+ that.cropControlZoomMuchOut = that.cropControlsCrop.find('.cropControlZoomMuchOut');
+ that.cropControlZoomMuchOut.on('click', function () { that.zoom(-that.options.zoomFactor * 10); });
+ that.cropControlZoomIn = that.cropControlsCrop.find('.cropControlZoomIn');
+ that.cropControlZoomIn.on('click', function () { that.zoom(that.options.zoomFactor); });
+ that.cropControlZoomOut = that.cropControlsCrop.find('.cropControlZoomOut');
+ that.cropControlZoomOut.on('click', function () { that.zoom(-that.options.zoomFactor); });
+ that.cropControlZoomIn = that.cropControlsCrop.find('.cropControlRotateLeft');
+ that.cropControlZoomIn.on('click', function () { that.rotate(-that.options.rotateFactor); });
+ that.cropControlZoomOut = that.cropControlsCrop.find('.cropControlRotateRight');
+ that.cropControlZoomOut.on('click', function () { that.rotate(that.options.rotateFactor); });
+ that.cropControlCrop = that.cropControlsCrop.find('.cropControlCrop');
+ that.cropControlCrop.on('click', function () { that.crop(); });
+ that.cropControlReset = that.cropControlsCrop.find('.cropControlReset');
+ that.cropControlReset.on('click', function () { that.reset(); });
- createModal: function(){
- var that = this;
- var marginTop = that.windowH/2-that.objH/2;
- var modalHTML = '';
- $('body').append(modalHTML);
- that.modal = $('#croppicModal');
- that.obj = $('#croppicModalObj');
- },
- destroyModal: function(){
- var that = this;
- that.obj = that.outputDiv;
- that.modal.remove();
- that.modal = {};
- },
- initCropper: function(){
- var that = this;
- that.img = that.obj.find('img');
- that.img.wrap('');
- that.createCropControls();
- if(that.options.imgEyecandy){ that.createEyecandy(); }
- that.initDrag();
- that.initialScaleImg();
- },
- createEyecandy: function(){
- var that = this;
- that.imgEyecandy = that.img.clone();
- that.imgEyecandy.css({'z-index':'0','opacity':that.options.imgEyecandyOpacity}).appendTo(that.obj);
- },
- destroyEyecandy: function(){
- var that = this;
- that.imgEyecandy.remove();
- },
- initialScaleImg:function(){
- var that = this;
- that.zoom(-that.imgInitW);
- that.zoom(that.options.initialZoom);
- // Adding mousewheel zoom capabilities
- if (that.options.enableMousescroll){
- that.img.on('mousewheel', function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- that.zoom(that.options.zoomFactor*event.deltaY);
- });
- }
- // initial center image
- that.img.css({'left': -(that.imgW -that.objW)/2, 'top': -(that.imgH -that.objH)/2, 'position':'relative'});
- if(that.options.imgEyecandy){ that.imgEyecandy.css({'left': -(that.imgW -that.objW)/2, 'top': -(that.imgH -that.objH)/2, 'position':'relative'}); }
- },
- createCropControls: function(){
- var that = this;
- var cropControlZoomMuchIn = '';
- var cropControlZoomIn = '';
- var cropControlZoomOut = '';
- var cropControlZoomMuchOut = '';
- var cropControlRotateLeft = '';
- var cropControlRotateRight = '';
- var cropControlCrop = '';
- var cropControlReset = '';
- var html;
- if(that.options.doubleZoomControls){
- cropControlZoomMuchIn = '';
- cropControlZoomMuchOut = '';
- }
- if(that.options.rotateControls){
- cropControlRotateLeft = '';
- cropControlRotateRight = '';
- }
- html = ''+ cropControlZoomMuchIn + cropControlZoomIn + cropControlZoomOut + cropControlZoomMuchOut + cropControlRotateLeft + cropControlRotateRight + cropControlCrop + cropControlReset + '
- that.obj.append(html);
- that.cropControlsCrop = that.obj.find('.cropControlsCrop');
- if(that.options.doubleZoomControls){
- that.cropControlZoomMuchIn = that.cropControlsCrop.find('.cropControlZoomMuchIn');
- that.cropControlZoomMuchIn.on('click',function(){ that.zoom( that.options.zoomFactor*10 ); });
