This is a CLI for managing Funnelback roles.
The CLI expects source (design) files for roles in common/roles. Where roles differ between Funnelback environments, they will be found in dev/roles, uat/roles or prd/roles.
It writes state files for roles to .state//roles, where is the name of the environment (dev, uat or prd).
Credentials for Funnelback can be configured in the ~/.netrc file. For example:
password secret123!
Initial setup:
# Install dependencies
python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run:
# Add current directory to path
export PATH="$PWD:$PATH"
# Change to directory with configuration files
cd ../funnelback-config
# See help
fbctl --help
fbctl roles --help
# Sync roles in source files to uat
fbctl roles sync uat
# Fetch roles from dev to state directory
fbctl roles fetch dev
# Detect drift between source files and state directory for dev
# (This is an offline operation)
fbctl roles drift dev