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[ Intro ] - [ Jail Creation ] - [ Bitcoin ] - [ Tor & i2p ] - [ Electrum ] - [ lnd ] - [ loopd ] - [RTL] - [ mempool ] - [ Extras ]

TrueNASnode - full bitcoin stack deployment guide BSDBTC60.png

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Install RTL

Read up on RTL here. Find the latest RTL release here

If not already there, SSH into your freenas box and switch to your bitcoin jail.

# pkg install node npm python cairo
# cd ~
# wget
# tar -xvf v0.13.4.tar.gz
# rm v0.13.4.tar.gz
# mv ~/RTL-0.13.4 ~/rtl
# cd rtl
# npm install --omit=dev --legacy-peer-deps

Once the install is complete, create RTL-Config.json configuration options:

# nano ~/rtl/RTL-Config.json

Edit the following lines, make sure to set multiPass:

  "multiPass": "enteryourownpasswordhere",
  "port": "3000",
  "defaultNodeIndex": 1,
  "SSO": {
    "rtlSSO": 0,
    "rtlCookiePath": "",
    "logoutRedirectLink": ""
  "nodes": [
      "index": 1,
      "lnNode": "My BSD Node",
      "lnImplementation": "LND",
      "Authentication": {
        "macaroonPath": "/var/db/lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet",
        "swapMacaroonPath": "/var/db/loopd/mainnet",
        "configPath": "/usr/local/etc/lnd.conf"
      "Settings": {
        "userPersona": "OPERATOR",
        "themeMode": "NIGHT",
        "themeColor": "PURPLE",
        "currencyUnit": "USD",
        "bitcoindConfigPath": "/usr/local/etc/bitcoin.conf",
        "channelBackupPath": "/root/rtl",
        "enableLogging": false,
        "lnServerUrl": "https://localhost:8080/v1",
        "swapServerUrl": "https://localhost:8081/v1",
        "fiatConversion": false

Save (CTRL+O,ENTER) then exit (CTRL+X)

Configure Autostart

# nano /usr/local/etc/rc.d/rtl

Add the following lines:

# PROVIDE: rtl
# REQUIRE: bitcoind lnd loopd

. /etc/rc.subr
rtl_command="/usr/local/bin/node /root/rtl/rtl"
command_args="-P ${pidfile} -r -f ${rtl_command}"

load_rc_config $name
: ${rtl_enable:=no}

run_rc_command "$1"

Save (CTRL+O,ENTER) then exit (CTRL+X)

Make the service script executable:

# chmod +x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/rtl

Enable in `etc/rc.conf'

# nano /etc/rc.conf

Append the following line:


Save (CTRL+O,ENTER) then exit (CTRL+X)

Give it a run!

# service rtl start

Now connect on your web browser at the jail ip:3000 or myprivateonionaddressocyn4rixm632jid.onion:3000 for remote connections.

Set loop macaroon path in RTL

In the RTL web UI go to: Node Config > Services > Loop Enter Loop Macaroon Path


Click Update

Upgrade RTL

# service rtl stop
# wget
# tar -xvf v0.14.1.tar.gz
# cp ~/rtl/RTL-Config.json ~/RTL-0.14.1/RTL-Config.json
# rm -r ~/rtl
# mv ~/RTL-0.14.1 ~/rtl
# rm v0.14.1.tar.gz
# cd rtl
# npm install --omit=dev --legacy-peer-deps
# service rtl start

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