- that.cropControlZoomMuchOut = that.cropControlsCrop.find('.cropControlZoomMuchOut');
- that.cropControlZoomMuchOut.on('click',function(){ that.zoom(-that.options.zoomFactor*10); });
- }
- that.cropControlZoomIn = that.cropControlsCrop.find('.cropControlZoomIn');
- that.cropControlZoomIn.on('click',function(){ that.zoom(that.options.zoomFactor); });
- that.cropControlZoomOut = that.cropControlsCrop.find('.cropControlZoomOut');
- that.cropControlZoomOut.on('click',function(){ that.zoom(-that.options.zoomFactor); });
- that.cropControlZoomIn = that.cropControlsCrop.find('.cropControlRotateLeft');
- that.cropControlZoomIn.on('click', function() { that.rotate(-that.options.rotateFactor); });
- that.cropControlZoomOut = that.cropControlsCrop.find('.cropControlRotateRight');
- that.cropControlZoomOut.on('click', function() { that.rotate(that.options.rotateFactor); });
- that.cropControlCrop = that.cropControlsCrop.find('.cropControlCrop');
- that.cropControlCrop.on('click',function(){ that.crop(); });
- that.cropControlReset = that.cropControlsCrop.find('.cropControlReset');
- that.cropControlReset.on('click',function(){ that.reset(); });
- },
- initDrag:function(){
- var that = this;
- that.img.on("mousedown touchstart", function(e) {
- e.preventDefault(); // disable selection
- var pageX;
+ initDrag: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ that.img.on("mousedown touchstart", function (e) {
+ e.preventDefault(); // disable selection
+ that.imageMoved = true;
+ var pageX;
var pageY;
var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
if (userAgent.match(/iPad/i) || userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || userAgent.match(/android/i) || (e.pageY && e.pageX) == undefined) {
@@ -466,243 +495,315 @@
pageX = e.pageX;
pageY = e.pageY;
- var z_idx = that.img.css('z-index'),
- drg_h = that.img.outerHeight(),
- drg_w = that.img.outerWidth(),
- pos_y = that.img.offset().top + drg_h - pageY,
- pos_x = that.img.offset().left + drg_w - pageX;
- that.img.css('z-index', 1000).on("mousemove touchmove", function(e) {
- var imgTop;
- var imgLeft;
- if (userAgent.match(/iPad/i) || userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || userAgent.match(/android/i) || (e.pageY && e.pageX) == undefined) {
- imgTop = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY + pos_y - drg_h;
- imgLeft = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX + pos_x - drg_w;
+ var zIdx = that.img.css('z-index'),
+ drgH = that.img.outerHeight(),
+ drgW = that.img.outerWidth(),
+ posY = that.img.offset().top + drgH - pageY,
+ posX = that.img.offset().left + drgW - pageX;
+ that.img.css('z-index', 1000).on("mousemove touchmove", function (e) {
+ var imgTop;
+ var imgLeft;
+ if (userAgent.match(/iPad/i) || userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || userAgent.match(/android/i) || (e.pageY && e.pageX) == undefined) {
+ imgTop = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY + posY - drgH;
+ imgLeft = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX + posX - drgW;
+ } else {
+ imgTop = e.pageY + posY - drgH;
+ imgLeft = e.pageX + posX - drgW;
+ }
+ that.img.offset({
+ top: imgTop,
+ left: imgLeft
+ }).on("mouseup", function () {
+ $(this).removeClass('draggable').css('z-index', zIdx);
+ });
+ if (that.options.imgEyecandy) { that.imgEyecandy.offset({ top: imgTop, left: imgLeft }); }
+ var maxTop;
+ if (that.objH < that.imgH) {
+ if (parseInt(that.img.css('top')) > 0) { that.img.css('top', 0); if (that.options.imgEyecandy) { that.imgEyecandy.css('top', 0); } }
+ maxTop = -(that.imgH - that.objH);
