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Serres Hackathon 5.0 (2023) - Topic solution

The topic of this year is about 5 square tiles named "pentominos".

Questions and Tasks

B. Algorithms in practice

No Points Question/Task Answer type Answer
1 5pt Which is the minimal orthogonal Canvas cells (integer) needed to hold all the 12 Shapes without black cells inside? Integer 60
2 5pt What is the smallest Perimeter of a Group? Integer 14
3 5pt What is the largest Perimeter of a Group? Integer 22
4 5pt Which 2 Shapes can create a square Group? Letter list L0,P5 image example
5 10pt Which 2-Shape Groups look the same (on a 2d representation) with any other 2-Shape Group? Letter list image
6 10pt How many unique* solutions can you find for a 3×20 Canvas? Integer 2, source
7 10pt How many unique solutions can you find for a 5×3 Canvas? Integer 7, source
8 10pt How many unique solutions can you find for a 4×15 Canvas? Integer 368, source
9 20pt How many unique solutions can you find for a 3×21 Canvas with 3 black holes as seen on the image below? "3x21 Canvas with 3 black holes" Integer 6, source
10 20pt Which Shapes can be put together to make a copy of the P-shape which is bigger from the original piece. Letter list ZVVV ZZZV NNZV PNNN PP PP image

* Unique solutions: Where the answer is not a result of a simple rotation or flip of the whole (solved) canvas. If we do so all the answers provided here should be multiplied by number 4.

Total: 100pts.

C. Graphical User Interface (GUI)

No Points Question/Task
11 5pt The cell dimensions on the screen (eg 10x10px, small/medium/large etc)
12 5pt The Canvas black holes positions
13 5pt The Canvas dimensions (notice that you should be able to create any 2d Canvas)
14 5pt The option to rotate and flip the Shapes or not.
15 10pt The Shapes to use for the solver (some of the 12 or all of them).
16 20pt Save every problem on a configuration file (txt, json, database entry etc) so the GUI can load it in the future.
17 5pt Display the time of execution for each solution.
18 10pt Display the colorized Shapes located on the Canvas.
19 10pt Display the number of unique solutions found every time.
20 25pt Display or download the full results (all combinations) of a solution as plain text as shown on the function No 6 of Section A.

Total: 100pts.

D. Master questions (bonus)

No Points Question/Task Answer type Answer
21 5pt Which algorithm did you mainly used to solve the problem? Text
22 5pt For Q1, which are the width, height dimensions of the Canvas solutions you found? Array of x,y 4x15, 3x20, 5x12, 6x10
23 10pt For Q2, how can you be certain that no other Perimeters could be made? Text example
24 15pt Can you generate the "Tower of Thessaloniki" using all the 12 Shapes? Letter list image
25 15pt Can you generate a "symmetric butterfly" using all the 12 Shapes? Letter list image

Total: 50pts.


About Pentomino

Algorithms & papers


  • pentomino, pentominoes
  • polyomino, puzzle
  • backtracking algorithm
  • depth-first traversal algorithm
  • Exact Cover problem
  • dancing links (DLX)
  • Knuth's Algorithm X
  • Brute force search
  • Constraint programming
  • Integer linear programming (ILP)
  • Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solvers
  • coordinates, matrix, grid, table, vector
  • symmetry
  • elimination

Tips and ideas

  • Consider using an "anchor" Shape to start the positioning of the Shapes on the Canvas. The best Shape to become an anchor is the "X" letter.
  • Some Canvas positions should be disallowed for each Shape by default.
  • You can solve a Canvas problem once and then try to replace or rearrange (rotate, swap, flip) Congruent Groups of Shapes by any means to find out more combinations.
  • You can try fill a Canvas by starting filling its borders clockwise.
  • You can represent the Shapes and Canvas as arrays, matrix, string etc.