This document outlines the Spack-based software deployment process in use by the San Diego Supercomputer Center's (SDSC) High-Performance Computing (HPC) User Services Group. All definitions, procedures, conventions, and policies defined within this guide are used by the group to build and maintain the custom Spack instances they deploy on SDSC's HPC systems for end users.
This is a new and evolving software deployment process in development and use by the SDSC HPC User Services Group to centrally manage HPC software on HPC systems with Spack. Please consider the status of the project as a pre-alpha release at this time. Use at your own risk.
- A Spack instance is a unique, stand-alone installation of a
specific version of
that includes custom Spack configuration files, Spack packages, and a collection of Spack-installed software applications, libraries, and utilities. - A Spack package is a set of instructions that defines how a specific piece of software is compiled and/or installed by Spack. For example, a Spack package specifies where to find and how to retrieve the software's source code, its required (and/or optional) software dependencies, its compile-time options, any patches to apply, etc. A Spack package is primarily defined by it file.
- A Spack spec is a string descriptor that specifies a particular build configuration of a Spack package. The full syntax of a spec may include the package name, its version, the compiler it should be built with, the compiler version, the system architecture it should be compiled for, any compile-time options for the package, and any requirements that should be enforced on its dependencies at build time.
- The core packages of a Spack instance are those software applications, libraries, and/or utilities compiled with Spack using the default system compiler. These packages form the foundation of the software environment upon which additional Spack packages are built. In general, the core packages of a Spack instance are a set of (core) compilers and other general software utilities. e.g., version control systems, data transfer tools, etc.
- A Spack package dependency chain is an explicitly-defined
ordered set of Spack specs that share a common (core) compiler and/or MPI library, may depend on one another (or share other software dependencies), and should be installed one after another, one at a time, as prescribed by their dependencies. - A Spack deployment branch is a trunk-like branch for a specific
version of
that tracks all of the Spack configuration files, Spack packages, and Spack specs used to deploy a Spack instance (or a set of instances).
The sdsc/spack project is a custom fork of the Spack project's main GitHub repository, which is referred to in this guide as the spack/spack repo. The primary aim of the sdsc/spack repo is to manage and track all changes made to the custom Spack instances deployed by SDSC on its HPC systems.
The sdsc/spack repo and its use in practice are fundamentally structured
around the concept of deployment branches. A deployment branch is a
trunk-like branch created from an unmodifed, official release version
of spack
and is named accordingly, unless special circumstances
require that an intermediate commit be used. For example, the
deployment branch was created by checking out the
v0.17.3 release
Once a version of Spack is selected and checked out, only a few minor changes and/or additions are made to the Spack release in order to initialize a deployment branch within the sdsc/spack repo. These modifications are as follows:
- The official version of the Spack
file is removed and replaced with the latest version of this document --- the SDSC HPC Software Deployment Guide. - The latest version of the sdsc/spack
file is also included to provide information on how one may contribute to the sdsc/spack project and its deployment branches. - A Spack package repository ---
--- created to store all custom Spack packages created and/or maintained by SDSC, including all of SDSC's custom modifications to Spack's existingbuiltin
packages. - A Spack instance repository ---
--- is created to ...
All other types of branches (see should start from a deployment branch.
Write access to the sdsc/spack repository is restricted to SDSC team members who are responsible for managing and tracking issues, reviewing and merging pull requests, and maintaining the custom deployment branches in the repository. All other SDSC team members who wish to contribute to the sdsc/spack repository should submit their changes via pull requests from their own public fork of the sdsc/spack repository.
etc/spack/repos.yaml var/spack/repos/sdsc/repo.yaml var/spack/repos/sdsc/packages
etc/spack/sdsc/expanse/0.17.3/cpu/specs etc/spack/sdsc/expanse/0.17.3/cpu/yamls
Login to the Spack user account designated for the ownership, deployment, and managment of the new instance. e.g., All production instances on Expanse targeted at and optimized for ...
sudo -u spack_cpu ssh
Start an interactive session on the reserved build node with write access to the /cm/shared filesystem.
srun --partition=ind-shared --reservation=root_73 --account=use300 --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=16 --mem=32G --time=48:00:00 --pty --wait=0 /bin/bash
Navigate to the Spack version directory.
cd /cm/shared/apps/spack/0.17.3
Create a instance name directory and change to it.
mkdir cpu
and then change to it.
cd cpu/
Clone the sdsc/spack GitHub repository and rename its top-level directory to the deployment version.
git clone a/
And then change to the directory.
cd a/
Check out the latest version of the deployment branch for the instance.
git checkout sdsc-0.17.3
Navigate to the etc/spack directory.
cd etc/spack
Copy the instance's initial configuration files to etc/spack.
cp sdsc/expanse/0.17.3/cpu/yamls/\*.yaml ./
Navigate to the specs directory for the instance.
cd sdsc/expanse/0.17.3/cpu/specs
Modify the core spec build scripts as necessary
sed -i 's/#SBATCH --reservation=root_63/#SBATCH --reservation=root_73/g' *.sh
and then submit the spec build script at the start of the instance's core (non-compiler) package dependency chain to the scheduler.
After the core (non-compiler) packages are built and installed successfully, run the spec build script for the primary GCC compiler for the instance.
Once the primary GCC compiler is installed, edit the
configuration file in etc/spackvi "${SPACK_ROOT}/etc/spack/compilers.yaml"
to include the default compiler build flags.
flags: cflags: -O2 -march=native cxxflags: -O2 -march=native fflags: -O2 -march=native
Once the GCC compiler 's Spack configuration is complete, run its package dependency chain.
Follow map from here. adjust spec build scripts as necessary.
Create a dependency chain map on how to deploy any instance tracked in the repository. Place map in instance directory. e.g.
- deploy change to configuration file
- add new package to sdsc package repository
- spack install a new spec
As discussed in its Contribution Guide, the Spack project currently uses
the develop
branch as its main development branch. This branch contains
all of the latest contributions to the project from the Spack community
and it is the branch on which tagged version releases of Spack are
currently made. Moreover, all pull requests submitted back upstream to
the Spack project are generally expected to start from and target the
develop branch. As such, NO COMMITS or MERGES should ever be made
directly to the develop branch of the sdsc/spack repository (or your own
public fork of the sdsc/spack repository). It is maintained as an exact
mirror copy of the Spack project's upstream develop branch and nothing
When the develop branch of the sdsc/spack repository (or your own public fork of the sdsc/spack repository) needs to be re-synchronized with the spack/spack upstream develop branch, you can fetch and merge all of the recent changes as follows:
git clone
cd spack
git fetch origin
git checkout develop
git remote add upstream
git fetch --tags upstream
git merge upstream/develop
git push
git push --tags
A new deployment branch should be created prior to upgrading to a new version of Spack. To create a new deployment branch, first fetch changes and resync the develop branch from the spack/spack upstream repository as described above. Then create the new deployment branch from one of the most recent tagged releases available.
git stash
git pull
git stash pop