+ if (parseInt(that.img.css('top')) < maxTop) { that.img.css('top', maxTop); if (that.options.imgEyecandy) { that.imgEyecandy.css('top', maxTop); } }
+ } else {
+ if (parseInt(that.img.css('top')) < 0) { that.img.css('top', 0); if (that.options.imgEyecandy) { that.imgEyecandy.css('top', 0); } }
+ maxTop = that.objH - that.imgH;
+ if (parseInt(that.img.css('top')) > maxTop) { that.img.css('top', maxTop); if (that.options.imgEyecandy) { that.imgEyecandy.css('top', maxTop); } }
+ }
+ var maxLeft;
+ if (that.objW < that.imgW) {
+ if (parseInt(that.img.css('left')) > 0) { that.img.css('left', 0); if (that.options.imgEyecandy) { that.imgEyecandy.css('left', 0); } }
+ maxLeft = -(that.imgW - that.objW);
+ if (parseInt(that.img.css('left')) < maxLeft) { that.img.css('left', maxLeft); if (that.options.imgEyecandy) { that.imgEyecandy.css('left', maxLeft); } }
+ } else {
+ if (parseInt(that.img.css('left')) < 0) { that.img.css('left', 0); if (that.options.imgEyecandy) { that.imgEyecandy.css('left', 0); } }
+ maxLeft = (that.objW - that.imgW);
+ if (parseInt(that.img.css('left')) > maxLeft) { that.img.css('left', maxLeft); if (that.options.imgEyecandy) { that.imgEyecandy.css('left', maxLeft); } }
+ }
+ if (that.options.onImgDrag) that.options.onImgDrag.call(that);
+ });
+ }).on("mouseup", function () {
+ that.img.off("mousemove");
+ }).on("mouseout", function () {
+ that.img.off("mousemove");
+ });
+ },
+ rotate: function (x) {
+ var that = this;
+ that.actualRotation += x;
+ that.img.css({
+ '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(' + that.actualRotation + 'deg)',
+ '-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + that.actualRotation + 'deg)',
+ 'transform': 'rotate(' + that.actualRotation + 'deg)'
+ });
+ if (that.options.imgEyecandy) {
+ that.imgEyecandy.css({
+ '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(' + that.actualRotation + 'deg)',
+ '-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + that.actualRotation + 'deg)',
+ 'transform': 'rotate(' + that.actualRotation + 'deg)'
+ });
+ }
+ if (typeof that.options.onImgRotate == 'function')
+ that.options.onImgRotate.call(that);
+ },
+ zoom: function (x, isInitialScaleImg) {
+ var that = this;
+ var ratio = that.imgW / that.imgH;
+ var newWidth = that.imgW + x;
+ var newHeight = newWidth / ratio;
+ var doPositioning = true;
+ if (isInitialScaleImg) {
+ if (newWidth < that.objW || newHeight < that.objH) {
+ if (newWidth - that.objW < newHeight - that.objH) {
+ newWidth = that.objW;
+ newHeight = newWidth / ratio;
} else {
- imgTop = e.pageY + pos_y - drg_h;
- imgLeft = e.pageX + pos_x - drg_w;
+ newHeight = that.objH;
+ newWidth = ratio * newHeight;
+ }
+ doPositioning = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (newHeight < that.objH && x < 0 && x !== (that.imgInitW * -1)) {
+ newHeight = that.objH;
+ newWidth = newWidth - x;
+ doPositioning = false;
+ }
+ if (newWidth < that.objW && newHeight < that.objH) {
+ if (that.imgW > that.imgH) { // landscape
+ newWidth = that.objW;
+ newHeight = newWidth / ratio;
+ } else { // portrait
+ newHeight = that.objH;
+ newWidth = newHeight * ratio;
+ }
+ doPositioning = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!that.options.scaleToFill && (newWidth > that.imgInitW || newHeight > that.imgInitH)) {
+ if (newWidth - that.imgInitW < newHeight - that.imgInitH) {
+ newWidth = that.imgInitW;
+ newHeight = newWidth / ratio;
+ } else {
+ newHeight = that.imgInitH;
+ newWidth = ratio * newHeight;
+ }
+ doPositioning = false;
+ }
+ that.imgW = newWidth;
+ that.imgH = newHeight;
+ that.img.width(newWidth);
+ that.img.height(newHeight);
+ var newTop = parseInt(that.img.css('top')) - x / 2;
+ var newLeft = parseInt(that.img.css('left')) - x / 2;
