An appsync-boilerplate with Go, created with SST.
Install the example.
npm intall
Start the Live Lambda Development environment.
npm sst start
Change the default stage and region
# Start
npx sst start --stage alpha --region us-west-1
# Build
npx sst build --stage alpha --region us-west-1
# Deploy
npx sst deploy --stage alpha --region us-west-1
# Remove
npx sst remove --stage alpha --region us-west-1
Once your local environment is ready, head over to the AppSync console.
Here you can run queries and mutations and make changes locally to test your Lambda resolvers.
mutation create {
create(input: { id: "001", content: "My note" }) {
query getOne {
getOne(input: {id: "001"}) {
query list {
list {
mutation update {
update(input: { id: "001", content: "My updated note" }) {
mutation delete {
delete(input: {id: "001"})
Starts the local Lambda development environment.
Build your app and synthesize your stacks.
Generates a .build/
directory with the compiled files and a .build/cdk.out/
directory with the synthesized CloudFormation stacks.
Deploy all your stacks to AWS. Or optionally deploy a specific stack.
Remove all your stacks and all of their resources from AWS. Or optionally remove a specific stack.
Runs your tests using Jest. Takes all the Jest CLI options.
Learn more about SST.