Quotes App is built to demonstrate the use of Modern Android development tools.The app follows latest android principles and components
This a minimalistic quotes app.
This project will be best for you if ur someone who are looking to learn more about android development or
Who are trying to find simpler projects to begin their contribution journey
Install the apk from here 👇
- Kotlin
- Jetpack Compose
- Flow
- Coroutines
- MVVM+Clean Architecture
- Hilt
- Retrofit
- Room
- If your new to open source and want to play around with contribution you can do it here or u can raise issue if you want to make any improvements or fix any bugs
- Tip for beginners : Try to fix small bugs and dont get overwhelmed by the source code , take your time... Start by making small fixes or making small changes 👍
Connect me using shalenmj@gmail.com
Twitter - https://twitter.com/shalenMathew
Linkedln - https://www.linkedin.com/in/shalen-mathew-3b566921b/