+ if (newTop > 0) { newTop = 0; }
+ if (newLeft > 0) { newLeft = 0; }
+ var maxTop = -(newHeight - that.objH); if (newTop < maxTop) { newTop = maxTop; }
+ var maxLeft = -(newWidth - that.objW); if (newLeft < maxLeft) { newLeft = maxLeft; }
+ if (!that.imageMoved) {
+ newLeft = (that.objW / 2) - (newWidth / 2);
+ newTop = (that.objH / 2) - (newHeight / 2);
+ }
+ if (doPositioning || !that.imageMoved) {
+ that.img.css({ 'top': newTop, 'left': newLeft });
+ }
+ if (that.options.imgEyecandy) {
+ that.imgEyecandy.width(newWidth);
+ that.imgEyecandy.height(newHeight);
+ if (doPositioning) {
+ that.imgEyecandy.css({ 'top': newTop, 'left': newLeft });
+ }
+ }
+ if (that.options.onImgZoom) that.options.onImgZoom.call(that);
+ },
+ crop: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ if (that.options.onBeforeImgCrop) that.options.onBeforeImgCrop.call(that);
+ that.cropControlsCrop.hide();
+ that.showLoader();
+ var cropData = {
+ imgUrl: that.imgUrl,
+ imgInitW: that.imgInitW,
+ imgInitH: that.imgInitH,
+ imgW: that.imgW,
+ imgH: that.imgH,
+ imgY1: parseInt(that.img.css('top')),
+ imgX1: parseInt(that.img.css('left')),
+ cropH: that.objH,
+ cropW: that.objW,
+ rotation: that.actualRotation
+ };
+ var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ if (that.options.processInline && canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext('2d')) {
+ canvas.width = cropData.cropW;
+ canvas.height = cropData.cropH;
+ var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ var imageObj = new Image();
+ imageObj.onload = function() {
+ context.drawImage(imageObj, cropData.imgX1, cropData.imgY1, that.imgW, that.imgH);
+ that.afterCrop({
+ status: "success",
+ url: canvas.toDataURL("image/png")
+ });
+ };
+ imageObj.src = that.imgUrl;
+ //canvas.width = cropData.imgW;
+ //canvas.height = cropData.imgH;
+ //var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ //var img = new Image;
+ //img.onload = function () {
+ // ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, cropData.imgW, cropData.imgH);
+ // img = new Image;
+ // img.onload = function () {
+ // canvas.width = cropData.cropW;
+ // canvas.height = cropData.cropH;
+ // ctx.drawImage(img, cropData.imgX1, cropData.imgY1, cropData.cropW, cropData.cropH, 0, 0, cropData.cropW, cropData.cropH);
+ // that.afterCrop({
+ // status: "success",
+ // url: canvas.toDataURL("image/png")
+ // });
+ // }
+ // img.src = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
+ //};
+ //img.src = that.imgUrl;
+ } else {
+ var formData;
+ var key;
+ if (typeof FormData == 'undefined') {
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ var urlEncodedData = "";
+ var urlEncodedDataPairs = [];
+ for (key in cropData) {
+ if (cropData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ urlEncodedDataPairs.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(cropData[key]));
+ }
+ }
+ for (key in that.options.cropData) {
+ if (that.options.cropData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ urlEncodedDataPairs.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(that.options.cropData[key]));
+ }
+ }
+ urlEncodedData = urlEncodedDataPairs.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+');
+ xhr.addEventListener('error', function () {
+ if (that.options.onError) that.options.onError.call(that, "XHR Request failed");
+ });
+ xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
+ if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {
+ that.afterCrop(xhr.responseText);
+ }
+ }
+ xhr.open('POST', that.options.cropUrl);
+ xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
+ xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Length', urlEncodedData.length);
