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Wikidata-Election-Workshop |
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- Date: 30th September 2017, 14-18 o'clock
- Location: Wikimedia Österreich - Stolzenthalergasse 7/1, 1080 Wien
- Language: English / German
- Target Audience: Election-Nerds, people who are interested in Wikidata, Wiki-Community, Students, Women
- Workshop Facilitator: Stefan Kasberger, Peter Grassberger, Tobias Schönberg, Simeona, Jean-Fred
- Etherpad: for documentation and communication during the workshop
- OffeneWahlenAT
- Bring with you: Laptop with power supply, optional mouse.
- Preparation: Browser and Text-Editor should be installed. Please register a Wikidata account. For very motivated participants, you can have a look around Wikidata and elections here.
- No entrance fee
<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="" style="border: 1px solid black"></iframe>
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- Welcome
- Introduction Round
- Introduction Wikidata
- Introduction Wikidata and Elections (Stefan Kasberger)
- Break
- Workshop pt. I
- Break
- Workshop pt. II
- Conclusion