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Releases: scotticles/EasyPing

Slack and GoogleChat Rooms! - Webhooks

01 Aug 21:53
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Added a webhook field into the csv database file. You can now use Google Chat room notifications and/or Slack events notifications. Whats cool about this is you can do both at the same time, and email and pushover...

the syntax is "gchat:https://mygchatwebhook,slack:https://myslackwebhook"

Why would you want to have all these notification options? I run this service for different people that want to watch different things and so being able to hook in multiple emails, pushovers, slack and/or gchat, its awesome. If you want additional webhook options, create an issue.

Im figuring out the license options and next release should have it in place.


30 Jul 20:34
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0.3 Release

This cleans up a couple bugs, finished the script section and cleaned up the Readme.

Fixes and a Menu system

20 Jul 21:52
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The script part isnt ready yet, forgot it was halfway through it.

  • added CLI options, you can add view and remove hosts via cli!
    • You can remove the banner and i made a cron mode so it removes the banner and the start stop timestamps that you wouldnt want in logs.
  • renamed a few things, check the csv with the example to make sure things still work

My next release will be cleaning up the loops and getting the script completely polished, then i'll update the readme with new pics and a gif demoing it.

Second Update

19 Jul 23:09
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This release has many changes I have been planning to do since its creations:

  • Added Web checks
  • Run custom scripts
  • Groups - where i can assign devices to a group and just run those.
  • The back end has parallelism so you can create x workers to run the tasks if you have many devices, I suggest started at 3-5 workers.
  • Notifications got a visit and are better and added in the Pushover API, if you aren't using pushover, go get on it, its awesome.

Upcoming Features:

  • PNG files for a simple way to make status pages and graphics to use for links to the status page.
  • Timestamps for last up and last down that might be able to add value to the recover messages?

Ideas I am tossing around to improve a status page
Im considering RDDTool graphs but i don't know if i want to get into that. Maybe a sparkline graph or something?

First Release

18 Sep 17:54
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This is the first release