+ xhr.send(urlEncodedData);
+ } else {
+ formData = new FormData();
+ for (key in cropData) {
+ if (cropData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ formData.append(key, cropData[key]);
+ }
- that.img.offset({
- top:imgTop,
- left:imgLeft
- }).on("mouseup", function() {
- $(this).removeClass('draggable').css('z-index', z_idx);
- });
- if(that.options.imgEyecandy){ that.imgEyecandy.offset({ top:imgTop, left:imgLeft }); }
- if (that.objH < that.imgH) {
- if (parseInt(that.img.css('top')) > 0) { that.img.css('top', 0); if (that.options.imgEyecandy) { that.imgEyecandy.css('top', 0);}}
- var maxTop = -( that.imgH - that.objH); if (parseInt(that.img.css('top')) < maxTop) { that.img.css('top', maxTop); if (that.options.imgEyecandy) { that.imgEyecandy.css('top', maxTop); }}
- }else{
- if (parseInt(that.img.css('top')) < 0) { that.img.css('top', 0); if (that.options.imgEyecandy) { that.imgEyecandy.css('top', 0); }}
- var maxTop = that.objH - that.imgH; if (parseInt(that.img.css('top')) > maxTop) { that.img.css('top', maxTop);if (that.options.imgEyecandy) {that.imgEyecandy.css('top', maxTop); }}
- }
- if (that.objW < that.imgW) {
- if( parseInt( that.img.css('left')) > 0 ){ that.img.css('left',0); if(that.options.imgEyecandy){ that.imgEyecandy.css('left', 0); }}
- var maxLeft = -( that.imgW-that.objW); if( parseInt( that.img.css('left')) < maxLeft){ that.img.css('left', maxLeft); if(that.options.imgEyecandy){ that.imgEyecandy.css('left', maxLeft); } }
- }else{
- if( parseInt( that.img.css('left')) < 0 ){ that.img.css('left',0); if(that.options.imgEyecandy){ that.imgEyecandy.css('left', 0); }}
- var maxLeft = ( that.objW - that.imgW); if( parseInt( that.img.css('left')) > maxLeft){ that.img.css('left', maxLeft); if(that.options.imgEyecandy){ that.imgEyecandy.css('left', maxLeft); } }
- }
- if (that.options.onImgDrag) that.options.onImgDrag.call(that);
- });
- }).on("mouseup", function() {
- that.img.off("mousemove");
- }).on("mouseout", function() {
- that.img.off("mousemove");
- });
- },
- rotate: function(x) {
- var that = this;
- that.actualRotation += x;
- that.img.css({
- '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(' + that.actualRotation + 'deg)',
- '-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + that.actualRotation + 'deg)',
- 'transform': 'rotate(' + that.actualRotation + 'deg)',
- });
- if(that.options.imgEyecandy) {
- that.imgEyecandy.css({
- '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(' + that.actualRotation + 'deg)',
- '-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + that.actualRotation + 'deg)',
- 'transform': 'rotate(' + that.actualRotation + 'deg)',
- });
- }
- if (typeof that.options.onImgRotate == 'function')
- that.options.onImgRotate.call(that);
- },
- zoom :function(x){
- var that = this;
- var ratio = that.imgW / that.imgH;
- var newWidth = that.imgW+x;
- var newHeight = newWidth/ratio;
- var doPositioning = true;
- if( newWidth < that.objW || newHeight < that.objH){
- if( newWidth - that.objW < newHeight - that.objH ){
- newWidth = that.objW;
- newHeight = newWidth/ratio;
- }else{
- newHeight = that.objH;
- newWidth = ratio * newHeight;
- }
- doPositioning = false;
- }
- if(!that.options.scaleToFill && (newWidth > that.imgInitW || newHeight > that.imgInitH)){
- if( newWidth - that.imgInitW < newHeight - that.imgInitH ){
- newWidth = that.imgInitW;
- newHeight = newWidth/ratio;
- }else{
- newHeight = that.imgInitH;
- newWidth = ratio * newHeight;
- }
- doPositioning = false;
- }
- that.imgW = newWidth;
- that.img.width(newWidth);
- that.imgH = newHeight;
- that.img.height(newHeight);
- var newTop = parseInt( that.img.css('top') ) - x/2;
