Releases: sero-cash/serominer
Parameter setting:
serominer.exe -P stratum1+tcp://[YOUR COLLECT ADDRESS].[YOUR HOST NAME]@[POOL-IP]:[POOL-PORT] [-U] [-G] [--cuda-devices=0 1 2] [--opencl-devices=1 2]
-U # use CUDA >= v9.2 (Nvidia card)
--cuda-devices=0 1 2 # only use 0,1,2 cards for CUDA
-G # use OpenCL (support AMD and Nvidia cards)
--opencl-devices=0 1 2 # only use 0,1,2 cards for OpenCL
- For Nvidia Card, please install the driver of cuda10.0. Normally, you only need to set -U. Nivida has weak support for OpenCL.
- For AMD Card, you need to set -G, set --opencl-devices to filter out the integrated card.
Example for Nvidia cards:
serominer.exe -P stratum1+tcp://4ujQrFsaYqMugcBCiqKyJyTYpzA35TkmobaSVNru3ubTuhHPzYqdeJdk4V8pcnLhWNu2WCrznJhHqWZzxtnqgTsL.opencl_worker@ -U
Example for OpenCL(AMD) cards:
serominer.exe -P stratum1+tcp://4ujQrFsaYqMugcBCiqKyJyTYpzA35TkmobaSVNru3ubTuhHPzYqdeJdk4V8pcnLhWNu2WCrznJhHqWZzxtnqgTsL.cuda_worker@ -G
Pool List
PKG md5: 456982d8e220f4be0a3b69074de8a9b4 md5: 40854374f15a873809262c21b9c7e214
This release is used to test progpow compatibility. Miners participating can test their GPU hashrate in the official pool.
Since the GPU's hashrate is high, please connect to the pool use stratum protocol.
Parameter setting:
serominer.exe -P stratum1+tcp://[YOUR COLLECT ADDRESS].[YOUR HOST NAME]@129.204.197:8010 [-U] [-G] [--cuda-devices=0 1 2] [--opencl-devices=1 2]-U use CUDA 10.0 (Nvidia recommend)
--cuda-devices=0 1 2 only use 0,1,2 cards for CUDA-G use OpenCL (support AMD and Nvidia cards)
--opencl-devices=0 1 2 only use 0,1,2 cards for OpenCL -
- For Nvidia Card, please install the driver of cuda10.0. Normally, you only need to set -U. Nivida has weak support for OpenCL.
- For AMD Card, you need to set -G, set --opencl-devices to filter out the integrated card.
Example for Nvidia cards:
serominer.exe -P stratum1+tcp://4ujQrFsaYqMugcBCiqKyJyTYpzA35TkmobaSVNru3ubTuhHPzYqdeJdk4V8pcnLhWNu2WCrznJhHqWZzxtnqgTsL.opencl_worker@ -U -
Example for OpenCL(AMD) cards:
serominer.exe -P stratum1+tcp://4ujQrFsaYqMugcBCiqKyJyTYpzA35TkmobaSVNru3ubTuhHPzYqdeJdk4V8pcnLhWNu2WCrznJhHqWZzxtnqgTsL.cuda_worker@ -G -
The Official Pool
Situation review: