SoCPlanner is a module planning web application for NUS School of Computing students jointly developed by me and @zhuoyang125 for NUS Orbital 2021, and we achieved the Apollo Advanced Award. The frontend uses ReactJS, while the backend uses NodeJS and all data is stored on a MongoDB database.
This application allows you to:
- Plan out the modules you intend to take for your 4 years in NUS!
- Check if you pass the graduating requirements for your chosen major and specialisation
- Import module plans from our database for your desired major or specialisation
- Save your module plan as a JPEG
No account is needed to use the application, as your module plan will be automatically saved in your browser's local storage. 👍
However, creating an account will provide you with these additional features:
- Submitting your module plan to help future batches of NUS SOC students
- Commenting on submitted module plans
- Rating submitted module plans
Try out SoCPlanner here (The application might take a few minutes to startup due to Heroku's policy.)