- var newLeft = parseInt( that.img.css('left') ) - x/2;
- if( newTop>0 ){ newTop=0;}
- if( newLeft>0 ){ newLeft=0;}
- var maxTop = -( newHeight-that.objH); if( newTop < maxTop){ newTop = maxTop; }
- var maxLeft = -( newWidth-that.objW); if( newLeft < maxLeft){ newLeft = maxLeft; }
- if( doPositioning ){
- that.img.css({'top':newTop, 'left':newLeft});
- }
- if(that.options.imgEyecandy){
- that.imgEyecandy.width(newWidth);
- that.imgEyecandy.height(newHeight);
- if( doPositioning ){
- that.imgEyecandy.css({'top':newTop, 'left':newLeft});
- }
- }
- if (that.options.onImgZoom) that.options.onImgZoom.call(that);
- },
- crop:function(){
- var that = this;
- if (that.options.onBeforeImgCrop) that.options.onBeforeImgCrop.call(that);
- that.cropControlsCrop.hide();
- that.showLoader();
- var cropData = {
- imgUrl:that.imgUrl,
- imgInitW:that.imgInitW,
- imgInitH:that.imgInitH,
- imgW:that.imgW,
- imgH:that.imgH,
- imgY1:Math.abs( parseInt( that.img.css('top') ) ),
- imgX1:Math.abs( parseInt( that.img.css('left') ) ),
- cropH:that.objH,
- cropW:that.objW,
- rotation:that.actualRotation
- };
- var formData;
- if(typeof FormData == 'undefined'){
- var XHR = new XMLHttpRequest();
- var urlEncodedData = "";
- var urlEncodedDataPairs = [];
- for(var key in cropData) {
- urlEncodedDataPairs.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(cropData[key]));
- }
- for(var key in that.options.cropData) {
- urlEncodedDataPairs.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(that.options.cropData[key]));
- }
- urlEncodedData = urlEncodedDataPairs.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+');
- XHR.addEventListener('error', function(event) {
- if (that.options.onError) that.options.onError.call(that,"XHR Request failed");
- });
- XHR.onreadystatechange=function(){
- if (XHR.readyState==4 && XHR.status==200)
- {
- that.afterCrop(XHR.responseText);
- }
- }
- XHR.open('POST', that.options.cropUrl);
- XHR.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
- XHR.setRequestHeader('Content-Length', urlEncodedData.length);
- XHR.send(urlEncodedData);
- }else{
- formData = new FormData();
- for (var key in cropData) {
- if( cropData.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
- formData.append( key , cropData[key] );
- }
- }
- for (var key in that.options.cropData) {
- if( that.options.cropData.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
- formData.append( key , that.options.cropData[key] );
- }
- }
- $.ajax({
- url: that.options.cropUrl,
- data: formData,
- context: document.body,
- cache: false,
- contentType: false,
- processData: false,
- type: 'POST'
- }).always(function (data) {
- that.afterCrop(data);
- });
- }
- //
+ for (key in that.options.cropData) {
+ if (that.options.cropData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ formData.append(key, that.options.cropData[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ $.ajax({
+ url: that.options.cropUrl,
+ data: formData,
+ context: document.body,
+ cache: false,
+ contentType: false,
+ processData: false,
+ type: 'POST'
+ }).always(function (data) {
+ that.afterCrop(data);
+ });
+ }
+ }
- afterCrop: function (data) {
+ afterCrop: function (data) {
var that = this;
- try {
- response = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
- }
- catch(err) {
- response = typeof data =='object' ? data : jQuery.parseJSON(data);
- }
- if (response.status == 'success') {
- if (that.options.imgEyecandy)
- that.imgEyecandy.hide();
+ var response;
+ try {
+ response = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ response = typeof data == 'object' ? data : jQuery.parseJSON(data);
+ }
+ if (response.status === 'success') {
