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Adam Gincel edited this page Aug 3, 2016 · 1 revision

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Adding Games

go to /data/games.js

You're probably smart enough to figure this out on your own, but the structure of a game in the file is as follows:

    title: //the name of the game
    time: //when it was made, ie a game jam
    thumbnail: //game thumbnails go in /images/games
	//they get resized to 128px width, height auto
    description: //game's description. Don't go super long
    links: //an array of objects, sorry. example:
    //[{text: "what it says", link: "real link"}, {..}]
    //this was so we could have the links say anything we
    //wanted, and have multiple. it's kinda weird I know.
    devs: //an array of strings, each one a name

I've been adding the games in reverse chronological order (ie, newest at the top.) I think that makes the most sense, but if you wanna rearrange that that's your prerogative I guess.

Thankfully makes it fairly easy to add people's games to the site. Thumbnails, links, and descriptions are already made for you. Maybe members will wanna do the work for you in the future, but I always had to add games myself in my time.

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