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Sean Hinkley edited this page May 5, 2022 · 2 revisions

# Change Network Adapter

The network configuration on every computer is almost certainly going to be different. The default settings in this conky config was made for my laptop and may need to be adjusted for your laptop or desktop.

  1. Open Conky.conf in your editor of choice ~/.conky/conky.conf

  2. Open terminal

  3. type 'ip add' without quotes

    a. look for your adapters name in my case it is wlo2

    b. Output will look like this:


  1. in your editor find the network section in conky.conf line #69 note that there are 2 network adapters, enp0s25 and wlo2, enp0s25 is the wired adpater, and wlo2 is the wireless adapter. Highlight the device you wish to update, and use the replace function (usually ctrl+h). And replace the adapter name with the one you found in terminal.
  2. Save conky.conf, conky should auto restart. if not in terminal type 'killall conky' then 'conky -c ~./conky/conky.conf'

# Change/Add Drive Volumes

  1. Open Conky.conf in your editor of choice ~/.conky/conky.conf
  2. Find the volume line for root
    ${color1}${font Font Awesome 6 Free:style=Solid:pixelsize=13}${font}${goto 30}Root${alignr}${fs_free} free / ${fs_size}
  3. to Add a Volume copy the entire line, then modify the '/' value to reflect the mounted volume

example Storage drive is auto-mounted in /Media/uname/Storage this will report for the Storage Volume

to use a phycical medium you can look to the physical device such as /dev/sda or /dev/sdb1

${color1}${font Font Awesome 6 Free:style=Solid:pixelsize=13}${font}${goto 30}Storage${alignr}${fs_free /media/sean/Storage} free / ${fs_size /media/sean/Storage}

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