+ if (that.options.imgEyecandy && that.imgEyecandy.length > 0)
+ that.imgEyecandy.hide();
if (that.options.outputUrlId !== '') { $('#' + that.options.outputUrlId).val(response.url); }
@@ -711,50 +812,48 @@
- }
- if (response.status == 'error') {
- if (that.options.onError) that.options.onError.call(that,response.message);
- that.hideLoader();
- setTimeout( function(){ that.reset(); },2000)
+ }
+ if (response.status === 'error') {
+ if (that.options.onError) that.options.onError.call(that, response.message);
+ that.hideLoader();
+ setTimeout(function () { that.reset(); }, 2000);
if (that.options.onAfterImgCrop) that.options.onAfterImgCrop.call(that, response);
- showLoader:function(){
- var that = this;
- that.obj.append(that.options.loaderHtml);
- that.loader = that.obj.find('.loader');
- },
- hideLoader:function(){
- var that = this;
- that.loader.remove();
- },
- reset:function(){
- var that = this;
- that.destroy();
- that.init();
- if( !$.isEmptyObject(that.croppedImg)){
- that.obj.append(that.croppedImg);
- if(that.options.outputUrlId !== ''){ $('#'+that.options.outputUrlId).val(that.croppedImg.attr('url')); }
- }
- if (typeof that.options.onReset == 'function')
+ showLoader: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ that.obj.append(that.options.loaderHtml);
+ that.loader = that.obj.find('.loader');
+ },
+ hideLoader: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ that.loader.remove();
+ },
+ reset: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ that.destroy();
+ that.init();
+ if (!$.isEmptyObject(that.croppedImg)) {
+ that.obj.append(that.croppedImg);
+ if (that.options.outputUrlId !== '') { $('#' + that.options.outputUrlId).val(that.croppedImg.attr('url')); }
+ }
+ if (typeof that.options.onReset == 'function')
- },
- destroy:function(){
- var that = this;
- if(that.options.modal && !$.isEmptyObject(that.modal) ){ that.destroyModal(); }
- if(that.options.imgEyecandy && !$.isEmptyObject(that.imgEyecandy) ){ that.destroyEyecandy(); }
- if( !$.isEmptyObject( that.cropControlsUpload ) ){ that.cropControlsUpload.remove(); }
- if( !$.isEmptyObject( that.cropControlsCrop ) ){ that.cropControlsCrop.remove(); }
- if( !$.isEmptyObject( that.loader ) ){ that.loader.remove(); }
- if( !$.isEmptyObject( that.form ) ){ that.form.remove(); }
- that.obj.html('');
- },
- isAjaxUploadSupported: function () {
+ },
+ destroy: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ if (that.options.modal && !$.isEmptyObject(that.modal)) { that.destroyModal(); }
+ if (that.options.imgEyecandy && !$.isEmptyObject(that.imgEyecandy)) { that.destroyEyecandy(); }
+ if (!$.isEmptyObject(that.cropControlsUpload)) { that.cropControlsUpload.remove(); }
+ if (!$.isEmptyObject(that.cropControlsCrop)) { that.cropControlsCrop.remove(); }
+ if (!$.isEmptyObject(that.loader)) { that.loader.remove(); }
+ if (!$.isEmptyObject(that.form)) { that.form.remove(); }
+ that.obj.html('');
+ },
+ isAjaxUploadSupported: function () {
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "file";
@@ -765,12 +864,11 @@
typeof (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload != "undefined");
CreateFallbackIframe: function () {
- var that = this;
- if (!that.isAjaxUploadSupported()) {
+ var that = this;
+ if (!that.isAjaxUploadSupported()) {
+ var iframe;
if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(that.iframeobj)) {
- var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
+ iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.setAttribute("id", that.id + "_upload_iframe");
iframe.setAttribute("name", that.id + "_upload_iframe");
iframe.setAttribute("width", "0");
@@ -787,7 +885,7 @@
+ 'Uploading File'
+ ''
+ '