The team structure was established from personal strengths including technical experience and relevant soft skills. Due to the difference in requirements for subsequent submissions, roles were allocated for the 1st submission only (bar project manager). Roles will be reviewed and reallocated as appropriate for the 2nd and 3rd subsmissions.
- Responsible for the allocation of tasks within group based on personal strengths of team members
- Responsible for the communication with lecturers/course director
- Part-responsible for the project requirements and UI sections
- Allocated because of strengths in organisation and leadership
- Responsible for UI development including designing mock-ups of ideas
- Responsible for delegation of UI development tasks
- Laise with requirements team to ensure all functional requirements are covered in design
- Allocated because of design strengths and previous design experience
- Responsible for software design of system
- Responsible for collaborating and reaching decisions of architecture and technology requirements
- Laise with requirements team to ensure all functional and non-functional requirements are met
- Allocated because of software development experience and skills
- Responsible for consistency across project in reaching goals of functional requirements
- Responsible for reviewing and analyzing data capture techniques
- Laise with UI Lead and Software Design team to ensure project meets requirements
- Allocated because of technological knowledge of similar systems and connections to game community
- Responsibilities as above
- Responsible for choosing risk analysis and mitigation methods/strategies
- Responsible for ensuring all risks are identified and attributed to the correct subsection
- Responsible for applying risk mitigation strategies within the development plan
- Responsible for choosing development model for the creation of the prototype
- Responsible for identifying specific tasks required to complete prototype development and creating a schedule to complete these
- Allocated due to dependencies on knowledge of software architecture required for the planning of individual tasks
Team communications were established initially though microsoft teams group where team members introduces themselves and the first zoom meeting was held. Teams was also used for small updates or questions which did not require a full meeting.
Zoom meetings were held every 4/5 days to keep the group up to date on progress and raise general queries. These meetings were imperative to consistency across the project.
All relevant files were uploaded to the gitlab repository so they were available for all team members to reference and edit.