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Jaguar is an open source Java project that aims to be a fully functioning web app. It has a login and sign up page to access the dashboard. Furthermore, users can edit and delete their account.
A comprehensive list of upcoming features can be found here.
- Edit profile functionality
- A cool dashboard
- Delete account functionality
- Extremely secure password hashing (new hash each time!)
- and more to come, such as
- Sign in with Google and GitHub
- Captcha
- Forgot password functionality
To install, clone the git repo:
git clone
The project requires the latest version of Apache Maven and Java. Furthermore, to contribute, make sure you have geckodriver and Firefox installed as Selenium runs on Firefox.
To run the program, type
mvn spring-boot:run
in the command line and go to localhost:8080 in a browser. The app should be running.
This project uses